Arkeus X Luna

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So that some people don't get this mixed up, this IS Luna but not THE Luna... this is canon to mine and my friend's AU of the show so don't get on my ass about it "not being canon to the show" Well guess what? It ain't canon to the show suckers... deal with it XP.

        Luna and Arkeus were lying in the sand.... Luna's expansive wings wrapped around Ark as if he were a teddy bear.

"Mmmmmm.... so waaarm...." the white unicorn muttered.

"You certainly have some strange interests." Luna replies.

Ark arched his head up to look at Luna from a very awkward looking position, "My interests are not strange, if they were strange then you'd be strange."

"I-.......... you got me there." the alicorn giggles.

Ark turned his head back down and snuggled closer, "Sometimes I feel like the older one."

"Hmph.... we both know that I am thousands of years older than you." Luna huffed.

"Sarcasm, princess."

"Still-" Luna went to unwrap a wing from Ark out Ark pulled it back down, "I am not a blanket Ark."

"You are right now~" Ark looked at Luna from the corner of his eye with a sly smile.

"Oooh... hmph.... phooey.... you are a hoof full sometimes. But Ark... I have to go now."

"But whyyyyyyyyyyyyy????????"

"Because we have been laying here for the last 3 hours!"

"Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine." Ark rolled out from underneath his sanctuary under Luna's wings, "Go on... do what you gotta dooooooo." Ark was pouting... he was sat on his back hooves with hos front ones crossed.

"Don't be like that." Luna got up and put her head on top of Ark's.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm." Ark shut his eyes tight.


"Mmmmmmmmmmm." he shut them tighter.


"Mmmm fine." he opened his eyes and looked up.

        Luna pecked him on the cheek and flew off into the distance leaving Ark by himself.

"I'm cold-"

        Ark looked out into the water as the clouds came closer.

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