part 9 - I Give In

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Gens pov:

time skip- Outside Senkus apartment-


"Come on gen you can do this" I thought to myself, the truth was I couldn't. . . I really couldn't. Something felt weird a mix of embarrassment, fear, and a feeling of contempt three emotions I wouldn't exactly group together. I gripped up a light fist in my left hand, I lifted it up my hand felt heavy and unbearably shaky, I hesitated for a moment, but I gave up I threw my hand against the door of Senku-chans apartment forming a light knocking sound. I waited a moment fidgeting my hands against the hem of my shirt in anticipation. about 10 or 11 seconds go by and door finally swings open to a panting senku "oh. . .huff sorry gen come in I was just in the shower hah" an awkward laugh left his lips as he gestured me towards his living room. Something came over me, he is so pretty with his hair tied up like that, and dont get me started on that amazing face pale red lips stunning apple red eyes pale-ish clear skin. My heart fluttered my stomach ached; I felt a light pale pink color grasp my cheek. 

I was pulled out my frozen trance to a wet hand grasping my wrist "w-wha. . . S-senku-cchan?" "Oh, now you reply? you were so busy staring into space I took It upon myself to move you" he said wile dragging me towards his sofa. "I-I uhm sorry" I embarrassingly replied " not a problem Gen, I don't mind you do It a lot I just filer it out " his face seemed much brighter than normal. he seemed. . . pleased to see me? definitely something I had seen before but something felt off. Senku slumped onto the sofa, me slowly and more gently following. The awkward silence pierced my ears, it was just senku and I staring at each other. I glanced away to cover my lightly dusted red face before breaking the silence "so uhm your clothes" I grabbed my bag and began to rummage for shirt and throusers he had lent me last night "Oh yes. . ." senku said. " Well, I was hoping we could save that; I need to talk to you . . . about something" I looked up trying to stay calm for the first time in a while I saw his face burn up an aggressive red color. "Go ahead" I peeped "well. . .I-I was thinking about. . . you know-" I placed my hand oh his which was gently placed on the sofa I could just feel how hot he was. "UHM ye I . . ." his sentences began to break up he was stuttering. . . badly. " Something wrong senku-chan~" I said leaning closer to him "FUCK IT I GIVE IN" he yelped before brushing his lips against mine into a gentle yet passionate kiss.

I grabbed my hand to the back of neck and pulled his body closer to mine. I could see how red he was. He suddenly pulled away in shock "uhm. . . s-sorry gen that was weird I-I Shouldn't have done th-that sorry" " cute" That's all I needed to say before his face made a howl new shade of red, in realty I felt overjoyed my head was spinning this has to be some kind of dream I was screaking to myself on the inside. No way I could show out before long I let out a small screech as senku grabbed me in for a hug. I few seconds go by, and I gave in and hugged back. I could feel his smile I could only assume he was trying to hide it in my shoulder, I was smiling to a grin that wend from ear to ear and overtook my face. surprisingly enough I wasn't blushing that much considering what had just happened. 

 " so, I am guessing you like me then?" I say "y-ye well I don't know I mean-" "dick move if you dont, that's called leading someone on you know" I snigger mockingly  "no I do its just I am so confused, one this doesn't feel real two I still don't understand why I feel like this when I am around you" " haha welp I suppose you have never liked anyone  before, I mean at school you're a girl magnet senku-chan you always turn them down" "gen what the hell" he looks at me disappointed and amused, "I am joking seriously" I giggle while throwing myself onto his chest, Senku leans his back onto the sofa lying down now staring confused "oh lighten up senku-chan~" I lift my head up smiling at him "so pretty. . ." Senku mumbles "*choking* S-senku-chan" "sorry sorry, it's still true" the last part was just about auditable for me to hear. "Anyway, I am here now we should find something to do for the rest of the day" "sure, we could go to izakaya place that's just opened up in town" " ooo I have been to one of those before they are amazing its almost lunch anyway letts gooo~" " fine, let me go change first I don't want to look like crap for our first date" 

"d-date?" I thought to myself, the internal screeches began yet again it sounded like a teenage girl fangirling over some show. I smashed my face into one of the decretive pillows and slammed myself down.

