The State of the World - Prologue

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(Yep, I went forward with it. Thanks to GhillieCamo for the inspiration from his book, A Man in a Beasts world)

Humanity, Something many hold dear. From the Cold of Cascadia to the Jungles of Burma, Humanity is fighting. Although unlike in 1914, it's not against itself. In 1921 the Russians tested a new Chemical Weapon, Uralʹskiy Gas.

Ural'skiy gas, an Unknown Chemical Compound, was Tested for the first and Last time in 1921, When the War Began. In a matter of Months, Russia Fell. Now, 4 Years later, Almost all of Asia has fallen. The New Species, Calling themselves 'Anthros', have pushed humanity to Drastic Measures. Only one country, Switzerland, refused the Call to arms against the Anthro Menace.

The United States, Having just had an Economic Collapse, was Revitalized as the Military High Command Superceded the Government.

Germany, Under the Weimar Republic, became Unified against the Threat of Extinction, The NSDAP, Freikorps, and Other Paramilitary Organizations, Pledged Loyalty to the Republic, And Helped The Front. The German War Machine Began to Roar to life.

My Name is Johan, and I am Fighting in Seattle, To Protect Humanity. Many Commit Suicide before being Captured, but I was lucky, I took a Fur-Covered Bastard prisoner. When my Unit Charged the Enemy Trenches, I was lucky enough to knock them out, instead of killing them. Command then Re-Assigned me to Spokane to Watch the Prisoners. Humanity was running low on Men, to the point where No Man served in the Civilian Front. Civilian Life ended, for everyone.

Women took the Factories and Businesses, Children Delivered mail and packages, and the men fought on the front.

-2 days earlier, Johan's POV, Battle of Seattle-

Corporal: "Leutnant Schmidt! Eine Öffnung in den Linien des Pelzes!" (Lieutenant Schmidt! An Opening in the Fur's Lines!)

Me: "Gut erkannt, Corporal! Funken Sie der 3. Kompanie, dass wir aufsteigen!" (Good Spotting, Corporal! Radio the 3rd Company that were moving up!)

Corporal: "Jawohl, Herr Leutnant!" (Yes, sir!)

I grab my Kar98k, And Affix the Bayonet, which has served me well so far. I grab my whistle, and Blow it 3 times.


I charge, Bayonet pointed, and jump into the trench. I Stab into the Anthro In Front of me, hitting his head, Killing him instantly. I turn, and fire my rifle into the few Fur's here, and hit one in the Chest. Basically a death sentence In the mud of Washington.

I hear a crack, and a Bullet Scrape my arm. I spin around, and shoot the fur bastard in the head, Blood Spraying on my Mask. I hear running behind me, and Swing my rifle. I hit them in the head, Knocking them down. I hear something fall behind me, i turn and see the Guy I shot in the chest fall with a bullet in his head.

I turn and see the Corporal From before with his rifle raised, and smoke coming from the barrel.

Me: "Danke, Korporal" (Thanks, Corporal)

I turn to the one I knocked down, and tie them up.

-Present Day, Fairchild Military Base, Johan's POV-

I was sitting across the Prisoner, a Rabbit Fur. The most I've got about them is that they Speak English. Thankfully my Mom Spoke English, But she's long gone now, killed In a freak accident by a Boiler Explosion in the Family home, and my dad died in the Great War.

Me: "... So Can I at least know your name?"

Nothing but silence followed.

Me: "at this rate, the General will come in, and he won't be so calm."

Rabbit: "... Whats the difference? I'm going to be shot or sent to a work camp anyway."

Me: "I can guarantee that neither will happen. Ever since the Great War, humanity has agreed not to shoot prisoners or make them do labor."

Rabbit: "Great War? I thought this was your 'Great War'."

Me: "No, If Humanity Survives, There will always be another war on the horizon. The Great War was just the largest and most deadly, why do you think we held the trenches so long?"

The rabbit sat in silence, as if they were thinking. I don't know what goes on Inside their head, but I do know they at least think like humans. I look at my watch, it was 8 at night, time to call it a day.

Me: "Welp, Tomorrow is your last chance, the General is Getting antsy. I'm calling it a day."

I get up, and turn to the door. I put my hand on the Handle, but get interrupted.

Rabbit: "Reign."

I turn back, raising an eyebrow under my mask.

Me: "hm?"

Reign: "My name is Reign."

I nod, and enter the door. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day.

[I only upload to Wattpad, if this is on any other site it is without my Consent]

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