part 7- Resentment

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Gens pov:

location swap-12:45pm Gens apartment:


I was curled up in bed now arms and legs latched firmly around a pillow beside me as if it where a person, all I could do was silently weep to myself eyes and face digging into that pillow, soggy tears griping to my cheek bone, and finally giving up and letting go at my jaw. "what am I doing" I slowly looked down at my hands "I didn't even let him finish. . ." In reality I didn't want him to finish at all, all I could do was think of the worst of things. If he didn't hate me for being gay he sure as hell would hate me for leaving him there alone. . . a moment of realization struck me "what if I am in the wrong here . . ." as I said before I didn't let him finish what he was going to say so who even knows. I let out a weary sigh as I pulled my head up, I dont like the unknown it worries me, why cant things juts me straight forward. I reached toward my bag to grab my phone in hope to complain to chrome about my problem.

"crap" I stopped caring at this point " what the hell is wrong with me" I silently cackled to myself in pure disappointment and shame. Guess what this dumb ass did , left his phone in Senkus house, part of me is relieved, it gives me an opportunity to go see him again. "maybe I could clear things  when I Am there. . ."

Senkus Pov:


What have I done I sighed wile going to pick up what I thought was my phone off the kitchen counter, It was buzzing like hell " some ones calling me ?" Without much hesitation I answered and slammed the phone to my ear, "hello. . ."  I said wearily "OH UHMMMM. . .who is this" the voice over the phone shrieked  .

Its ishigimi senku, why are you calling?

[ I heard the voice choke over the phone ]

ehem uhhhh. . .This is Gens phone. . . right?

Shit your right . . .

so uhhhh your Senku then cool!

who is this sorry Gen must have left his phone here damn 

Gen left his phone where . . . *choking once again* heh ehem sorry . . . why is uhh Gen in your house

could you stop deflecting my question 

OH ye sorry its chrome Gens friend, I bet HE TOTTLLY talks about me ALL the time so you probably already know me

heh ye ok I have 0 clue who you are, just one of Gens friends I hope 

huh? what do you mean" friends you hope~~"

Shut up seriously I just met you and I already resent you . .  just as much as I do myself right now  [ the last part was almost inaudible ]

you resent who now, damn you sound depressing to be around gosh how does Gen even have a crush on you WAIT FUCK-

seems like Gens friends also have a habit of accidentally blurting out thoughts 


well I Guessing you already know about the hole you know. . . c-crush thing

[ I briefly explained to him the situation and what happened with Gen ]

hey I know I have literally never met you but if I know anyone its gen and he is probably stabbing himself right now regretting some shit he tends to over think things that's why he overreacts sometimes this should blow over I know him, but in the mean time I recommend going to his house asap I cant 100% guarantee he will open up striate away but just try talkin and that it should work !

Thanks chrome , sorry for bothering you- I should go now then 

YEP! you better hurry after your manz~ wait did you even say if you like him back . . . oh god I feel sick ,sorry that was probably really weird 

no no, at the moment I am unsure I mean I really do like him I just cant quite work out what I have been feeling recently 

your blunt man you haven't even told me those feelings and I can already tell you like him just go already its like 1:03 !

Oh sorry see ya 

Bye *hangs up*

third person Pov 

Gens Apartment:


*knock knock*

Gen was half asleep at the time staring aimlessly at the dim wall lit by moonlight, observing all its flaws and cracked paint. He let out a sigh as he slowly pulled the covers off him, dangling his legs over the side of the bed before trekking to his front door. Gen had forgotten what time it was so didn't think much of the knock, Senku behind the door was about to push his hand out one last time but pulled away "Maybe I was wrong, I should just go" A muffled voice called from outside " bye. . ."  after hearing that Gen swung the door open he knew who it was, even if Senku wasn't here to confess or anything  he at least could get his phone back.

"o-oh uhm" senku blurted " its late so I just thought I would give you, your phone back" Gen stared into his blush ridden face his leak like hair and those mesmerizing deep red eyes, "th-thanks. . ." the silence was thick words where short, something about the atmosphere suffocated the young males on the spot. Senku let out an arm to offer Gens phone back, gen lightly grasped the phone into his hand.  Senku slid his arms down to his sides hoisted his bag back up his arm and turned to leave , "w-wait" a moment of silence , defining silence "senku. . .please" Gen peeped as he slumped his posture now. He turned around " just message me its late ok. . ." With that the young boy began to walk off yet again down the corridor into the abyss of black, that was night time 

Time skip-2:00 pm- messages:

Gen- Hey senku. . .

Senku- Hey Gen

Gen- I just wanted to say sorry I probably made you feel really uncomfortable It would be best if we probably dont talk from now on. . .

Senku-no thanks, You dont need to say sorry Gen you didn't really do anything wrong.

Gen- but I did Senku Its fine I dont mind hanging out with just my old friends from now on

Senku-who said I wanted that ?

Gen-. . .

Senku- I dont think you know but I really do want to be friends with you, I dont normally say things like this  but I am not to sure of my emotions and feelings at the moment, that's why I was confused when you said what you said. It had never really occurred to me before Ig we never actually spoke about stuff like that.

Gen- so. . .we can still be friends?

Senku- wasn't really my exact plan but sure!

Gen- wait what do you mean by that :0

Senku- looks like ur happy again good now go to bed its like 2:30. 

Gen- Wait wait dont deflect my question !!!

Senku- nope, see ya !!

Gen- >:[

Gen- fine gn

Senku- come to mine in the morning you left some stuff and I want to make sure you eat. 

Gen-fine see ya there!!!

Gens heart pounded, he gently culched his chest and curled up to sleep, a warm feeling in his howl body a flustered feeling ,relief and serenity. Gen held tight to the pillow beside him in his bed, "its warm" he let out a small smirk that lingered on his face. Senku did the same in his own bed But something was different, he didn't feel right, his stomach fluttered , his face melted at his own thoughts, His heart raced. . .

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