Part 3-Messages

587 21 19

Senkus perspective:

text messages - 4:01 still Monday Senkus apartment:


Unknown- heyy! 

Senku- hello ? 

Senku- who is this ?

Unknown- hehe no one :3

Senku- seriously if your no one you wont mind me blocking you ?

Unknown- WAIT WAIT dont I wanna talk to you ;-;

Senku-  ok so who are you ? 

Senku-  And who gave you my number exactly ? 

Unkown - well if It will let you stay its Asagiri Gen ! but I will not say who gave me your number !

Senku- oh your that book writer "MeNtaLiSt " aren't you 

Gen- harsh much senku-chan what did I ever do to you???

Senku- haha nothing anyway what did you want to talk about ?

Usually I ignore things like this but talking to him was something I was planning to earlier today when I found myself entranced wile looking at him. it took me a wile to realize who exactly I was talking to , it was the guy from my class who bumped into me this morning Asagiri Gen. He is pretty tall and slender like he barely eats a thing, he has black hair , one side shorter than the other he is a well known mentalist or illusionist whatever people call it  how did I  not see. Its embarrassing to say but I quite enjoyed his books and I occasionally find myself watching his shows every now and again on lazy weekend nights, but why was he talking to me ?

Gen- well I am sure you know already but I am in your class I just wanted to apologies about this  morning ik I already said that then but still I feel bad you seemed pretty pissed off :[

Senku- no its not a problem doesn't bother me ,sorry if it came of that I was angry at you.

Gen- yay! Its nice to know your fine I was worried :D

Senku- why would you be worried ?

Gen- oh . . . uhm no reason anywaysssss wanna talk about something else???

Senku-ok ig ?

Gen- Geat!!!!

time skip- after a few hours of them talking and bonding:


Senku- hey Gen was fun talking but I need to go eat make sure you do too ok 

Gen- oke Senku-Chan will do <3

Senku- just please make sure you do see ya

Gen- lol dont worry about mee !!( >.<)

what the hell am I saying, I want him to eat, since when did I even care about that ? I rarely ever say stuff like that to Taju and we are best friends. I have no clue why but after talking to Gen for that short wile all I want to do it message him all the time and talk about various things. why does this have to be so confusing. I mean its not like I am attracted to him or anything to be honest wile talking to him I found myself smiling with a hint of pink blush heating my face its probably nothing- right ?

Well at least I know more about him now; he likes to call me senku-chan, he is a surprisingly social  person , he loves cats and dislikes science a great deal. I mean as a star science student I should be mad at him for that, but I find it oddly . . . cute? ugh what am I saying I should just go get ready for bed. ye that should clear my head. . .

Gens perspective 


Senku- just make sure you do see ya

Gen-lol dont worry about me( >.<)

when I saw he said that I could feel myself  grinning lightly my face lit up I had never really felt like this before but just talking to him for those few hours made me feel warm inside with every notification my heart skipped a beat.  I thought to myself did he really care about me that much no one has ever really said stuff like that to me so I wouldn't know. well I should take his advice and do it then I dont want him to worry. with that I found myself thinking about him the howl evening. During dinner I thought over the conversation we had was it weird I felt so attracted to him even if this was the first time we talked.

A few hours passed my heart still racing as I got changed for bed. I thumped onto my bedsheets beside where my cat was lying and leant over to grab my phone of the night stand pulling it of its charging cable I saw I had notifications it was from Senku.

Senku-hey Gen you free to talk again I am bored 

Senku-ok ig not see you at school then 

Senku-if its ok that I talk to you at school, or are you not comfortable with that?

Gen-Heyy! Sorry I couldn't get back to you I was probably in the shower lol 

Senku- oh that's fine haha 

Gen- anyways sure you can talk to me tomorrow if you want tbh it would be better if we could       just walk home together Chrome is a bit weird about new people XD

Gen- I mean if you walk the same way as me ofc

Senku- oh ye sure that's fine!

Gen- this is super random but do you wanna walk to school with me tommo, Chrome cant cuz      he is with Ruri then, if your ok with that ofc :3

Senku- Uhm ig where do you live ?

Gen- xxx road xxxx42j

Senku- wait you live in the flat complex across the road from me not to far away ironic 

Gen- really!? thats great means we can hang out more often (>.<  )

Senku- yes that would be nice.

Gen- anyways I need to get to bed cant wait to see you in the morning senku-chan :D

Senku- good night 

Gen- gn senku-chan~

TBC. . .

writers note-hello again as per usual congrats you made it this far, sorry for the short chapter it was kinda rushed but consider it a little bonus as it was written and edited the same day as part 2 :3

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