The Yule Ball

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Hermione, Ginny, and Serenity were in the bedroom getting ready for the ball. "Hermione who are you going with?" Hermione looked up as she was doing her hair and said, "I'm going with Ron. What about you Ginny?" Ginny finished her makeup then looked down and said, "I wanted Harry to ask me but I'm only known to him as Ron's little sister. So I'm going with Neville." Serenity smiled and said, "My brother is an idiot to not recognize you Ginny. You are so much better looking than Cho or any other girl." Ginny smiled then Hermione looked at the clock and said, "Girls we better get going." They nodded and arm an arm headed down to where their dates were. Serenity stopped them and peaked around to see everyone an so she said, "Let's give them a show. Ginny you go 1st. Hermione 2nd than I 3rd." They all nodded and did the plan.

Everyone stopped and stared at them and Serenity looked and saw that Harry looked at Neville jealous. So Serenity took that as a sign and headed down and everyone murmured about how gorgeous Serenity was. Even some of the Slytherins including Draco. As she got down to the bottom of the stairs Viktor met her and said, "You look gorgeous Serenity." Serenity smiled while looping her arm in his and smiled at her brother who was behind her. They announced of the 1st dance and they walked in while Serenity blushed. When they got onto the dance floor the music started and they started to dance. 

Serenity looked at Harry who seemed nervous t one dancing. It made her giggle then Viktor looked in her direction and smiled but kept dancing with his girlfriend. Others joined but Serenity and Viktor felt like it was just the 2 of them and it was magical. After the slow dance Viktor and Serenity decided to sit for a bit when Serenity saw Ron sitting with Harry so she went up. "What are you 2 doing?" Ron was looking into the crowd and she saw Fred dancing with Hermione while laughing. Then they came off and Angelina came up to them and Fred asked them for them if they wanted drinks. Hermione nodded then Viktor walked over and said, "I'm gonna join you." Kissing Serenity on the cheek. "Hot isn't it? Fred is gonna get me and Angelina drinks. Would you care to join?" Hermione talking to Ron and Harry but Ron said, "No, we'd NOT care to join you and my brother."

Hermione looked shock and said, "What's got your wand in a knot?" Ron looked at her mad and said, "You came with me as a date. Not my brother and you go off with him to dance." Hermione looked upset and walked off with Serenity behind her but then stopped and said, "Ronald that was a very cruel thing to say to Hermione. You know better." Then walks off getting her drink from Viktor as Angelina, Fred, Hermione, Viktor, and Serenity talk. Another slow song comes on and Viktor said, "May I have this dance." Serenity nodded and they excused themselves. There wasn't a lot of people for they all went to bed so they could wake up tomorrow early. Viktor looked down at Serenity as Serenity looked up and Viktor. He leaned down and kissed Serenity on the lips. She deepened the kiss and pulled away laying her head on his shoulder dancing the night away....

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