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Oki so I would just like to say that it's currently 12:20 a.m and if you want to know why I'm up this late, two reasons, 1) fucking insomnia, 2)i'm on my period and I can't sleep cause nothing's helping these god forsaken cramps which hurt like hell TvT, so I'm just doing the only thing that can buy time till they pass so please don't criticize to hard under the conditions. 

Before we get into the story, I would just like to give a shoutout to: @gamingshark1014, thank you for being the first to vote on my story. 

Please remember this is all off of the top of my head with no script sooo, yh, also, please keep in mind that it's my first fanfic.

At the end I'll be giving you guys another quirk of Izuku's, and comment how many quirks you want him to have, if you don't know how many you want, I'll just go with whatever comes to mind.

I don't have any thing else to say, sooooooooo, let's stop wasting time and let's get straight into the story, shall we?


(So we're gonna have a timeskip, to a year later when izuku is 4 and is getting his quirk checked. I'm gonna have Ana, {Ana is a nickname for my bff} be the doctor cause I don't know the name of the cannon doctor.)

×Izuku POV×


" Mommy, mommy, come on that's us mommy!!! " I exclaimed while pulling on my mom's hand. 

Mommy chuckled, "Okay, Okay, Izu dear I'm coming no need to rush."

Mommy and I walked into the doctor's office and the doctor told me to sit on the chair.

 "Hi little one, I'm Dr. Ana, you're Izuku, right?"

 " Mhm" I said smiling.

 "Okay then Izuku, I'm going to have to take some blood from you, is that alright?"

 " Yes! "

 "Alright then, just put out your arm and I'll draw the blood."

 I did what Dr. Ana told me to do and when she drew the blood it surprisingly didn't hurt at all.

 "Wow, not even a flinch!! You're a strong boy aren't you?" The doctor asked.

 "Yes, I'm really strong!!" I said.

 Mommy chuckled and Dr. Ana smiled. 

 "Alright then you big strong boy. I'll be right back, just give me a minute to run these tests."

 " Alright Dr. " mommy said.

While Dr. Ana was gone, mommy asked me if I was exited... 

 "Of course, I can't wait to find out what my quirk is, and then I'll be a super strong hero, who helps people!!"

 " So he wants to be a hero huh? " Dr. Ana said coming back into the room.

 "Yes, ever since he found out what a hero was, he's always wanted to be one." Mommy said with a smile.

 " Well, that's wonderful!!! Now I just need some information from you Ms. Midoriya, if you could just answer some questions? "

 "Oh, of course, go right ahead!"

 " Alrighty then, I only need to know two things, one what are you and your husband's quirks?? "

 "EX,-husband." Mommy said calmly.

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