❝But what can I do when it's you I have the sweet tooth for?❞
As much as Kim Namjoon was smitten with Shin Youngmi, the latter was equally oblivious of the fact. Basically, his ceaseless patience was to blame, which also end...
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"Huh? You're kidding, right? Because I'm sure that it was just yesterday when you hauled me over the coals for suspecting Ewan. What happened all of a sudden for you to change your mind like this?" Namjoon sniggered, pretending that he could not care less about Nora's discovery.
He resumed to wolfing down on the leftover noodles which— although nowhere close to appearing as such— seemed more of a cross for him to bear at the moment than the news that had just knocked onto his door. Although Namjoon was no expert in the field, he had unerringly cottoned on to the nature of police duties, and how the endless chases after miscreants all but resembled the classic game of chess.
A mind game which entailed a multitude of consequences.
An orchestration that would either necessitate going back and forth until the scales were tipped in one's favor, or reach an impasse that could not be fixed regardless of the efforts put into the same.
Could Namjoon even afford to take a cop's word when the culmination point still remained far from the clear sight?
"I don't declare my thoughts unless I have reliable proofs backing my claims. That's why I wasn't quite supportive of your stance back then. Deeming a case to be advancing in a particular way is like straightaway operating on someone without a diagnosis, if you get what I mean. Try putting yourself in my shoes for once." Nora remarked, a frown developing on her features.
"I see." Namjoon exhaled, shifting on his seat to directly face the female, "Well, now that you do have the evidences on you, I wonder if you can provide answers to some of my questions?"
Nora's brows twitched in hesitation, though she still bobbed her head nevertheless.
"Why did he transfer senior's money to the NGO when buying stocks in his company has been an option since the beginning?" He started, clasping his hands together as he leaned forward.
"To evade taxes? What else? Have youneverdonated to such causes, Doc?" Nora pulled another chair out, offering unsolicited company to Namjoon on his dining table as she reposed on it.
Namjoon cleared his throat, possibly embarrassed on being called out like that, "Wh—why did he not relay the whole amount, then? Why do it in stages and attract the authorities' attention when such a safe passage was open for him?"
"I don't know... maybe he had cold feet— Ah, forget what I just said. We all know he's a man without conscience. So let's just consider that I'm clueless here since there's literally no logical justification to it." Nora shrugged her shoulders, desultorily glimpsing at her wrist watch to keep track of time.
"About the shell company, why did he set up one in Angola? I mean, isn't the condition there like... volatile?" Namjoon quizzed, his visage contorting in confusion.
"Yes it is, and that's what made it the perfect spot for him to carry on with his cheap tricks. The laws there are relatively fluid when it comes to money laundering, so he must've been under the impression that since he was legally not breaking any regulation, he won't really get caught. And I can't help but admit that to some extent, the man was indeed right about that." Nora cast a pensive glance, continuing only when Namjoon had reciprocated her gesture, "If he wasn't already in the bad books of my agency, do you think I'd be here... tracking him like a maniac? No, right?"