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     Yawns passed by her lips as she slouched in her chair, listening to her teacher drone on and on. There was hushed whispers about the night prior at Cheryl's house, how it had kicked off between the troublesome new girl Veronica Lodge, Archie Andrews and Betty Cooper. Normally, this news would interest Luna but she didn't care right now, too tired to focus on anything other than not falling asleep where she sat. She had skipped the back to school dance, as well as Cheryl's after party, opting to help her brother with his shift at the drive in.

     It seemed she just wasn't in the mood for a party.

    As well as the excitement from the nights argument, it had discovered that Jason Blossom's body had been found. Luna couldn't sleep when she found out about it, the news bringing back unwanted emotions. Jason was always around when she and Cheryl hung out and he treat her like a friend, laughing and joking with her. There was never an awkward moment with them as he always ensured she felt welcome and safe at the Blossom house. Knowing he wasn't just missing but dead was shocking to her and she found herself heading to Cheryl's contact number.

     Typing out a message, she paused as her hand hovered over the send button, recalling what had happened between them. Sometimes she forgot that they weren't friends anymore, she couldn't send her a message asking how she was doing, if she wanted someone to cry to, they weren't friends. Removing the message, she went off her contact and sighed, throwing her phone onto the bedside table.

     Times like this would make her miss her brother, she missed having someone to talk to at late nights. She understood why he got out of that place but she hated him for it, hated him leaving her.

     The ringing of the bell made her snap back into focus, gathering her things and placing them into her bag. Joining her classmates into the hallway, she huffed as she headed to the student lounge, hoping she wouldn't end up falling asleep. As she arrived, someone was blocking the pathway to her usual seat and she rolled her eyes, mentally preparing herself for another argument.

    "Move, Blossom." Luna harshly mumbled as she pushed past the girl, receiving a scoff and a glare in response. Paying no mind to it, she joined her brother on the sofa, resting her head on his shoulder as she counted down the hours until she was free to return home.

    Opposite them, sat on another sofa, was new girl Veronica and Betty, the two becoming close friends despite their disagreement the night prior. The black haired girl squinted as she watched the interaction between the two girls, flickering with amusement at the sight. There was something she couldn't explain about the duo, tension, insane tension.

    "What happened between those two?" Veronica asked, motioning to the two girls sat on the opposite side of the room.

    "Cheryl and Luna?" Betty confirmed and Veronica nodded. "They used to be friends but then they just weren't. Nobody really knows why but they choose to act like the other doesn't exist anymore."

    "I knew it. Tension like that is hard to miss. Their eyes keep looking for one another when the other looks away." Veronica clicked her tongue as she noticed the blonde girl lean over and punch Jughead's shoulder, rolling her eyes at something he had just said. her. "What about those two? What is their story?"

    "Luna and Jughead?" Betty choked on the sip of water she had just taken, unable to believe what the girl was asking. "They're twins."

    "No way." Veronica gaped, although when she watched the two send one another devilish grins she realised the similarities, how hadn't she noticed it before. "She's not a real blonde?"

    "No, she dyed it after the argument she had with Cheryl." Betty mused as Veronica leaned back with a new expression of awe.

    "That girl has got to give me her hairdressers number." Veronica mumbled under her breath.


    Just as Luna was ready to walk home, someone called out her name and she pulled out her earphones, turning to see who had called her name. Seeing her brother, she paused her walk and waited for him to catch up to walk by her side. When he arrived by her side they continued a slow walk, silence surrounding them as the crunching of leaves filled their ears. Many things they wanted to say to one another but just couldn't get them out of their mouths.

    "You know how Archie cancelled the road trip on July fourth?" Jughead began, interrupting the sudden silence. Luna of course knew about it, this even was the reason that Jughead had not spoken to Archie until recently, too annoyed at the lack of explanation. Nodding, she looked at her brother, expecting him to say they had made up and forgiven. "I found out why he cancelled."

    "Did he get a girlfriend and decide that bros before hoes mantra doesn't matter anymore, ditching you for his summer love?" Luna joked, making her voice go deep as she quoted a stereotype.

    "If by girlfriend you mean Miss Grundy then yeah, spot on." Jughead commented and her eyes widened, turning to look at him in horror. "I saw them kissing in the music room when I walked past and when I confronted him about it he freaked out and threatened me to keep quiet."

    "That's messed up, Archie's getting groomed." Luna shivered, there had always been something about that woman that she just didn't like. "Hopefully he snaps out of it soon and she gets sent to jail."

    "That's not all, Looney," Jughead used the same nickname he had been using since they were young, "he was there when the shot went out. He thinks he heard the shot that killed Jason."

    "Fucking hell." Luna mumbled, pulling her coat tightly around her as they headed home. "So that's why he threatened you."

     "I can't keep something like this to myself, I suck at lying." Jughead told her, frowning as she snickered, recalling a memory from their childhood from when he'd gotten her and their sister in trouble because of his inability to lie.

    "Trust me I know." Luna patted his shoulder comfortingly. "This is why me and JB were the registered liars and you just nodded along."


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