Part 6- The Sleep Over . . . Or Not?

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Gens Pov:


"shit shit shit shit" I quietly panicked to myself "why didn't I bring clothes with me first this fever and now thig what do I do" I memurd for a wile and whimpered to myself before I hear him outside the door "ah where you go" an unfamiliar voice chanted in glee " thanks " Senku replies shuffling a bit outside before closing what I can only assume was the front door. *knock knock* Senku was lightly knocking on the door it seemed like he didn't want to disturb me."uhem uh Gen I orderd some food for us let me know hwen your read, k?" "uhmm s-senku-chan Can I B-borrow some clothes please. . ." my voice was corky and sounded dry. "haha knew it give me a sec" after a few minutes of anticipated shuffling. senku knoked again "Imma just pass it through now, that ok with you?" "I-uhm could you leave it on your bed please-I can shuffle past with my towel on-" Gen replied "oke dokie Hurry your ass up the pizzas gunna get cold Gen" 

The air thickened and be came awkward as I peeped out a reply " th-thanks. . .Senku-Chan" after he wondered off back to the kitchen I Rushed out the bathroom A small towel covering my lower half I felt a horrible cold air it my bear chest as I bolted past, my head was spinning it was a mix of both embarrassment and the fever. I could feel senkus worrying eyes piercing my back like a bullet. My skin Is pale and my figure is slender I often get compliments on how feminine I look compared to most others. After what felt like hours of moving [ only a few seconds 5 or 10 at best ] the sweet relief of being covered again was blissful. As I threw mt body through the bedroom door.

third person pov:


He threw on the shirt and trousers Senku left out for him in a rush. Gen found myself gazing  out the large window beside senkus bed, the sunset was amazing you could see city land scaped backed by glorias hilly siloets backed yet again by the fading pre-winter sunset that shone in an almost calm manor. Gen Hadn't even accounted how long he was staring to the point where senku was knocking yet again at the door but Gen didn't hear. He continued to gaze and gaze until his head began to spin he felt an ungodly amount of pressure on his chest before his eyes began to fog up. "s-sen-ku" he whispers. Senku continued to cknock on the door trying to talk to him and without warning -


"GEN WHAT THE FUCKS HAPPENING !" when senku heard the ear piercing thump on the floor his mind panicked  throwing the door open not botherd if Gen was dressed or Not he wanted Gen to be safe. "GEN, GEN What happened, please answer. . ." in a state of confusion senkus eyes began to swell, he could feel light yet prominent tears tearing there way down his face. with little contemplation he picked Gen up resting him on the bed beside him. Fortunately Senku could feel he was breathing he tucked in the pale boy and walked out to grab some water. When he returned Gen had come out of his faze, "s-senku -chan?"

Senku let out a sigh of relief as he gently help Gen prop himself up the bed "heh. . . so much for not wanting to worry you hey" he said in an attempt to lighten the mood. Senku tilted his head down wiping the tears away from his face in embarrassment before leaning back and off the bed. "let me know if you need anything to eat k ?" Something bout senkus tone made him seem as though he felt shameful "s-senku-chan" Gen grabbed his wrist before he could wonder too far "senku-chan. . .I know your upset but pleas stay . . . for a bit" Senku shifted his view "YE RIGHT I AM UPSET, YOU REALLY SCARED ME THERE GEN!" Senku flung he weight back and hugged Gen " At least your not dead or something. . .dont do it again" the last part was hardly heard but Gen understood. It took a moment to realize he was eing hugged after  seconds of confusion Gen retuned the hug. " I genuinely thought you where gunna kill me back there dear senku-chan, good to know your not that mad" he had never seen Senku like this.

It suddenly hit him," the boy I had a huge crush on was now hugging me in there bed AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHAT THE HELL GEN CALM-DOWN-NOW!" Gen thought to himself caught off  by the now confused senku looking up at him. . . "Gen? What was that" Gen scoffed in confusion "what did I do something wrong ?" "you. . .like me?"

"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!" this time he said this in his head for real " did. . . I s-say that out l-loud. . ." without hesitation Gen hurried himself up. "Wait gen where are yo-" he got cut off " sorry senku I-I need to go " still in senkus baggy clothes which Clearly didn't fit he grabbed his bag that was left on the kitchen counter and hurryingly shoved his sightly damp shoes on and began to rush through the door. his face was distorted now how could he say that outload right Infront of him "fuck!" he loudly repeated to himself as he rushed out the door "GEN!! please wait, Just . . .please" as Gen god further away senku muffled his voice  and slouched to the floor confused and upset he chastely grabbed his chest that had now began to pain inside him, he slowly closed the front door beside him. . ."but I like you too. . ." he murmured to himself in pure disappointment "no no I cant its . . . not . . . NO what the fuck is going on kekeke you would think a brainiac like me could decipher these emotion but I seriously cant. . .." glassy dead tears dropped gracefully to the floor of Senkus apartment as he dipped his head to the floor. . .

TBC. . .

writers note- sorry for the short chapter will get to improving more soon  was written in a bit of a rush as always sorry for mistakes hehe :D

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