Girls Motivation

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Girls are pretty and a lot of them are poised from bad experiances in life. Soft to the touch lot of them think that they rough. Girls heavy the crown they carry it all. But heavy responsibilities waight them down.
Stand up and shout that your fine!
Not needimg any one to carry you on.
Some of paresnts compare there children's to others that have a lot of side effect more than to be a motivation. It effect there personality.
This is such a message for all the girls out there whoes hurting. Let me be your mirror, help you see a little bit clearer.
Open your eyes see that tour perfect dont need any changes. You just dont understang your worth it all that beauty goes deeper than the surface its beauty of the soul.
Your beautiful just the way you are. Dont change any thing in your self cause this world could change your heart.
Dont broke girls by saying:" girls is just to do the chores". Its not what the only thing that ladies for. Female is not the half world its the world it self.

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