Chapter 17

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Outside Konoha

Naruto was flying through the forest until he smelt blood in the air. He landed in a tree and looked down at the scene below him.

" But even worse!" yelled Choji. He had butterfly wings made from chakra coming from his back, an impressive show of power. The area shook with tremors when the chakra wings move just an inch.

" You insult my best friend?! That's way worse than stealing the last bite of the best food!" he yelled. Naruto looked down to see who Choji was yelling at. It was the orange-haired fat boy that was apart of Orochimaru's elite bodyguards.

Hmmmm…. They are his elite bodyguards… thought Naruto…. It's time for some new recruits…

" It's worse than calling me a fatso, or a scumbag! In fact, it's utterly, and absolutely….," Choji then sent his chakra-enhanced fist down towards Jirobo, ready to deal the final blow.

" Unforgivable!" yelled Choji and was about to make contact with the older boy, but a red fist made from chakra caught the fist.

" What!" yelled Choji as he saw his attacked blocked.

" What's….going on?" asked a weak Jirobo.

" I'm saving you, that is all." Said Naruto as he appeared next to Choji and Jirobo.

" Naruto.." Choji whispered, before coughing up a bunch. " What are.. you doing here?" he asked.

Jirobo instantly recognized Naruto and started shaking.

" Your that boy that almost killed Orochimaru-sama!" yelled a terrified Jirobo.

" Yes, I am. And as for what I'm doing here, I'm leaving Konoha." Said Naruto with a simple look on his face.

" So you're a traitor now.." whispered Choji, readying another attack.

" Yes, and you shall not stand in my way." Said Naruto. Faster than the two chubby boys could see, a red fist implanted itself in Choji's stomach, blasting him back and rendering him unconscious.

" What…are you doing?" asked Jirobo, slowing getting up from the ground.

" We're you not listening? I said I was saving you." Said Naruto as he turned towards Jirobo.

" Yeah…but why? Aren't we enemies?" asked the big boy.

" Yes, but I want to gain allies for my cause in the future. I shall explain later, but for now, sleep." Said Naruto as he scratched Jirobo's arm. He instantly fell back to the ground, his eyes rolling to the back of his head.

" That's one." He said and sent Jirobo's body to Wave in a red flash. He then stood back up and looked towards the forest.

" Let's see what other type of chaos I can cause before leaving Konoha for good." Said Naruto as he flew off to the forest.


The Sasuke Retrieval Group was jumping through the trees. Shikamaru, Kiba and Akamaru, Menma, and Neji leaped through the trees, closing in on the sound shinobi.

" Wait!" yelled Neji. The group all landed on a tree branch and looked at Neji.

" What is it, Neji?" asked Menma.

" Something's coming from behind us…. Something fast!" he yelled. They all jumped out the way as an figured landed where they once were.

" Hey." Said Naruto with a simple wave.

Neji immediately got into a Taijutsu stance and rushed towards Naruto. Naruto just dodged all of Neji's palm attacks, before kicking him in the chest, pushing him back.

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