Missing Girl

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I stretch my limp arms out, letting out a huge yawn. I was tired. Tired of my condition, tired of our situation. I need to apologise to Lana about yesterday..i just didn't want her to see me like that. I didn't even want to see myself like that but you know, it was bound to happen again eventually.

I drag myself to the RV in which Lana seemed to have made herself a sleeping spot. I didn't see anyone in it but she must be laying down and I didn't have the best angle since I was about 10 meters away at this point.

I carefully jog up to the open car window and playfully stick my head into it.
"hey Lana!"
I crunch my left eyebrow.

Where is she? If she's playing hide and seek..it's not exactly funny. I search under the seats, in the boot but no Lana. I shrug it off - she must be with Pablo preparing breakfast or something. I rush over to the campfire..where is she??

"Pablo? Where's Lana?"

"Erh..I thought she was with you perhaps? Why?" He stares at me, chewing at some chocolate.

"she's gone."

Those two words. I didn't want to ever say them again. I grabbed my weapons from the RV, only to spot a piece of paper with read me written on it. I analyse it, open it and read through it, yearning for anything that could lead me to her.

To Blane and Pablo,
I've set out to go seek out Hanz and get the cure, just like he promised. I never told you because I knew you guys would think I was crazy but I cannot risk losing anymore people in my life. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine - just like I was before we even met.
I'll be back soon.

Don't bother following me.
Pablo, take care of Blane.

-Lana x
Jackpot. Although I did feel a bitpatronised by the fact she asked Pablo to take care of me. I resumed with my packing and I also told Pablo to get his stuff and come with me. We have to find Lana before it's too late. She's gone to Hanz's tower..the most dangerous man here.

"Were going. now."

"Youre in no fit state to go anywhere" Pablo insists, reminding me of yesterday.

"Me shouting yesterday is the reason she's gone. I don't care if I'm in no fit state. I probably scared her off and it's all my fault if she's dead"
I snarl at him, knowing we're wasting time.

"Whatever you say" he sighs, picking up his stuff. We both walk past the wired fence and into the silence of the trees.

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