Humble vs Caramel

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"Spar with me!" Humble asked for the fifth time today.

"No." Caramel replied.

"Whyyyyy noooooot."

"Because..... I'm...busy-" Caramel was trying to worm her way out of it.

"But all you've been doing is sitting here writing on these stupid papers." Humble swooped up one of the many papers on Humble's desk.

Caramel was now agitated.... she grabbed Humble's hoof and twisted him onto his back, "Stop touching my things!"

"Woah! I knew you could fight!" Humble flipped upright and was now even more excited.

"Tch... damn.... yes... I can fight alright... happy now?" 

"Not until you fight meeeeeeeee!"

"Fine! For Celestia's sake fine!" Caramel got out of her seat, "Well come on!"

Humble squeed and followed gleefully.

Caramel brought the, to the dirt fighting arena she used to host oh so many tournaments.

"Well... how do you want to do this?" Caramel asked.

"No rules!"



"I want ONE rule." Caramel spoke up.


"No permanent damage."

"Yes ma'am!"

" that we have that in place... let's get started yeah?"

"Yes please."

Caramel dropped her smile and focused... she'd seen Humble fight... so she has the advantage. Nopony has seen Caramel's skill... not even her own mother. Humble was slightly wobbling, this was normal for Humble... for his fighting style was Capoeira. A style that is difficult to use. It requires an empty mind.... and Humble's mind is quite empty.... and yet... so full at the same time. Caramel had many choices for a martial arts she could use... so she picked Judo. Her lean to. It was easiest for her to use with her prosthetic leg and wing. And she can utilize her wings into the judo style.

"Come on then.... I can't use my style if I attack first." Caramel says.

"Kay!" Humble wobbled toward Caramel... it was as if Humble was drunk... but Humble never drank as far as Caramel knew.

When Humble got close... he swung his hoof loosely at Caramel.... Caramel blocked with her metal wing and a thunk was made. When she brought her wing down there was a slight dent in the metal feathers.

"I can't let my guard down... not even for a second." Caramel thought to herself.

Humble swung again but this time Caramel wrapped her real wing around his hoof and slammed him nose first into the dirt.

"Oomph." Humble quickly recovered, "That's a cool technique!"

Caramel didn't respond... but what she DID do was wrap his hooves around Humble's neck and grappled him back to the ground again. She had her wings and limbs wrapped all around Humble's body. He struggled and struggled...... but to no success.... he was stuck in Caramel's grip.

"You done yet?" she asks.

He kept struggling... he struggled so hard that his cheeks were puffed full of air.

"C'mon dude... just yield!"


"Oh for Celestia's sake." she squeezed his neck just a little harder.

Humble was getting light headed.... he had to stop...he had to give in... he had to! He tapped the dirt and he Caramel let's go.


"How are you this good?" Humble asks.

"U-uh... training?"

"What's your training regiment?"

"It uh.... it only works for Judo... sorry."

"I want to learn a little."

Caramel thought for a moment, "Only if you teach me some of your Capoeira."

"Deal!" the two ponies bumped hooves in agreement.

"You better pay for the damage to my wing."

"Oh look at the time... I got to uh... I left my lasagna in the oven!" and with that... Humble was gone.

"Hey wait!" Caramel flew after the surprisingly fast Humble

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