World Cup

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Serenity just woke up by her godfather Remus Lupin. "Serenity I have to take you to the Weasley's. I need you to finish packing up." Serenity nodded and finished packing and headed to her father. "Hey dad! Who we gonna meet?" Remus looks at Serenity and said, "I don't know Serenity but I think it's a father and son." Serenity nodded and grabbed her bag as she headed over to Remus. They used the floo to get to the Weasley's Barrow that Serenity has spent most of her life in. 

She became in honorary Weasley because on every full moon Remus brought her to the Weasley. So she has her own bedroom that Molly made specially for her. When they got to the Weasley's Molly ran up to Serenity giving her kisses and hugging her. "Serenity be good for Molly." Serenity looked at her dad and ran to him giving  him a hug before watching him leave. She was helping Molly with breakfast when she heard footsteps coming down the stairs. She looked toward the stairs and smiled at her brother. 

Harry looked up and smiled giving his sister a huge hug while Molly took over. Giving Serenity time with her brother to talk before they head out to the World Cup. "So who are you crushing on Harry?" Harry looked down as Ginny walked by Harry caught a glimpse of her and Serenity saw this. She smiled at her brother giving him a nudge then they heard Arthur yell out. "It's time to go gang!" They grabbed their stuff and set out to go meet the others that was joining them. 

"Hey Dad! Where are we going?" Serenity heard Ron say when Arthur yelled back, "Haven't the foggiest, keep up!" Hermione giggled and so Serenity said, "Why don't you confess to Ron finally?" Hermione looked at me like I was crazy when Ginny nudged her. Hermione looked at Ron and smiled then we all heard, "Arthur! It's about time son." We all looked up to see a man about Arthur's age then Arthur said, "Sorry Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start. This is Amos Diggory everyone, he works with me at the ministry. And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?"

Cedric nodded then Amos said, "Are all of these yours?" Arthur looked at the kiddos and said, "Nope. The red heads accept for the older girl. Fred and George are the oldest boys. Ron and Ginny are the others. Hermione Granger is Ron's friend with Harry Potter. Serenity is an honorary Weasley. She is Harry's sister but raised by my family and Remus." Amos nodded when they all started to walk. Serenity looked up on a hill and saw a portkey. "Shall we? We don't want to be late." They all surrounded it and Serenity put herself beside Hermione and Cedric. Amos was counting and Harry hadn't put his hand if Arthur didn't yell at him.

It was not a fun ride and they told them to let go which they did. Serenity drop onto her stomach. She turned around but realized that she was about to puke. She got up and went down to the side fo the mountain and started to puke. She felt a hand on her back and her hair get out of her face. After puking someone passed her a water and she looked up and saw George. She smiled thanking him while rinsing her mouth out they walked over to the group. After spitting out Ginny looked at her concerned and Serenity gave her a smile. They started to walk to their tent after parting from Amos and Cedric.

They headed into the tent and Serenity stayed out with her brother who seemed concerned. "Harry go inside. Remember we are in a world of magic." Winking at her brother. Harry nodded walking inside hearing a gasp Serenity took that as a que to go inside. She heard her brother say, "I love magic." Serenity smiled at Harry and said, "Our parents would be so proud of us Harry. Don't forget that." Harry looked up at her while Serenity grabbed a bed with the girls and got ready for the game.

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