Time skip- after the outing- around 5:30

"hufffff, did we really have to around the howl town~" I complained as I threw myself and my stuff onto senku-chans couch " it was fun tough?" he replied sniggering to himself "ugh your so sweat sometimes!" Senku came and neatly placed himself next to me, "so what now?" I mumbled "AH I know I can go make us dinner cmon" he led me to the countertop in the kitchen, "sit, I will make us some food ok" "fine senku-chan~" after a hefty half hour or so dinner was daintily places Infront of me sliding on the smooth countertop. holy shit this man can cook, it looked visually amazing and don't even get me started on how it tasted. " Is it good?" he roughly asked me " fucking amazing senku-chan how did you learn to make this!" he placed his hand over the back of his head before proudly blushing "heh I don't really know guess I just do " "NOW COME EAT DEAREST SENKU" I blurted " fine fine" 

After we finished are amazing meal, I grasped both our plates and cups balancing them on one another before beginning to clean then up in the sink. I felt a pressure on my shoulder only to see senku had placed his head there "cmonn we can do that later come sit down so we can pick a movie or something" he pouted " a movie?" " yep, it will be fun~" " fine " I turned the sink off and began to race towards the living room lying down yet again. Senku abruptly followed a few minutes after me with snacks and other things. "so kind" I mumbled to myself my face turning a light pink shade as he placed himself down beside me.

I snuggled myself into the sea of pillows and blankets, I nudge my way towards senku and place my head on his side, my legs firmly wrapped over his. "soooo what we are watching~" I peeped " how about a horror there fun to watch?" "Horror. . .you sure senku-chan" I hate horror movies I wanted to act tough, so I tried not to hint so much. "Oh! So, your too scared mentalist?" "NO . . . you're the one who is to scared" I pout shoving myself into him " hah ok then" he picked a random horror film. welp this is going to go well I thought to myself.

Senkus pov- 9:34am - Friday September 22nd:

Gen and I where now settled in the sofa watching some horror field, If I am to be honest, I hate horror films not because I am scared simply because they are unrealistic and boring, I am not sure gen likes them either but for a different reason. We were now about 45 mins into it, and I could feel gen lightly tremble, whenever there were jumps scare or generally unsettling bit, he would huddle closer to me and flinch. "Hey Gen, you alright" I whispered to him, "u-uhm ye ye I am fine" definitely, I cautiously wrapped my arm around his shoulder and pulled him closer to me *bang* another stupid jump scares this time I could feel gens face press against my chest to hide himself I lightly brushed my hands through His silky hair in an attempt to comfort him. I could feel his head move around he began to look up at me with small droplets of tears holding around his eyes. "it's alright we can turn it off" I grasped the remote and turned it off.

I could see how embarrassed he was I tried not to react much to save him from feeling even more like crap " cmon then it's sort of late and we have to go back to school in two days, a sleeping habit would be good I know you have a tendency to wake up late " I gestured he looked at me less red now but still visibly embarrassed and slightly distressed. I rose up from on the sofa and lifted out a hand towards Gen. Still engulfed in blankets and pillows he took my hand " oke" was all he said before me nervously walked towards my bedroom. "You can sleep in my bed, I will go on the sofa, ok?" "s-senku-chan, could you sleep with me instead" he mumbled almost completely inaudible "fine" a small smile left my face. When I settled down under the covers I felt Gen huddle towards me, his cold hands interlocked with mine I could feel small breaths my chest, a heavy heartbeat that corresponded with mine. " Night senku-chan" Gen peeped still pressed against me. " night "I replied, my hand found itself hugged against his back pulling him close. Safe and secure is all I could think. Gen slowly drifted off into sleep, not long after I followed into a wonderfully comfortable trance. . .

Edit- just fixing various mistakes since yk I am an editor now thought it would be good to look over this mess of a story lmao 

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