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. Love is a beautiful feeling that actually we can say all of us had been passed throught. Love is not related to boyfriend or girlfriend it's related to other stuff also.
We all know that we maybe love 1,2,3,4 person but just one of them well remain stucked in the bottom of your heart.
Love may make you happy or make you sad. It said that the one that you though about before you sleep he/she the reason of your happiness or your sadnees.
Its hard but try to not relate your happiness to someone. Never trust words take words from mouth of actions.

Love is not just a feeling like what people think its a soul that live in your heart which can change you to the beast.
You know that your in love when you can't fall a sleep because reallife finally is better than your dreams cause of someone.
        Nowadays theres a lot of teenagers that passes through time that they like or love someone then they probably tell there parents.
    Even thought they maybe be scared to tell there parents not cause of there parents just cause of there parents reaction. There parents gonna ignore them even though  they have almost passed in the same experience but they disagree (love) since when they was teenagers there parents disagree love too so they are treeting there childrens as they was treated.
        Generation gaps between grandparents, parents, and childrens. Took place in a lot of fateful decisions.
    Generation gaps have a lot of side effects that causa a lot if psychological side effects. It cause a lot of effects that may  change  teenager's personalities. No one could lie about there feelings eventhough if somepeople didnt reveal there feelings cause of beeing shy.

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