Chapter 28

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Land of Lightning

Naruto, Kurama, Yakumo, Fu, and Killer Bee stood in front of Nagato and Itachi Uchiha, dead people who were once apart of the Akastuki.

" You.. Naruto Uzumaki." Said Itachi as he looked at Naruto. " You've grown."

" It's been a while since I've seen you." Said Naruto. That last time he had seen Itachi was when he and his partner, Kisame, came to capture him in that hotel. " It's hard for me to believe that Sasuke-san was the one to end you. I know he is strong, but I didn't know he could defeat you."

" He was stronger than you think, Naruto-san. He beat me fair and square. I was the one that told him to befriend you during your younger years." Said Itachi.

" And you." Said Naruto as he looked at Nagato, " Apparently you couldn't stay in the grave undisturbed."

" I know, please forgive us for anything we may do, for we are unable to control our own movements." Said Nagato with a frown.

" I am aware." Said Naruto. " I will send you back to your resting places soon. You won't be walking among the land of the living for long."

" You seem cocky, Naruto-san. Even if you did defeat me, it was when I was weak. I have absorbed some of the passing by ninja's strength while coming over here. Will you be able to defeat us?" said Nagato.

" I promise you, you aren't ready for me." Said Naruto as he wrapped his tails around Kurama and Yakumo. " Go ahead and find the others. I have a feeling that they need some help."

" Alright, be careful." Said Kurama as she kissed his cheek.

" How are we going to get there?" asked Yakumo. Naruto gained a devious smirk as he pulled back, and threw Yakumo and Kurama in the air, blasting them in the air and away from the soon to be battlefield.

" FFFFUUUUUCCCCKKK YYYYOOOOOUUUUU!" yelled Yakumo as she flew through the air.

" Do not lower your guard. These two are S-Rank ninja for a reason. If you lack in any of your attacks, they will make you regret it." Said Naruto to the Jinchuriki beside him.

" Don't worry, Naruto-kun. We'll beat down these two dead folks. I still have to get revenge to that red-haired one for capturing me last time." Said Fu as she gave Nagato a glare.

" Forgive me for that as well." Said Nagato.

" Seems were moving." Said Itachi as he ran through hand signs. " Katon: Great Fireball Technique." He said and shot a flaming hot fireball towards the group.

" Tamed Winds." Said Naruto and made a invisible wind blade that sliced right through the incoming fireball. Fu, ready for action, shot right through the split fireball and headed to Itachi, Bee right behind her.

" Get ready!" said Fu as beetles came from her back. " Toxic Beetle Strike!" she yelled. Her Diamphida, the Bushman Arrow Poison Beetle, followed in the direction her out stretched arm and flew to Itachi at insane speeds. He barley had enough time to jump out of the way of the dangerous beetles path.

" Got ya' now!" shouted Bee as he jumped in front of Itachi and slashed downwards.

" Universal Pull." Said Nagato as he used gravity to his advantage and pulled Bee towards him, protecting Itachi from the sword slash. He grabbed Bee by the throat and he instantly felt his chakra start to drain.

" Not today ya' ain't!" shouted Bee as he grabbed one of his swords and slashed it at Nagato. Nagato used his other arm to grab Bee's wrist. Bee used his left hand to get another blade to cut Nagato, but was surprised when another arm came from Nagato's back and grabbed it.

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