⎝⎝𝔻𝕚𝕘 𝔻𝕦𝕘⎠⎠

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♡❀˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀♡

I hold my face in my hands after what I just saw.

"That thing.. ate. our. cat!" I whisper yell to Dustin. "I know!" he yells back.

"Well what the hell are we gonna do?" I say. "I'm working on it!" He says back. "Well work faster otherwise we'll be that things dinner too!" I wave my arms around and walk out of my room to talk to mom. "I just got off the phone and they found her wandering around Loch Nora." I lie.

"How did the poor baby get all the way out there." she asks crying. "I'm not sure mommy. Probably got lost or something, but they're gonna look for her. And me and Dusty will stay here in case they call back." I say holding her.

"Give me a hug. Give me a hug." Dustin says. "Now you're gonna go help look right?" he asks. She nods grabbing her purse and walking towards the door. "Go get her." he says. "Your gonna find her, alright?" I say. "Okay." she says.

"I love you."

"I love you."

"We love you."

"Okay now go. We'll find her."

Once the door closed we made eye contact. "Okay I have a plan."


"This was your plan?"

I ask wearing head to toe hockey gear, with socks and shirt in deep crevices. "Yes now shut up and help me lay this meat down." he says. "That's what she sa-" I say. "I will hit you." he says. "These 'protective guards' are giving me hives." I say rubbing my arm. "Then let's hurry up." he said.

We lay down ham and turkey pieces on the ground leading out to the backyard. We set up the shed before so when he goes into the storm cellar we can jump out and lock him in. Dustin whistles for him to come out and the plan is so far so good, he's eating the meat. He began to walk towards the cellar before he suddenly stopped.

"Why isn't he going in?" I whisper panicked. "Shush!" he whisper yelled back. Suddenly he turns his head towards us. Out of instinct Dustin ran out of the shed screaming and knocked him in the shed. "Help me close it!" he yells pulling on one of the doors. I ran over and shut the door hearing a thud against the door. I put a pole through the handles and put on a lock.

We both let out heavy pants before making eye contact. We both laugh and fall to the floor.

"Well I think that went well." I say. "Yeah." he says. I sit up and put my hand out. "Well com'on, time to get the team back together."


We pull up to the Wheeler's house in hope to find Mike or Lucas. We knock on the door and Mr. Wheeler opens it. "Your line has been busy for over two hours, Mr. Wheeler. Do you realize this?" Dustin says annoyed.

"Oh, I do realize." he responds. He sighs. "Is Mike home?" he asks. "No."

"No? Well, where the hell is he?" he asks. I elbow him in the side. "Karen, where's our son?" he yells into the house. "Will's!" she yells back. "Will's."

"No one is picking up there." he says. "What about Nancy?"I ask.

"Karen where's Nancy?"

"Ally's!" she yells back annoyed.

""Ally's. Our children don't live here anymore. You didn't know that?" he says. I roll my eyes with a sigh. "Seriously?" Dustin says. "Am I done here?" he responds.

"Son of a bitch. You're really no help at all, you know that." I mutter under my breath. "Hey! Language." he yells back before closing the door. We walk off the porch and down the driveway to hopefully find them at the Byers before we hear a car pull up. It's Steve's.

'What the-' I think. He parks next to the mailbox and steps out with... "Flowers..?" I ask myself.

Without hesitation, Dustin starts walking up to him before I could stop him. "Steve. Are those for Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler?" he asks pointing at the flowers. "No?" he says. It makes my heart hurt a little. Was he coming to apologize to Nancy? For what? And were those flowers for her? Does he still like her? Love her?

He said he loved me.

"Good." he said as he snatched them away, walking towards his car.  "Hey! What the hell? Hey!" Steve says running after him. "Nancy isn't home." he says. "Well where is she?" he asks him.

'I knew it. They were for her.'

"Doesn't matter. We've got bigger problems than your love life. Do you still have that bat?"

"Bat? What bat?"

"The one with the nails." he says. "Why?" he asks. "I'll explain it on the way. Com'on Lil!" he said. I look up from where I was standing and Steve finally notices i'm there. "Oh, hey...Lil." he says opening his arms for a hug. "hi." I say with a small wave and go to the back seat.



Angel eyes~ S.H~ Volume TwoWhere stories live. Discover now