❝But what can I do when it's you I have the sweet tooth for?❞
As much as Kim Namjoon was smitten with Shin Youngmi, the latter was equally oblivious of the fact. Basically, his ceaseless patience was to blame, which also end...
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Clutching onto the knot of his tie, Namjoon swiveled his gaze in belief that the crowd around— which had also had its attention gravitated towards him for reasons that he just could not make head or tail of, for a rather uncomfortable amount of time now— must have dispersed itself to attend to its chores of comparatively— and hopefully, greater significance. However, much to his dismay, a majority of that flock instead preferred to stay back and humble the overdressed fellow who was miserably stuck in one of the corners of the diner.
Feeling defeated at the hands of such pertinacious strangers— who also consisted of a fair chunk of the server class— Namjoon buried his face in his hands, letting out a low grunt at his almost-infinitesimal presence of mind. As if the incertitude regarding the cause of that unasked-for heed was not already gnawing him on the inside, Youngmi was taking all the time in the world to arrive at the venue, abandoning the poor soul— all on his own— to be further feasted upon by those vulture-eyed onlookers.
The worst part in all of it being Namjoon's cluelessness as to how long was this waiting period supposed to be.
Namjoon was devastatingly torn between deciding whether people not depriving him of their unremitting stares was a result of him being unsuitably dressed for a seemingly trivial, farcical date, or rather it was due to the fact that he was very much likely to be marooned by his apparent partner and everyone but him was able to notice that.
"No, Joon, stop thinking of the worst!" He muttered to himself, pressing his lips into a thin line when he realised that him addressing his own self would only reinforce the already-distorted perception that the mob had singlemindedly framed of him.
"But really, what is she taking so long for? Did I perhaps force her into saying yes?" Namjoon mumbled, the glint in his eyes gradually getting snuffed out by his apprehensions.
Youngmi could not recall the last time she had gone out on a date with somebody. Either it was a tale considerably of yore, or the ones she went out with did not hail from the impressive lot. Rain or shine, those were not properly what she could call memorable experiences. Regarding them as obligatory errands that she had to get by, must have made it facile for a while, but such an approach more or less ought to entail dire consequences.
With her being the most eligible bachelorette in town reportedly at the forefront.
Dressing up was fun, and so was getting to acquaint herself with unfamiliar people, but something about it felt utterly fatuous to Youngmi. As if it was all pointless. As if reigniting flames in her thoroughly frozen heart would require much more than vain efforts like such.
Youngmi exhaled in exhaustion, though swaying her head almost immediately to cast away the notion of fatalism that was currently floating in her mind. In order to deviate her concentration to anything but the trains of thought that tended to bring her spirits down, she jarringly glimpsed at the neon lights that suffused the entire street with vivid hues. Watching them was intense yet placating at the same time, and Youngmi could not help but relish the contradiction that they served to her.