Unexpected Guest

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"Where the hell were you?" I asked Jasper when we jumped into his car. We decided to skip the last two periods and just make up an excuse tomorrow.

"We went into the computer rooms." He replied, backing out of the school car park. "And I would've come faster but I have bad memory."

"Well, lucky Sione came in time." I sighed, relaxing into my seat.

"Yeah, that was pretty lucky. Remember to tell Dazz that."

"Why would it matter?"

"So that he could see that Sione had no intention in hurting you. It was only Malo." He explained, glancing at me once in a while.

"Wait, so Dazz' and Siones packs are at war with eachother?"

"They more like hate each other. Just ask Dazz when we get to his. I'm sure he can explain it better than I can." He sighed, accelerating.

I turned around to see if Sione was still following us and chuckled when he waved at me. I waved back then turned to face the front again.

Jasper had called Dazz and informed him that we were coming so he was expecting us. And as weird as it may seem, he wasn't too happy that I was skipping school.

We decided to leave out the part about Malo. We want to tell him face to face so that if he does anything reckless - like go to Malos pack and murder him - then we will be there to stop him.

When we finally arrived at Dazz' house, I couldn't help but smile when I saw him standing in the doorway, arms crossed and a serious expression on his face.

I was the first to jump out followed by the others.

"Hey Dazz!" I greeted, giving him a hug. His hug was tight and he even took the effort in kissing my temple.

"Are you okay?" He asked when we pulled back. I gave him a genuine smile and nodded. A small smile replaced his tight lips before he turned to Sione. "Alpha Fele. Nice of you to visit."

"Alpha Lycan. Same to you. Sweet house by the way." Sione replied, shaking Dazz' hand.

"Please, do come inside." Jasper motioned everyone in and I think I was the only one to notice his voice as he teased how formal everyone was.

Dazz nodded and moved aside to allow us to pass. I was the last one in so I closed the door before following everyone into the lounge. I took a seat next to Jasper while the others sat on separate lazy boys.

"Okay, what do you want Sione?" Dazz asked, starting the conversation off.

"Today, Beta Malo tried to harm your mate." Sione said it slow, watching for Dazz' reaction.

"What!? Did he lay a finger on you?" Dazz growled, turning to face me. I had to hold back a gasp when I saw his eyes were a dark brown and his lips were in a snarl. It still amazes me how they can do they in a spilt second.

"Uhh, well not technically." I mumbled, remembering when he pulled my collar. He didn't lay a finger on me but he still hurt me. And that's basically what Dazz was asking, right?

"What is that suppposed to mean?" He growled, his voice low and demanding. I turned to Jasper for help but he only nodded, telling me to tell him what happened. So i did. I explained what happened in maths, what happened after and then when Sione came.

He was shaking, very vicously.

"Where is he?" His voice was calm. That was the scary part of all this.

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