𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗦𝗶𝘅𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻

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      Dancing was always a favourite part of homecoming and Luna was sure she hadn't laughed as much as she had done in a while. Her and Kevin ditched standard dance etiquette, spinning one another and dipping the other when they were sure they were in need of another laugh. Kevin made sure Luna was never sat bored, looking at the wall as she held a cup in her hand, glaring at everyone around her. It needed to be fun, memorable, something she could correlate with happiness that was not attached to her.

      Sitting down, Luna laughed when she almost fell over her dress. Kevin sat opposite her, both trying to catch their breath. Subconsciously, her eyes scanned the room and landed on the eyes she had unknowingly been seeking out. Dressed in signature red she looked breathtaking and she felt her laughter halt, the music stopped, everything stopped. Their eyes met from across the room and all Luna wanted to do was go over to her and talk about everything and nothing, but then she remembered she couldn't.

     They weren't friends anymore.

     Pulling her eyes away from the enchanting ones she could never seem to look away from, she faced Kevin. By his side was his boyfriend Joaquin, talking about wanting to find Luna a distraction, aka a girlfriend. Rolling her eyes, Luna let out a laugh, although deep down she was unable to fight back the feeling she felt as those eyes locked on hers. It was as if there was nobody else in the room, it was just them.

      "Focus on your own relationship." Luna joked, although she was thankful they were willing to help her.

    "Luna," a voice called out and she turned to face the trio that arrived by their table.

     Interrupting their conversation was Hermione Lodge, Mary and Fred Andrews, looking at Luna with a cautious look. She furrowed her brows, waiting for them to reveal what they wanted to share with her. It made her anxious as she waited for them to spill, except they all seemed to pass the responsibility to one another, none wanting to take responsibility for the bombshell they had to drop.

    "Luna, Sheriff Keller just arrested someone in the relation to Jason Blossom's murder," Fred finally broke their silence, "it was your father."

     "What?" Luna managed to stammer out, looking at Fred with glossy eyes. "No, he didn't do it, he wouldn't..."

      Barely able to continue, she allowed Kevin to help her stand up and they hurried to go and locate Jughead and the others. Her thoughts were going so fast she could barely keep up, waiting for it to all be a sick prank. There was no way he did that, he wouldn't do such a thing, he wouldn't. All that hope was shredding with every passing second and Luna felt nauseous, she wanted to believe that he was keeping his promise, but could she?

     Entering the hallway, Luna bit her cheek to force the emotions to remain suppressed, she was not going to crumble here. She saw Betty crying as she tried to speak to Jughead, Archie and Veronica stood behind them with matching guilty expressions. It made her feel out of the loop, what was going on and why was everything crashing suddenly, just as things began to feel right in their lives.

     "Betty, thank God." Alice called out as they hurried towards the four.

     "Mum," Betty began, not in the mood to speak to her mother right now, "don't."

     "No, you have to listen, all of you." Hermione cut her off quickly while Jughead's eyes flickered to his sister's noticing she was spaced out, staring at her shoes.

     "My Dad just told Mayo McCoy about your Dad, Jughead," Kevin explained and Luna felt herself go dizzy, this wasn't real.

     Judging by how pale Luna had gone, Jughead's mind went to the worst case scenario, what was going on?

     "What about my Dad?" Jughead asked, unsure if he wanted to know, what if something bad had happened?

     "He was just arrested." Fred spoke up, his tone soft and almost unbelieving.

     Jughead's eyes widened and he found them connecting to his sister's as she spoke up for the first time. "For the murder of Jason Blossom." Her tone of voice was distant and Jughead recognised it immediately, it was her voice she used when she was about to break but she repressed it, until it became too much to handle it.

     Blankly, she watched as Jughead turned on his heel and left the school hallway, the others rushing after him while Luna remained where she was. After a few seconds she found her feet moving towards the exit, ignoring the calls of her name behind her. She walked and walked until her legs ached. Her heels were in her hand as she arrived to the trailer, noticing the door was open and broken police tape covered the floor. Stepping over it, she felt her lip tremble as she looked at the clean trailer.

    The memory of just that morning, returning with Pop's, she and Jughead had been shocked at the change. Not a single bottle was in sight and it actually looked like a home. Then they had seen their father, cleanly shaved and wearing clean clothes. It had given Luna hope that maybe he was actually being honest, he was going to stand by his promise this time.

     Clearly not.

      Stepping further into the trailer, Luna noticed her brother sat in a chair, blankly looking at the wall before him. Moving towards him, they remained silent as she wrapped her arms around her brother, her heart further breaking as his sobs echoed around the room. All they had was each other, once again it was just them.


𝗠𝗶𝗱𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 ∙ 𝗖𝗵𝗲𝗿𝘆𝗹 𝗕𝗹𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗼𝗺Where stories live. Discover now