Chapter 15

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Spring rain had dominated the sky for a few days now, and the clouds showed no signs of retreat. Gods of thunder had driven mere mortals into their dwellings, as they nourished the earth with springs of water for the coming summer blooms.

The heavy downpour made travel of any kind, whether it be by foot, carriage or otherwise, impossible. As a result, parlour games became popular amongst most guests who were by now bored of their confinement.

While everyone was gathered by the fire in the drawing room, indulging in assortment of activities like playing cards, embroidering or simply sipping wine, Katherine had secluded herself in the manor's conservatory.

Though it was attached to the main building, conservatory was likely a new edition. Probably made in the recent years, as it was entirely made of glass walls. On a sunny day one could see the velvet blue sky through its ceiling. It was adequately furnished for the family to take their evening tea, in the company of exotic continental flowers.

On this thunderous rainy day, Katherine found a sense of serenity here. Constant humdrum of raindrops against the glass formed a peaceful rhythm and occasional streaks of light in the sky fused with mist lended the atmosphere a romantic gloom.

She was so engrossed in her painting that she didn't noticed someone had entered her sanctuary and was observing her with keen interest.

"Those are quite pretty crocuses you have painted." Said a voice from behind, startling her.

"You almost scared me out of my wits, my Lord." she said looking at her intruder.

"I needn't remind you again, but call me Arthur." He said taking a seat besides her "I saw your candle burning from a distance, as I was passing and thought to see who might be here, in this dreary weather. In truth, I expected the gardener, not you."

"If I may ask, why are you here, by yourself? Shouldn't you be in the drawing room with everyone else? Few days ago you were begging me to let you have some company. Today would have been a good opportunity and yet I see you avoiding it" He remarked.

"I am not avoiding anything, unlike you. You see, this is the only time I could use the conservatory for my painting. When I am exposed to too much sunlight, sometimes it induces vicious migraines and thus I can't come here on a bright sunny day to paint. Not without a proper bonnet at least." She explained.

"I love being outdoors, but I take great caution not be out in the middle of the day when the sun is most potent. I prefer to be out in early mornings or evenings when the sun is much milder." She turned back to focus on colouring her leaves.

"What do you mean by 'I am not avoiding anything, unlike you.'? Please do tell." He demanded an explanation and she realized much too late that she had accidentally poked the bear.

"I only meant, that you generally tend to avoid any sort of gathering in this house unless it is absolutely necessary. No one ever sees you mingling with your guests unless it is at dinner, where being Lord of the manor in your father's lieu, it is somewhat obligatory for you to be present. And I take it that you wish to avoid marriage too, or else your mother wouldn't have been so insistent on having two other families here, both with abundance of unmarried young ladies, while your father lays ill. She clearly intends to tempt you into the bliss of matrimony." She casually laid out the truth while still focused on her painting. Something about her observation unsettled him, and he felt the need to defend himself.

"I am not against marriage, it is just a huge responsibility in my opinion. Taking on another human being under your care, all the whilst you already have so many other people; family members, tenants and servants to look after. Add to that obligation the task of taking your wife into society, to attend balls, parties, theater and what not, to keep her pleased. In addition to attending parliament and managing your business and estates. It may bot seem so bad at first, but I think marriage does become a tedious task overtime"

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