Part 1 - who Is He

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Monday- 07:32am 

Gens Perspective:

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"God my head hurts! Ughhh I have to go back to school" I sigh in dread wile rising from my sea of bedding.  I move my partially netted, ink black hair away from my pale face, as I observe my room the bright clock on my bed side table catches my eye "FUCK!" I shout alarmingly " no no no I slept in AGHH!". As I thew myself at the bedroom door a loud voice seeming almost angry beams through my front door. 

"What the hell why are you not up you basturd!" it shouts from outside I can only expect its chrome, him and I walk to school along with a couple others most mornings but why today I sigh to myself still trying to maintain urgency considering it's the first day back and I am probably going to be late. " Sorry sorry just come in" I swing the door open to chrome looking pissed off " that's unlike him" I think to myself "just wait in the kitchen I will be ready inna sec" I shout towards him. Chrome was standing itching to leave as I threw on the first outfit I could see. Once again throwing myself out my bedroom door, I shoved past the angry male to grab a stale bagel and an icy can of coca cola from the fridge. "cmon then" he informs me wile herding me towards the door " I am going to be late because of you ". I rushed myself as I grabbed my satchel of the side of my coffee table and began lightly jogging towards Chrome who was now impatiently waiting for me near the exit of my apartment complex. 

" Sorry chrome - " I said embarrassed as we began to walk. " don't do it again or I will-" " ye what are you gunna do? " I reply in an attempt to be snarky; we continue the banter as we ponder along the cobble sidewalk and make our way to school.

Senkus Perspective 


"Oof finally back to school " I think to myself "now what will this godawful new school have to offer". I had just moved to a new area suggested by my dad a couple years back [ ofc before the howl space thing] fortunately I have friends who already go to the nearby school Yuzuriha and Taju I have known them most of my life, but I have weirdly never actually been to the same school as them. I swing my bag across my shoulder in anticipation and trundle out my door at a decent time, around 7:40 giving, me 20 minutes to walk to school and grab a bite to eat or something. 

As I walk two young boys around my age, one with glossy brown hair, and the other leathery black hair, one side shorter than the other catch my eyes. They seemed to be "arguing?" I thought to myself well they sure are making a racket for this time of day. 

The slightly shorter brunette shoved the other into my side as I passed, I let out I small grunt as I feel myself hit the cold floor.

 "What the fuck!" I say groggily, my temper building.  

The boy who was now putting pursuer onto my side, turns to meet my gaze, his hair flipped in the wind and his dead, yet lively grey eyes shone in disbelief, it seemed as though he was just as confused as I was. His cheeks brightened a pale pink color. He hastily pushed himself up.

  " I AM SO SORYY!"  he pelts out, startling passers." I really didn't mean to ... I am sorry " he bows at me to apologies, proceeding to lend out a pasty white hand to help me up while still pleading for forgiveness. " don't worry about it . . ." I say as he attempts to lift me up of the cold concrete. When I finally get to my feet and brush myself off, I can't help but notice the two still bickering amongst themselves- 

"What the hell that was your fault chrome" "no its yours you here being stupid" "ughhh shut up no it was you" " you argue like a ten-year-old Gen, Jesus" "no-" they whisper to each other in some kind of urgency.

The brunette whips himself around and looks at me with smug contempt eyes "ahhh I am so so sorry, like I said before its Gens fault he was-" 

" I really don't care save your breath, next time look where you're going " with that I took off and began to walk once again trying to ignore their gaze that was slowly burning a howl in the back of my head. I giggled to myself lightly at the strange situation, pushing my oldy placed strands of hair back from my face.

Gens Perspective:


God I am such a cluts that was my fault wasn't it "CHROME you basturd your so rude why wouldn't you ask his name or be polite or something?!" I screech at him 

"I don't know, what you wanna get his number or summin" he sniggers as he lunges back " so who was he? " I ask Chrome knowing full well he knows jack shit about anyone in the school besides people he likes " I actually might know him isn't he one of Tajus childhood friends? " 

" Wait you know Taju what the hell, how many people do you know isn't he some big top shot at our school! " 

" Well, we had some end of term project, we got paired and he wouldn't shut up about some super smart old friend of his who was supposed to be coming to our school He showed me a howl bunch of photos of the guy, but I am not 100% sure that's him it could just be some random guy. Besides why do you care?" the male nonchalantly explained, Chrome's ever-increasing knowledge never fails to confuse me.

"what's your problem I was just . . . interested. . . that's all" I say in an attempt to hide my embarrassment why wouldn't I be I just pushed some random guy over and sat on him for Christ's sake. 

"hmmmm~ I dont know you seemed pretty invested when I was talking about him ~ "he brunette teased.

 "OI shut up, let's just get to school " I bitterly spike back " Ok ok " he sniggers as I bend down to grab my bag that was rudely pushed out my hand a moment ago.

TBC. . .


A/N- ngl re-reading this is making me want to pass away, lmao it's pretty poorly written and shit so continue at your own risk mate ⚆_⚆

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