❝𝑪𝒐𝒐𝒍 (𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒊 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂 𝒍𝒐𝒕)❞

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Requested by: shyguy-kai
Genre: [fluff]


          Who knew a simple sleepover with you and your friends would end up with you in a closet with a really cute boy?

          Shuichi Saihara! You had never really talked much with him other than in class or whenever you were paired up with him in group projects. There was nothing wrong with him!! Well actually there was.. He was super precious! The way he tilted his cap when he got all nervous, whenever he had chewed on the cap of his pen when he was thinking, or how whenever he was startled how he'd jump up from his seat like a little bunny rabbit. Nevertheless you had developed a crush on the navy haired boy.

          And after a round of pulling out items from his familiar hat you two ended up getting paired together for a round of seven minutes in heaven. Miu obviously making loud and crude remarks toward you and him making you both flustered.

          Now here we are with both of you stuck in a closet. As if it couldnt get anymore awkward you two's legs were practically tangled with eachother. Both of you both avidly trying to avoid the task at hand. Awkwardly waiting for time to pass.. And when those seven minutes passed you two were still stuck in there. Mentally cursing Miu you  turned your head to face him.

          "Saihara.. What's up? Y'know besides Miu locking us in here like some kind of prison." You waved awkwardly attempted to smile. The navy haired boys face grew a bit red. "Ah yeah, (L/n).. Nothing much." He crossed his arms trying to make conversation. "What is she getting at? Some Cask of Amontillado sort of set up..?" He referenced a story you had both read together as an assignment in class. You couldnt help but think to yourself of how adorably dorky he sounded. He pulled on his cap embarassed. "Ah, I'm sorry.. Was that a bit too much?" You laughed it off motioning your hand. "No it's okay! Haha.. Its kind of refreshing actually?" You covered your mouth with your hand balled up into a fist covering your smile. You rolled up your sweater sleeves up to your elbows trying to cool off. "So Saihara... We're in the same friend group but I dont think we've really spoken that much out of class, huh?" He shook his head. "I guess not." Attempting to make more space for the both of you, you tried bringing your legs closer to your still body. "So.. let's pass the time by getting to know eachother a little better. Does that sound okay?" He gently smiled. "Yeah, I would like that..." Thinking to yourself. "Hmm.. I've heard outside of school you work at a detective agency! That must be pretty cool, right? Like you're some boy detective!" He pulled on his cap gingerly once more. "Something like that.. but I wouldn't really call myself a detective persay.. I only do small missing pet cases here and there. Nothing too special." Your eyes widened in surprise. How could he be so cute and humble? He's literally the perfect man. "Well I think that's something special! Its only something you can do. Isnt that right, Detective Conan?" You teased. He raised a brow smiling slightly. "Isnt that some kid's comic book." He wasnt wrong, but you had seen the anime more. "A little confused, but you've got the spirit." His cheeks burned red. "My uncle teases me with that name from time to time.." He chuckled. "What about your parents? Do they have any cute nicknames for you?" The once bubbly air turned tense as you saw Saihara's face grimace. With a bitter smile he began to speak up. "Ah, no.. My family arent around too much. My parents are an actor and a famous screen writer. They work overseas.." Trying to lighten up the mood. "I bet they're super cool though. I've always found musical theatre and movies in general pretty interesting." He smiled bitterly averting his gaze. "You could say that.." Deciding it would be better to drop the subject you rested your head against the wall of the dresser. Unexpectedly Saihara asked you something. "So (L/n).. What are things that interests you?" You smiled slightly. "Hmm.. I like music a lot!" He scratched his cheek after seeing you get overexcited. "Oh really..? What kind?" You shrugged taking a piece of your hair begging to mess was it as you thought. "Any genre really. Indie, alternative, lo-fi... boybands are a bit of a guilty pleasure." You chuckled. "Like korean..?" He tilted his head. "Hmm not really. But I have to admit some of the guys are pretty handsome." His brows knitted together, hes curious. "Is that your type?" You shook your head only thinking that one person is really your type. "If you dont mind me asking..? What is then?"

          You couldnt exactly go all out and say a tall, shy detective with pretty gold eyes. Who's the most smartest, kindest, dorkiest boy of all! You, dummy!

          You settled on an answer after a while. "I think.. a kind and gentle person is all. Generally speaking." You shrugged smiling to yourself. Saihara filling every corner of your mind despite being right in front of you. It was a wonder how you werent such a mess in front of him. You chuckled to yourself thinking of how ridiculous you probably looked right then. "So Saihara about that cap Miu is always teasing you about.." He once more held onto the rim of the cap. It was pretty old from what you could tell. It was beaten up on the rim with a bit of the fabric tearing off. "This old thing..?" He hummed underneath his breath. You nodded. "Why do you wear it so much? Sensei constantly hounds on you for it." He sighed. "Umm.. looking into other people's eyes makes me nervous I guess.. Freaks me out a bit." You tilted your head. "Really? I think youd be much more handsome without it." You blurted out. In a way insinuating you had already found him handsome before. Saihara turned away covering his face. "You're just being facetious.." you reached closer towards him. "(L/n) wait! Wait a minute!" You chuckled as you fell into his chest as a struggled to inch away bumbing into the closet walls. "(L/n) Stop!" You looked up at him way too close for comfort. "I'm just teasing, Saihara.." You then realzse the position you two were compromised in. Your face in his chest and with his legs wrapped around you. His arm placed on your shoulder. Poor Saihara's face was about as red as a cherry. With you on the other hand who's heart was beating out of your chest. The only thing being audible was your breathing patterns. "Ah, Saihara-"


          Miu opened the door for her and the others to be greeted by you and Saihara in a somewhat intimate position.

          "Well it turns out you two were about to get down and dirty afterall." Miu cackled. "Woah I never thought Shumai would be that kind of guy.." Kokichi leaned on Miu who was currently dying of laughter. The rest of your friends clearly panicking besides Maki, Ryoma and Kirumi. All knowing you two were too innocent and too dense to catch onto eachothers hidden feelings that quick. You rolled your eyes looking at Shuichi who was a total wreck. You just pulled down on his cap covering his face. Trying to help cover his shame ridden face. Only for him to be able to mutter out a quiet. "..t-thank you.."

          Nothing more to say besides you two became way closer that night. To the point where you were the only person he could look into the eye that night. Or sleep near.

✑𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑻𝒓𝒖𝒕𝒉 𝑼𝒏𝒕𝒐𝒍𝒅 || Shuichi Saihara OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now