𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗡𝗶𝗻𝗲

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    Returning to Veronica's apartment after the search, the duo wasted no time in getting ready as quickly as they could. A phone call from Jughead followed, as he explained how he was walking Betty home when she kissed him. She was happy for him and made sure to share his happy energy as much as she could. With nothing else to say, she hung up and she and Veronica headed to meet up with the others.

    Once they had picked everyone up, Reggie did his usual flirtation, which she just laughed at, rather than insulting him. Josie expressed her love for Luna's blue dress while Kevin fawned over her knee high boots, sending the girl into fits of giggles, unable to stop herself. It was rare she got compliments and she always assumed it was a cruel joke people made to her. They headed inside the club and immediately Luna was filled with relief, everything left her mind and she could finally just let herself be free.

    Music wrapped around her and knocked her senses from her as she pushed her body against Veronica's. Laughter left their lips as they wrapped their arms around one another, uncaring about the strangers dancing near them. Josie joined in and they danced together, following the rhythm of the music playing. It was nice to just let loose and be free from the constant burden of how is somebody going to perceive me, Luna needed this more than she realised and she would savour every second.

    Having grown exhausted from dancing, the group dropped onto a booth in the corner, laughter passing by their lips as they held tightly onto their drinks. There was an indescribable buzz in the air that came from moments like this, too intoxicated to think yet not intoxicated enough to be unaware of everything. Leaning against Josie, she giggled once again, partially listening to what her and Veronica were saying.

     "Should I text her?" Luna suddenly asked, fidgeting slightly with her bag to find her phone to message her

      "Absolutely not." Kevin snapped into focus, grabbing her bag before she could while she frowned, reaching out to grab it. "In the morning you will thank me."

     "You're a bitch." Luna quipped while he merely shook his head. "My dad's a bitch, she's a bitch, everyone is a bitch."

     "Okay, you have had enough." Josie announced, taking the glass from her hand before she could take a sip.

     "No, Ronnie brought us here to have fun, I'm just doing that." Luna announced, looking at the girl for support.

     "You're right, Lu, come on, lets dance." Veronica reached out her hand for the girl to grab, which she accepted happily, it was time for another round of dancing.

     Dancing with Veronica felt so freeing, as if all her issues left her body with every drop and every sway. Dragging their hands along one another's curves, they grinned, too absorbed in the buzz to care about anything else. Others came beside them and joined in, a tangle of bodies connected to the similar beat. Here, nothing mattered, nobody mattered, everyone was a mere dot in the crowd. 

     However, Luna begun to long for that feeling when she was reluctantly forced back into their corner where Veronica declared it a night. Before they could leave, one of the workers there said her card had been declined. Veronica handed the man some money and they all shared an amused laugh, grabbing her coat as they prepared to leave. A part of Luna didn't want to go but she knew she had, she felt a sudden fear. This was her father's lifestyle and it was sounding more inviting by the second.

      Too consumed in her thoughts she barely noticed that they had dropped her off at the Andrews residence, Jughead saying he would take her home. They walked all the way to their trailer, the boy believing it would sober her up. It managed to sort of work but there was still an edge of clumsiness to her walk. Walking past their sleeping father, passed out on the sofa, they made their way into her bedroom.

     "Did you know Jellybean says she wants to be referred to as JB because it sounds cooler." Jughead announced as he gently pushed his sister towards her bed.

     "Of course she does," Luna snickered, rolling her eyes as she moved to lean on her side.

      "Mum is doing online classes." Jughead listed what had happened on the call they had earlier and she smiled. Carefully, Jughead removed her shoes and tossed them across her room as she stared off ahead. Grabbing her blanket, he went to tuck her in but stopped when he noticed she was deep in thought. "What is going through that head of yours?" 

     "I don't want to be like him, Jug." Luna whispered as Jughead frowned, his hand pausing hesitatingly around her blanket. "When I drink there's a buzz and its almost begging me to continue and its scary. What if I end up like him?"

     "Don't be silly." Jughead nudged her slightly as he brought the blanket over her body, tucking her in. "That will never happen."

     "Promise?" Luna's voice was timid and vulnerable, a state he hadn't seen on her in a while.

     "I promise." Jughead clarified as she grabbed onto his hand, gripping it tightly as if she was scared he would leave her.

    "Don't go." Luna mumbled, her eyes pleading as she held onto him tightly. "Please, don't go again."

     "Move your ass over then." Jughead joked as she grinned happily, doing what he had asked.

     As he laid beside her, she kept her hand tightly in his, scared he would vanish if she let go, she couldn't handle him leaving her.

     "You know, I have been thinking." Luna began and Jughead turned to face her curiously.

     "That's never a good sign but continue." Jughead quipped, lips upturning when she sent him a glare that told him to shut up.

     "I always wondered if I was, as Mrs Blossom likes to remind me every time I see her, a product of the devil," Luna began and he looked at her curiously, "her words always seemed to stick with me and I believed I had contagion that I somehow spread to her daughter. Was it such a sin to feel a desire for another female?"

     "Mrs Blossom is an asshole." Jughead told her softly and she nodded, a quiet laugh leaving her lips.

    "I know, she chooses to make a comment every time she sees me." Luna shivered thinking about the woman. "Sometimes its a bible verse she snaps at me or she'll whisper devil spawn, witch and oh, my favourite, sapphic demon." A laugh passed by her lips while Jughead's concern for her only grew. "I think Cheryl is becoming like her and there isn't any hope anymore."

     "What happened the other day, how did she get you so riled up?" Jughead asked her, deciding now was the right time to seek out answers about his sister's worries.

      "We are partnered for an English assignment and she wouldn't let me leave the bathrooms until she spoke to me." Luna explained and Jughead slowly nodded. "I told her I'd move her myself and she said something along the lines of I 'mustn't get my sapphic hands' anywhere near her. Then she went on and said we can do the assigment in Pop's so I don't have the chance to steal from her house. I don't remember much after that but she called me trailer park scum."

     "I hate her and the way she speaks to you." Jughead bluntly replied and his sister laughed.

     "Me too." Luna quipped, looking up at the ceiling in front of her curiously.

     They both knew her words were a lie, she was incapable of hating her.

     "So..." Luna smiled widely as she looked at her brother with mischief dancing in her eyes. "You and Betty, huh?"

    "Shut up and go to sleep." Jughead jokingly replied, turning around as the girl let out a quiet laugh.



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