Emma, Jr and Armi

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Armi was sitting there while the two foals played around him.

"I'm gonna get'cha!" Emma shouted jumping over Armi's back.

"Pfft.... no you ain't." Jr slid between Armi's legs like a snake.

"Why you... get back here!" Emma chased after Jr.

"Oh both of your parents would be proud of you." Armi was watching them from the corner of his eye, "Sorry about what I did Jr... hope you can forgive me for being the cause of both of your Dad's deaths. I could have stopped Erephes from taking his own life.... and Damian-" there was a sharp pain where his heart would be if he had one, "ANd Emma.... thank Celest----...no... no more Celestia... she's gone.... thank GOODNESS Kiwi is there for you."

"AH!" both of the foals scream as they tumble into the nearby river


"ARMI HELP WE CAN'T SWIM!" Emma screams out as her head pops up for a second and then sinks under the water.

Armi picked up Emma with his magic and jumped in to grab Jr. After a few seconds he got the foals back onto the grass, "You kids have to be careful-"

"Sorry mister Armi!" the two say in tandem.

"Don't call me me 'mister'... makes me feel old."

"But you are old." Emma shoots back.

Armi taps her on the top of her head with his hoof.


"Wise.... I am wise... not old. I've explained to you that I'm not a real pony... so therefore I do not age like a real pony."

"You're real to us." Jr butts in with a slight tinge of anger in his voice.

"I may be real physically but-"

"NO! No buts! You're real and don't you EVER think any different." Jr was really laying into him now.

"I-I-" Armi was caught off guard... nopony would really stand up to him like that... let alone a foal, "Alright... you win this round."

"Hmph!" Emma and Jr felt accomplished with outsmarting what is probably the smartest pony walking the earth right now.

"You two are quite the hooffull you know that?" Armi says.... looking at them from the corner of his eye with a stoic look on his face.

Jr snorted, "Yeah."

Armi's lips perked up into a slight smile as he looked back out over the water into the horizon as the sun was dipping below it, "You kids are pretty interesting... just like your parents. If you two EVER need me... call out my name.... and I'll be right there... got it? No matter where I am... I WILL get to you-"

"Yes mister Armi." they both say at the same time again.

"Good." as soon as the kids looked away.... he was gone.

"Where'd he go?" Emma was bamboozled.

"Dunno... he did this to dads all the time. Hah! Got'cha!" Jr tackled Emma into the dirt.

The two foals laughed as they continued to play.

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