Chapter 9

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Uchiha Clan Head House- Training righ supply of chakra supply, much higher than his. But he knew that he would use his chakra supply wiser than she would, it was one of the things that Naruto taught him.

Just thinking of Naruto made his heart hurt in a pain of guilt. Sasuke was one of those who didn't like Naruto when he was at the academy. Granted he never did any of the things that the villagers did to him, but he would put Naruto down anytime he could, saying that he was a Uchiha and was way more important than the village demon.

Sasuke wish he could kick his past self in the ass. Everything that he did before he started training under Naruto made him seem child-like and arrogant. He hated the fact that he thought that the Sharingan and his last name made him better than anyone. Just think about back then made his head hurt.

Sasuke then looked at a certain spot of the training grounds to see Kakashi appear before him.

" Sasuke." Was what he said.

" Kakashi." Was Sasuke's reply.

The two seemed to be having a staring contest, because for 5 minutes, they just looked at each other, not saying a word.

Sasuke then cut the silence.

" What do you want? I do not have time to spend with you playing around. If you aren't here for something serious, leave." Said Sasuke.

" I want you to give me a second chance at being a sensei, your teacher that you deserve." Said Kakashi.

" Why is that, you apparently decided that reading that perverted book that you hall around with you was more important than your student?" said Sasuke as he returned to getting a better chakra control.

" Listen, I know that I messed up. I haven't been the sensei that you, Sakura, or even Naruto, deserve. You deserve better than me, but I'm here now to get my priorities straight and help my students become what they want to be in their life." Said Kakashi.

" What about Sakura?" asked Sasuke.

" Already talked to her, she said she wanted nothing to do with me, and that she could train on her own time. I still told her that she could come train with me for the month out of Konaha, all she had to do was meet me at the East Gate of Konaha at 7 a.m. tomorrow. Since she denied it, I wanted to ask you the same question."

" Hmmmmm…." Said Sasuke as he thought about the proposition. He would get training from the copy-ninja, and his jutsu library could expand a lot if he trained under him for the month. Plus, it was better than training alone.

What would Naruto think about it though…. Thought Sasuke, but then thought about what Naruto said.

We are no longer a team anymore, my use for you two is over…. Was what Naruto said.

We aren't a team anymore, so I can make my own decision in getting stronger… thought a now confident Uchiha.

He turned to Kakashi, which surprised him, and looked him straight in the eyes….. I mean eye.

" Do you promise to train me seriously, because if you don't, I'm leaving you to come back here and train myself." Said Sasuke.

" I promise, you don't have to hid any of your skills to me, because I won't tell anyone about them until they know by seeing them their selves." Said Kakashi.

" You will see me at the East Gates at 7 a.m. and that time only. I won't wait around, so don't be late like your usual self." Said Sasuke.

" I promise that as well." Said Kakashi.

Sasuke turned around to his house, and started walking toward it.

" I'll see you there, Kakashi-sensei." Said Sasuke, making Kakashi smile.

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