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♡❀˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀♡

Me and Dustin start driving home after the field incident with Will. I held his hand with mine slightly shaking. "Has -has that happened...before?" I ask looking at him before looking back at the road. He stayed silent for a moment before responding. "Yeah, I -I think so.. on Halloween.. we found him crouching behind a house. Mike took him home." he said. "Mmm.." I say. "How are you feeling?" I continue. "I'm fine, just worried about Will..." he says as we pull up home.

I look over to him and hug him. "It's gonna be okay, he'll be okay. I'll go check up on him tomorrow after work, okay?" I say rubbing his curly hair. "Okay, thank you." he says. "Anything for you love." I smile kissing his head. "Now lets go in the house and make lasagna before mom gets home, how about that?" I say. He smiles and jumps out of the car. "Yes! I love your cooking! I'm gonna go brag to Lucas and Mike." He yelled. I smiled and walked into the kitchen to start cooking.


I walk into school the next day looking for Jonathan to ask how Will was doing but I couldn't find him anywhere. I guess i'll still go over there today. I walk to classroom to see my room empty. I look on the door and it was a note. 'Ms. O'Donnell is absent. Free period, go to the gym.'

Damn it. That's Steve and Billy's gym period. Just great.

I groan as I walk in the direction of the gym. I find a empty seat all the way at the top next to a boy with long curly hair that's in my class with me and a girl with short hair that looked familiar. "Hey can I sit here?" I ask the girl. "Uhh..my names not on it so sure." she shrugged. I smile and sat down. "I'm sorry that came out as rude. I didn't mean it like that." she instantly rambles. "No no it's fine. I'm Delilah, but you can call me Lil or Lilah." I smile holding out my hand. "I'm Robin." she shakes it.

"Hi, you look really familiar. You're in my class with Ms. O'Donnell, but I think I remember you from somewhere else." I lean my head back towards the boy. He slightly flinches before looking around and pointing at himself. "Yes you." I slightly laugh. "Eddie. We went to the same middle school. You played before me and my band in the talent show, you had a horrible flute solo." he said before looking back down and writing something. I laugh remembering him. "Corroded Coffin? Yeah I remember, you guys played better for me that's for sure." I say.

"And Robin, you played in band with me." I say looking over to the girl. "Yeah. You were kinda bad at the flute." she said smiling. I groan as they laugh at me. "I know! I get it. My brother told me every night." I rub my face laughing with them. I catch a glimpse at Eddie's hands. "You play D&D?" I ask. "Yeah, I'm writing campaign ideas right now. Why, do you play?" his eyes light up.

Angel eyes~ S.H~ Volume TwoWhere stories live. Discover now