❝𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞❞

344 9 3

Requested by: simping_for_turtles
Genre: [hurt comfort]

I'm actually gonna go be a productive member of society now.


Your eyes stay glued to the floor, refusing to look anywhere but down. You feel like you're choking.. The music plays. So loudly you can't even hear yourself breath.

'The Flea Waltz...'

Against your body's wishes you looked up. Your body felt heavy, as if gravity was tugging you down. Your eyes graced with the image of an angel. Hanging above there she was. Gone from here, leaving you and your comrades behind. You covered you mouth, not a sound escaping you. Before your body could move away, a loud crunch followed, and your body fell under pressure.

You gasped out your body jolting from your bed. You looked around hyperventilating looking around your surroundings. It's dark, everything around you feels blurry. You shakily stood up from your bed with a soft shaky sigh escaping your lips. Your eyes scrunched tightly together as your feet became accustomed with the cold tiles. Your body turned a bit grabbing one of the sheets off your bed to take with you.

You had no idea where you were going to go, but you knew you couldn't stay in your room with your own thoughts. You wrapped the blanket around your shoulders as your body made its way outside.

Mindlessly you walked around the so called campus, barefoot, and restless. You stopped somewhere near a bench and let your body crash there. The cold night wind tingling against your warm skin. Despite your current position, you could almost feel at peace. Almost. Your eyes fluttered close as you took deep breathes in attempt to ground yourself.

The air smelt nice and flowery. The vegativite surroundings suddenly weren't all too bad in hindsight. Maybe Monokuma really didn't have to clean the sights up. You were oddly contempt with this slightly crude architecture that held you and your fellow students. Even though it did look like it came straight from a post apocalyptic zombie franchise it did come with its own set of perks. You let your bare feet rub itself against the grass. You smiled as the blades tickled against the soles of your feet.

Your body shifted as you heard the rustling of grass. Someone is approaching you. Your head quickly shot up in attempts to ascertain who the current figure was.

"Ah, (L/n)?" Your brows furrowed in curiousity. "Saihara?"

His posture slouched, and his eyes slightly sunk in. His body looked absolutely riddled with fatigue. The corners of his eyes looked rather puffy. Was he crying?

"What are you doing out here here so late?" You cleverly teased. "I could ask you the same thing." You forced a playful smirk to your lips.

He smiled taking a seat right next to you. His presence almost felt warm... Shoulder to shoulder you two sat in a small silence in the company of the moonlight. Although the silence between you two was comfortable even you knew you had to answer his question.

"The moon is too pretty tonight not to be admired yknow?" You lied with such ease. "And what about you, Saihara?" He chuckled. "Well.."

His voice did that thing that you found oh so charming. It broke awkwardly and faltered at the end in a sing-song manner. It was almost soothing to you..

"Kaito knocked on my door and took me out for some.. dual training? To be fair I did end up doing more than him." You hummed. "Well. You do look kinda beat." His gaze veered delicately. "Sort of.. and you? Are you alright?" His pure intentions were carried over in just a single question. "I'm fine, Saihara.. You should be worried about yourself. Your eyes look red..?" His brows knitted together. "And yours?"



Lying could become second nature to you at this point. If you kept up like this you could even find yourself rivaling Kokichi. From the look of his expression he wasn't buying it.


You heavily sighed rubbing your eyes as tears threatened to spill.

"Are you paranoid? Have you been having nightmares?" You whined lowly. "How could you tell?" He awkwardly smiled pointing on the crevice underneath his eye. "Eyebags.." You covered your face in embarassment. "Do you want to talk about it..?" His voice trailed off. "I'm okay.. promise.." A low hum passed his lips. "Are you sure?"

It's better to let your feelings out than bottle them up in an unhealthy manner. Especially in this environment.

"It was about... Kaede.."

His body froze, but he stayed there listening with full attention.

"I saw her there.. hanging.. and I just.. I stood there. And then her body it just! It just!"

You sputtered out trying to form a cohesive sentence. Your throat choked itself up trying to hold back as you gasped for air. The only thing that came from your lips were choked sobs as you tried to finish your sentence.

"The music 'ts so loud! And! When she-"

Shuichi's teeth gritted together and his eyes shut. Gently he touched your shaking shoulders as you continued to sob into the night.

"That bear, shu! He didn't even leave her body behind! She's gone! She's really gone!"

You held onto yourself throwing your head forward in a panic. Your voice wavered as you wailed. The night was so empty and the silence surrounding you both was suffocating. Your choked sobs and your pleas for mercy go unheard. It was as if the world itself stopped spinning, only leaving you and Shuichi with the terrifying sounds of your cries.

Shuichi's body shook next to yours, hiding his face away from your gaze.

"I miss her too.."

You tugged gingerly on the collar of his opened black blazer.

"I can't take it, Shu.. She didn't deserve it.. It was an accident.." He rubbed your shoulder in a circular motion. "..It was.. If it weren't for me she would have-!" You nudged him. "Stop! It wasn't your fault!" He brought his hand up to his eyes rubbing tears away. Your head hovered above his shoulder. " 'm sorry." He quietly mumbled.

Your head rustled itself into the crook of his neck. His warmth transferring itself unto you. This whole situation found you exhausted.

"We should head back..."

You nodded as you both stood up. In your exhaustion you stumbled forward causing Shuichi to stumble along with you.

"Ah! Hey-"

He huffed grasping your bicep. Lightly he swung your arm around his shoulder. His body weight supporting yours.

"Where's your dorm..?" You lazily hummed leaning more into his weight. "Upstairs." He sighed.

A small smile graced your features as he continued to support you, as he trudged along the campus with you right next to him.

He never chastised you, didn't complain, and didn't bother whining. Just simply sighed and took you to your dorm.

With many thoughts passing you one stood out amongst the rest...

Maybe you weren't so alone in this game afterall...

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