Hogwarts End

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"Today we acknowledge a really terrible loss. Cedric Diggory was, as you all know, exceptionally hard working, intricately fair minded. And most importantly a fierce fierce friend. I think therefore you have the right to know exactly how he died. You see, Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort. The ministry of magic does not wish me to tell you this. But not to do so I think would be an insult to his memory. Now the pain we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me, reminds us that while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one. In light of recent events the bonds of friendship we made this year will be more important than ever. Remember that and Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain, you remember that. And we'll celebrate a boy who was kind and honest and brave and true right to the very end." After the funeral everyone went to the courtyard to say goodbye to each other.

Viktor walked up to Serenity as she was talking to Hermione and brought her to the side. Giving her his address and said, "Can't wait to see you gŭlŭbche." They kissed each other then went their separate ways as Hermione, Serenity, Ron, and Harry were together. Hermione said, "Everything's going to change now isn't it?" Serenity nodded saying, "After next year I won't be with y'all. If Viktor and I stay together for a long time. I'm gonna be moving to Bulgaria but be a professor at Hogwarts." They all walked to the end to see the ship and carriage leave and they headed to the train and went home.

gŭlŭbche=Little Dove

(I'm sorry its short.)

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