Cove's Conundrem

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"You didn't sleep again?" Brax asks his clearly tired unicorn partner, peering int the room with his eyes that are now black where it should be white.

"I can't sleep right now Brax... We're so close!" Cove lifted his head up and holds back a yawn.

"Frankly... I don't care." Brax walked over to Cove... Plucked him out of his chair with relative ease and started walking toward a patients room.

Cove started to wiggle and try to escape Brax's grip.

"Cove... We both know I'm physically stronger than you are... And your techniques mainly work from a distance."

Cove stopped struggling and settled for pouting.

"That's what I thought." Brax set Cove onto the bed and sat in the chair next to him, "I underatand that we're this close to coming up with a cure for my darkness... But I can't have you losing your own sanity over."

"Brax... You could die if we don't figure this out! You can't even use your magic anymore! I want... I want you to be normal again!"

Brax put a hoof on Cove's shoulder... Dude... It's okay... It's been refreshing not being able to yse my magic... And besides... Have I complained even once?"


"Exactly... It's not the end of the world for me. I'm still me at the end of the day."

"So you want me to stop working on a cure?" Cove asks.

"I do."


Brax interupts, "Cove... I'm serious.... Let it go... Please. Therr are other ponies who need you more than I do." Brax gave a reassuring smile.

Cove's eyes watered up a bit...but he held back the river he had held onto for so long, "Fine... I'll stop the research.. Happy now?"

"Yes, very... Now I'll give Tik his daily dose of pony interaction while you lay down." Brax glared... He was serious this time.

"Yeah yeah." Cove knew not to argue with Brax when he's all serious like that.

"Good." Brax left the room and shut the door...leaving Cove alone.

Against Cove's better judgement... He lied down... And rested aftern 4 days of continual work.

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