Time With Family

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The first thing I did was lock myself in the bathroom.

Neither of us had even tried to start a conversation on the ride here. Something inside of me didn't quite trust him any more. That small bond we had was breaking and what I just witnessed broke it.


That word kept popping up in my head and despite my efforts to push it behind and to forget about it, it continued to come to the front, haunting my thoughts every second of that ride.

Everyone I knew were these monsters. The people around me carried these genes in their DNA with pride, as if they were happy about the things they do. There was not a hint of regret in his eyes as I stared at them. He showed no remorse for the man he just killed. No guilt.

My mother was the only person I knew who could understand what I'm going through. She's human; I got her genes which I was glad about. Maybe if I talk to her, alone, she could help me through this. She has, after all, been living with a cheating monster for almost half her life.

A knock on the door broke me from my thoughts.

"Izzy?" Jaspers soft voice called from the other side. "He's gone if you want to come out?" It came out as a question but I understood.

I sunk my body deeper into the empty bathtub, closing my eyes as I released a sigh.

"I just need some time alone." I replied, crossing my arms over my chest in a protective way.

"Okay. I'll be out here when you're ready." He sounded disappointed, as if he wanted me to come out.

"Hey Jasper," I called out, opening my eyes as I stared at the shower in front of me.


"Can you call mum, please?"

He paused.

"Why?" He sounded slightly hurt at the small rejection.

"I want to talk to her."

He sighed, "Alright, I'll get the phone."

"No." I quickly said, probably stopping him from leaving. "Face to face."

"She'll get here tomorrow night."

"That's fine."

He didn't reply after that so I assumed he had gone to phone our parents. I closed my eyes once again, scared to fall asleep but knowing that I need the sleep. It's still night time.


My neck hurt from sleeping in that cramped bathtub all night. I would've stayed in there longer but Jasper began banging on the door early morning, claiming that needed to use the toilet urgently.

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