Terrence and the cow

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Terrence was putting up a cattle fence for future uses.

"Phew... this sure is hard work ain't it?" he was talking to himself as he would do often.

He hammered the last nail in only using his hoof. 


"Heh? Wassat?" Terrence turned around and saw a cow just standing there, "The 'ell? What're you doin' ya crazy animal... and how'd ya get in the barrier?"


"Right... yer a cow. Go on git.... shoo-" Terrence tried to the big ole cow to go away so he could work, "Wait... now that ah think 'bout it... you might make some tasty beef."


"Yeah.... yeah.... hey cow... wanna get in the fenced area?"

The cows ears perked up, "Moooo." and miraculously... it walked right in.

"You can understand me can't you cow?"

"Mooo..." it nodded lightly.

"Well ain't that somethin' special... I can't eat'cha now."

"Mooo." the cow's black beady eyes flashed blue for just a moment.

"Since you WERE gonna be made into beef... ah think it's only right that ah name ya Beef... how's that sound."

"Moo." the cow nodded it's head lightly.

"Well Beef... you ah're gon' be best friends ya hear?"

"Mooooooooooooooooooo!" Beef seemed pleased with this response.

"Calm done now... can't have ya wakin' the whole village."

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