𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗢𝗻𝗲

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     Exhaustion ran through her body as she dragged herself out of bed, yawning tiredly as she stretched her limbs, attempting to erase the signs of sleep from her. Pulling herself into her bathroom, she washed and did her skincare routine. After brushing her teeth and finishing her makeup, she headed into her bedroom, pulling open her wardrobe doors to find an outfit to wear for the first day back. Once she found one, she grabbed it and quickly got dressed into it. Time was running out and if she spent any longer she'd end up being late which was starting to sound good, considering her hair wouldn't go the way she wanted it to.

     With one last glance in the mirror, she ran her hands down her skirt and smoothed our any creases before turning around and grabbing her bag. Shrugging it onto her shoulder, she made her way to the living room, humming to herself as she walked over to the fridge. Once she'd grabbed the food she'd made the night before, she placed it into her bag and scrolled through her phone, noticing a message from Jughead, explaining how he was going to be outside school waiting for her.

    Luna spared a glance to the living room, noticing her father awake and sipping on a new bottle of beer. With a roll of her eyes, she pulled herself out of the trailer, her heels clicking against the floor as she headed to school. It was getting tiring, expecting her father to change and become someone new. All she'd ever wanted was him to get his act together so her siblings and mother could come back home, then they'd all be a picture perfect, happy family.

    As she arrived to the school, she noticed a familiar messy haired boy, a beanie sat atop his black locks. She'd once adorned that same shade but after that event had happened she wanted to reinvent herself, dying it a bottle blonde. Before that, it had been insanely obvious of their relation, but now you could hardly see it, unless you looked at the two smiles, which were inexplicably mirroring images of one another.

    "Hey freak." She greeted, nudging his shoulder as they headed inside their school's doors.

    "Hey knockoff Barbie." Jughead quipped, ignoring her scowl as she fought the urge to push him.

    "You're just annoyed that you didn't inherit this hair." Luna dramatically moved her hair behind her as Jughead scoffed.

    "Your hair is practically dead from all the dye in it." Jughead retorted as his sister scoffed.

    "Stop telling people I'm not a real blonde!" Luna whined, punching his shoulder as he snickered.

    "You aren't a real blonde." Jughead reminded his sister, sending her an incredulous look.

    "They don't need to know that." Luna shrugged, readjusting her bag on her shoulder with a wide grin. "Last year, I managed to convince Reggie that I'm blonde and you are not, because when I was born, mum ate some ice to help with the pain and it changed the colour of my hair in the womb, but it's something that only happens to females."

    "And he believed you?" Jughead scoffed, rolling his eyes as Luna smirked, proud at the accomplishment.

    "Of course he did." Luna grinned, smiling innocently at the boy while he shook his head.

    When they headed further inside, their bickering was stopped as they were directed by teachers, head straight to the gymnasium for a welcome back assembly. Sharing a look, the two siblings headed further down the hallway.

    "Let me guess, now we have assembly where we're going to be listening to Cheryl play victim over her missing brother." Luna scoffed as she and her brother navigated their ways to the hall, where they'd been instructed to attend straight away.

    "Don't be rude, Lu, didn't you know, she lost her brother?" Jughead sarcastically replied, placing a hand on his sister's shoulder as Luna let out a gasp. The blonde's hand flew to her mouth as she stopped walking, dramatically sending him a look of astonishment.

    "I would never have guessed." Luna retorted, the two barely able to contain their amused smiles as they made their way to the assembly hall, taking a seat at the back beside her brother.

      "Attention, students." Their Principal's voice sounded as he tapped the microphone, instantly capturing their attention. "I'd like to ask for a minute of silence, before we start the day, in honour of Jason Blossom." The two Jones twins shared an eye roll as they found the redheaded girl stood beside the man, looking solemn at the thought of her fallen brother.

     All the noise in the hall stopped as the students listened to the request given to them, instantly going silent. While they stopped talking, Luna made eye contact with her brother and he raised his brows, pulling a funny face at her. It took everything in her to pull her eyes away from his face, not wanting to burst into laughter and face the wrath of Cheryl Blossom this early in a morning. Accomplished with making his sister on edge, he turned back to his laptop and decided he's engage back into whatever he'd been doing on there instead of listening to what was to be said.

    "Thank you for that moment of silence." Cheryl began once the minute of silence had ended. "Many of you were lucky enough to have known my brother personally. Each and every one of you meant the world to Jason. I loved my brother. He was, and always will be, my soulmate. So I speak with the confidence only a twin could have, Jason wouldn't want us to spend the year mourning. Jason would want us to move on with our lives. Which is why I've asked the school board not to cancel the back to school semi-formal."

    Cheers rang around the gymnasium and Jughead looked over at Luna, noticing the girl placing her finger in mouth and pretending to gag at the girl's words. He shook his head at her actions with an amused smile but he couldn't help but think back to how things used to be. Never would she chose to sit beside him, it was always Cheryl. She would make stupid gestures as she had just done but she'd made them with her best friend, about other people. It angered him that someone such as Cheryl Blossom had managed to lose someone alike his twin sister, yet, he hoped they would sort out their differences because nobody had made her as happy.

      "But rather, to let us use it as a way to heal, collectively and celebrate my brother's too, too short life on this mortal coil." Cheryl continued when the clapping and cheers died down. "Thank you, all."

   Once the speech was finished, everyone began to leave the hall, heading to their first lesson of the day. Saying goodbye to her brother, Luna headed to maths and sighed as she took her seat. This was the only lesson she didn't have with any of her friends, only Cheryl Blossom. They, thankfully, sat on opposite sides of the classroom so that wouldn't be an issue, all they had to do was ignore each other's presence.

      How long could that last though?



𝗠𝗶𝗱𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 ∙ 𝗖𝗵𝗲𝗿𝘆𝗹 𝗕𝗹𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗼𝗺Where stories live. Discover now