Chapter 21

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Day 1


Kurama sat on the couch by herself, surrounded by her and Naruto's followers. The all looked at Kurama with serious eyes. They all wanted to know why Naruto went crazy not to long ago. When Naruto left, Kurama told them she would explain to them in the morning, not wanting to be around any one.

Now was the time, and she looked around at the ninja in the room. She also wanted Tsunami, Tazuna, and Inari come in and listen to what she had to say. She couldn't hide this from them any longer, now after what transpired last night.

" I know that you all want answers, and I will answer them all with honesty. I won't keep everyone in the dark anymore." Said Kurama. " But before you ask anything, let me tell you some of the basic things that led up to yesterday." She said with a sniff.

" First of all, have you wondered why Naruto-kun said to kill all Konoha ninja that you see?" she asked them.

" It's because he hates Konoha after what they did to him, right?" asked an innocent-looking Isaribi.

" Well, in a simple way, that is correct. But to understand Naruto-kun more, you will have to listen in to everything." She said. Everyone nodded at what she said, daring not to interrupted her while she told her tale.

" Naruto-kun….. was born without love." She started. " His family despised him because he held my soul inside of him. My chakra was sealed into his younger twin siblings, Menma and Mito Uzumaki Namikaze. Unknowingly to Konoha, Minato-teme, Naruto's father and the person who sealed me inside of Naruto-kun, messed up when sealing me inside of Naruto, putting my full soul and 50% of my chakra inside of Naruto-kun. Minato-teme made Naruto-kun a scapegoat for two reasons. The first was because he didn't want Naruto around his other children. Being in contact with Naruto-kun may mess up the chakra inside of them, making them go berserk. The second reasons was because Minato-teme was angry at what I did to Konoha, and transferred that hate to Naruto-kun. He told everyone in Konoha that Naruto was born a demon, and deserved no love."

" Growing up, Naruto had no one. He lived on the streets for many years, not even being able to enter his own home with his family. He was beaten, despised, hated, alienated, for a reason he had no control over. He would be beaten one night, but only to heal because of my charka the moment he woke up the next day. It was hell for him. The things they put him through made him hate Konoha with a passion, but he was a child, so he couldn't do anything to his tortures. That is, until he met me.." said Kurama as he tails drooped to the floor in sadness.

" It was….. another beating that he received and he made it to his mindscape, where I was held. At first, he didn't want to come to me because he heard my deep voice while in my biju form, but when I turned into my human formed, he came to me and we talked."

Kurama smiled when remembering the first time she met Naruto. He still had those pure, innocent, blue eyes that shined even through the toughest times. She then frowned at what was coming next.

" Naruto-kun and I talked for a while, and I became to feel attached to the boy already. We felt the same on so many different things… Naruto-kun had my heart the first couple hours I met him. When we got to the topic of Konoha, that's when things got dark…" she said as she looked down at her hands.

" Naruto-kun tried to hide from me that he hated Konoha, but I knew better. I sensed the large hate he had in his heart, and I used it to my advantage. I manipulated him. Corrupted him. A poor boy who only wanted to trust somebody in his hell of a life. So I gave him what he wanted. Trust…. But only for a limited time."

" I gave Naruto-kun some of my chakra and turned Naruto-kun into a half-demon, and what he did was crazy. He killed all of those people with no hesitation. All fifty-five of them, dead in seconds. Naruto-kun just met me, but he was already under my influence…." She said..

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