Part 2 - Phone Number

912 26 3

Gens Perspective:

time skip- first period still monday 9:01 


 After arriving at school with Chrome and meeting up with Ruri and a few others I was rudely interrupted by the alarming sound of the school bell the echoed in the post summer air flushing itself around campus " welp see you guys later meet here at lunch, ok?" I informed them "see ya" "on it we have the same form so we should be all good till lunch" "byee!" 

. I flung my bag over one shoulder and lifted myself up as I began to walk towards my form class, since it was the first day back, we have periods one and two in form pretty much a useless lesson that teaches us absolutely nothing, free time if you will. Allowing you to catch up with friends just after lesson time.

When I arrived outside the class, I slowly slid the door across to see there was some commotion around one desk people like taiju , yuzuriha and a couple random girls were discussing with some new guy? Hmph it's probably nothing it didn't matter to me anyway but to chrome on the other hand he was invested-

"What do you think there are talkin about ~ "

"it's probably nothing Chrome, why don't you get a life "

"Rude much damn I didn't do anything, you know you can be so cruel sometimes Gen "

" I am joking chill out, anyways looks like he wants to talk to you?"

Suddenly the group around this guy spread to their seats and . . . its him, the person from this morning what was his name ughh I swear Chrome told me who he was or was I just imagining it anyways that didn't matter, he was looking straight at me now. WHATS THIS GUYS PROBLEM WHY IS HE LOOKING AT ME AND CHROME wait- why do I care it's not my problem I mean it is but UGH. Not a second later I get a rude nudge from the basturd sitting beside me " ay gen look look" he shows me a text conversation with Taju welp I guess these guys really where "friends" at one point. "What is it"


ME :3 - heyyy could I talk to ya 

Taju -hey, what's up you haven't talked to me inna wile lol since the school project and that, so                what did ya need! 

ME :3 - well I was wondering if you know cabbage hair over there, we bumped into him this                            morning I was just interested, happen to know him?

Taju -OHHHH that's Senku I was talkin about him last year! [I personally thought he looked                        more like a leak but whatever]

ME :3 -awesome tyy  for tellin me that's all see ya !

Taju -legit in the same class as you but oke HOPE To TALK TO YA AGAIN!!

"See look his name is Senku" boasted chrome, which then caught the attention of the boy newly known as Senku even more now why he always has to embarrass me like this.

 "Yes- and?" "What, I thought you wanted to know?? I mean it gives you an opportunity to apologize. . . right~" he boomed " ye ye I guess so but I really dont want to right now just . . . ask taju to give you his number I can text him" I will be honest here, I did want to say sorry properly to him but I also wanted to get to know him he seemed - cool if you will the kind of person that would be fun to hang around with you know.

"uhh weird but sure lemme talk to him" with that Chrome slid his seat back into place where his desk was and began tapping away with an occasional giggle.

It was around 9:32 am and our teacher entered the class I personally hated this teacher mainly because he was a huge dick head but to be honest, he didn't like me either he hated people like me just because I am a mentalist or at least that's the way I see it. We did the usually introduction part and Senku was introduced to the class as he stood from his desk sliding the chare back he was a lot taller and more handsome that I had expected I suppose most of the times I had actually seen him was in some kind of rush, his eyes glimmered a ruby red shade as he walked through the isle of chares and tables to the front of the class I found my face heating up a pinky red color as I watched him completely unaware of my surroundings it was as if the howl room and all the other people were not there only him and I in the middle of nowhere.

 A nudge from Infront of me snapped me back to the present a smiling proud Chrome was Infront of me "hey" he whispered my face still bright red  " what is it" I returned " look" he flashed his phone Infront of my face " I got it look , I will give it to ya after class oke I know~ your desperate " he sniggered and turned back to the front of the class " ass hole " I murmured under my breath in a moment of slight disbelief he actually got Senkus number. I had gotten a good look at him know I really wanted to know him better.

time skip - after school 3:34 still gens perspective:


 "Oof that was a long day don't ya think" Ruri complained at me " tell me about it, kinda random but how are you and Chrome doing you know the howl-" " shush, you probably already know I am sure he is boasting about it don't act you to slick" ruri snapped at me. What? did something happen between them I dare to ask any questions I should just leave it and text him after I get home. " I mean I dont really know what's going on between you guys at the moment but uhh sure anyways I gotta go this way now see ya Ruri! " " byeeee Gen!! see ya tomorrow!" few that was close Ruri seems nice, but she can sharp and blunt when she is angry or upset I hope everything is alright between them come to think of it I hadn't seem much of chrome after he gave me Senkus number? AH I have Senkus number I forgot I better rush home. with that i began to lightly jog towards my apartment building. When I made it up to my room I threw my bag and jacket on the floor before going to take a shower in my bathroom after about 10 mins of clearing myself up I feed my cat and throw myself onto my sofa and began to text Senku-


writers note: hey again tysm if you made it this far it means the world to me some one is actually reading this XD , sorry for constant changing of perspectives and that I hope its not to confusing [ I might write another part in a bit not sure I have a lot in my drafts ATM] as always criticism is 100% wanted please let me know if you have any issues with this fanfaic :D

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