Chapter 19: I Want You

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(Peter's Pov)

After managing to help fix Faith's letters and get her out of her dome, she had told me she loved me for the first time which a shocker coming from her. I couldn't help but blush when she said it first but holy hell did it make me feel some things. My heart and stomach fluttered and I felt all tingly on the, this woman was something else.

After that, we all went out for lunch and hung out until lights' out. Faith got a little distracted by what I'm assuming was her telling me she loved me. It probably freaked her out and overwhelmed her given her history so I didn't push it if she didn't want to talk about it. I wanted her to process her thoughts and emotions first before feeling like she's being forced to talk about things which she's not.

I had a hard time sleeping though because I couldn't stop thinking about Faith and her telling me she loved me. It was strange because I didn't know what to expect coming here. I mean I wasn't sure if I was going to be that person who went to class, got good grades and dated, I mean shit, I just needed to get out of my mom's basement for once.

But, honestly this has probably been the best outcome I could ask for. I loved Faith, I have loved her the moment I laid eyes on her, I mean how can I not? When the next day rolled around, I got up, showered and got dressed for school. I headed down to the kitchen and met up with the others and assuming Faith was already sleeping, I made sure coffee was ready for her...

However, what I didn't expect were these 2 girls around our age walk over to me. They were all dolled up and everything which made me confused, "Can I help you ladies?" I asked them, they giggled like little schoolgirls and got close to me which made me feel a little uncomfortable "You're Peter right?" One chick with curly blonde hair asked, "That would be me. Why are you asking?" I asked them, "Oh well, we've just seen you around and thought you were handsome so we wanted to come and talk to you" The girl with dark brown hair up in a high ponytail said,

I smiled awkwardly and looked at the others who were also just as awkward out as I was "Oh well thank you. That's kind of you to say but I already have a girlfriend thanks" I tried to break it to them nicely. They both looked at each other and scoffed before rolling their eyes at me "Oh, you mean that freak uh what's her name" the blonde said snapping her fingers, "Faith something? I think?" the brown hair girl said,

They giggled "Oh yes, her" The blonde said with disgust, I rolled my eyes 'even after all this time Faith is still getting bullied and bad mouthed about? What the fuck?' I thought, "Faith Carter and yes, she's my girlfriend and I would refrain from calling her a freak unless you ladies would like to go take a swim in the pond outside" I threatened, the girls smirked and got on either side of me before putting their arms on me.

I cringed inwardly "whatever, we're just saying someone like you deserves better" "Yea I mean why are you with someone like her? She's definitely not your type at all" They continued, I clenched my fists tightly trying to keep my cool but I could feel the anger coursing through my veins, "If you excuse me I'm gonna have to ask you ladies to leave before I do something I'll get I trouble for" I said,

The girls smiled "Oh come on lighten up" "Yea, why don't you ditch that little nobody and come hang around us" "We can definitely make it worth your while" "Not to mention we're much better company and we could make you happy" They said back and forth, I sighed and shook my head before looking at the others who wanting nothing more than to leave but were literally so cringed out by all of this that they couldn't move "Shit, Girlfriend 4 o-clock" Scott whispered to me,

The girls continued to try desperately to flirt with me which made my eyes widen as I looked over at Faith who literally look like her heart got stepped on. I managed to shoved past the girls and tried to explain to her what happened but Faith didn't listen as she ran back up to her room...I mean after all that's happened this past week I don't doubt her for feeling the way she feels and I've known Faith to always feel a little insecure since she still gets bullied but I love her more than anything. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for her.

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