Do it Right and You Can't be Wrong

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Strut.... or at the time Feather Bolt snuck into the bathroom at 5:35 am... earlier than his parents or siblings. He had a plan.... he was going to go to school dressed how he wants, and not how his father wants him to.

Feather was going to put on his mother's make-up and wear one of her dresses to school. He had a whole plan set up. He was going to spend 20 minutes on make-up, 5 minutes on getting the dress on, and get out of the house before anyone else by 6:00. But he kept having to redo the make-up which was wasting more time... it was already past the 20 minutes he originally planned.

"Why can't I get it right... mama does it perfectly every morning!" he threw the eye shadow into the sink and slumped to the floor, starting to cry.

"Oh sweetie." it was his mother.

His eyes widened in shock, and he fell into the shower, "Don't look at me."

"Sh sh sh dear... you're going to wake your father. Her let me lend you a hoof."

"Y-you're n-not mad at me for getting into y-your--"

"No no no... of course not honey! If you want to dress up like your mother, then so be it." Evangeline's smile was so soft and warm.


"Shhhh yes yes." 

"So, you'll help me then?"

"Yes, I will." another motherly smile, "If you want to look pretty, then you will look pretty."

Evangeline started with Feather's hair, she tied it into a high ponytail, and then she did the eyeshadow and eyeliner, the lipstick, and finally.... she pulled out a purple dress.

"Your favorite one!"

"Mama... I can't wear that one-"

"Nonsense... I insist."

"A-alright." Evangaline assisted Feather with getting the dress on

"Do it right, and you can't be wrong."

"What does that even mean mama?"

"Well it means... well... I-I really don't know... my father would say it to me all the time. I think it means that if you are in the right, things will go your way."


"Go on... you'd better get going before everypony else gets up.

Feather hugs her, "Thanks mom!" and then gallops out of the house.

Later that day:

"Look at this dork... you're a colt... not a filly" a larger colt pushed Feather over into some mud.

"At least I'm not afraid to be who I am on the inside." Feather stands up for himself.

"Leave her alone!" a filly slid down the side of the hill and wrestling kicked the biggest bully into the mud face first.

"Darn it!"

"Let's get outta here." one of the other two shout and they skeddadle.

"You're tough until somepony fights back." she stuck her tongue out at the big colt and he scampers off too. Tulip turned to Feather, "Are you alright miss?"



"I'm a sir."

"O-OH! MY BAD!" Tulip was certainly flustered.

"No no... it's fine."

Tulip hoisted Feather to his hooves, "I'm Tulip... and you are?"

"Fea---- Strut....Stage Strut."

"Nice to meet you Strut... you look very nice."


"Wanna come have lunch with me?"

"S-sure.... oh but my moms going to kill me!"


"This isn't my dress!"

"You can wash it at my house afterschool."

"Y-you don't even know me."

"I don't have to." Tulip smiled at her newfound friend. She thought it was going to be hard to find a friend, but I guess not.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2022 ⏰

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