the kidnapping

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They immediately took Eddie back to his house

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They immediately took Eddie back to his house. When they showed Eddie to his mom, she was pissed off at them. "You, you did this! You know how delicate he is!" Mrs. K said. "We were attacked, Mrs. K." Bill said to her. "No, don't, don't try to blame anyone else..." Mrs. K said after putting Eddie in the car.

She dropped her keys after and Beverly tried to help her by picking the keys up. "Let me-" "Get back! Oh, I've heard of you Miss Marsh... and I don't want a dirty girl like you touching my Eddie." "Ms. K, I..." Bill tried to say but she cut him off, "No, you are all monsters, all of you, Now Eddie's done with you, you hear, done!" Mrs. K then got in the car and left, taking Eddie to the hospital.

They walked into the street, watching the car. "I saw the well. W-w-w-w-we know where it is and next time we'll be better prepared." Bill said turning to them. "NO! No next time, Bill. You're insane." Stan yelled him. "Why? We all know nobody else is going to do anything!" Sabrina yelled back.

"Sabrina! You nearly drowned! Eddie was nearly killed and look at this fuck, he's leaking hamburger helper." Richie yelled back at Sabrina. "We can't pretend it's going to go away Ben, you said yourself it comes back every 27 years." Beverly said to him causing Ben to say, "Fine! I'll be 40 and far away from here! I thought you said you wanted to get out of this town too?"

"Because I want to run towards something, not away." Beverly replied causing Richie to say, "I'm sorry, but who invited Molly Ringwald into the group?" Beverly flipped him off. "Richie..." Stan said and Richie continued, "I'm just saying, lets face facts! Real world! Georgie is dead, stop trying to get us killed too."

Richie tried to walk away but Bill stood in front of him, stopping Richie. "Georgie's not dead. You couldn't save him but you could still save yourself." Richie said. "No! T-t-t-take it back, you're scared and we all are but-" Bill shoved Richie as he said, "Take it back!"

Richie shoved Bill back and then Bill grabbed Richie's shirt, punching him after. It knocked Richie onto the ground as Sabrina yelled, "Bill!" Sabrina and Ben tried to hold Bill away from Richie as Stan and Mike tried to hold Richie away from Bill. "You're such a loser. You're a bunch of losers, get us all killed..." Richie yelled until Beverly said to them,

"Stop! This is what IT wants, IT wants to divide us. When we're all together, when we heard it, that's why we're still alive. Thats why we are still alive!" "Yeah, well I plan to keep it that way." Richie said and as he left, he hit Bill's shoulder with us. The others began to leave as well, except Bill, Sabrina and Beverly. "Mike..." Sabrina said as he was leaving. "Guys... I can't do this. My granddad was right. I'm an outsider, gotta stay that way." Mike said and then left. The three looked at each-other, wondering what they were going to do...

Many days past, the group hasn't seen eachother in a incredibly long time. Well, Sabrina has seen Bill and Beverly. Sabrina and Beverly still were helping Bill due to him still wanting to find Georgie, but they also were hanging out together. Sabrina hasn't seen the clown, causing her to not be afraid. She knew it was fake, it was only trying to cause them fear... Because that's how it eats, it eats on fearful kids.

Beverly was rushing towards Sabrina's house. She needed to talk to her about some at what had happened at her apartment. Soon Beverly arrived and knocked on the Danielson family's front door. Sabrina walked down from her room and answered it, revealing Beverly. She had a tear falling down her face and she immediately hugged Sabrina. "Beverly?! Are you okay!?" "You'll always be my friend right?" Beverly asked. "Yes, no matter what. Let's go up to my room and you can tell me what's wrong." Sabrina said and Beverly nodded at what Sabrina said.

The two girls walked into Sabrina's room, causing Beverly to put her backpack down on Sabrina's bedroom floor. They sat on her bed and Sabrina asked with worry, "Bev, what happened?" "You know how I told you about my dad... And what he does to me?" Beverly asked. Sabrina nodded.

"When I was leaving the apartment, my dad put a lock on it. He asked me where I was going and why I looked like this..." Beverly said as her eyes filled with tears. "Take your time, Bev..." "He found the poem and wondered why it was in my underwear drawer... When he asked me if I was still his little girl... I said no." Beverly told her, making Sabrina wonder what happened next.

"He got on top of me and I knew it was going to happen again. I couldn't take it anymore... I fought back and when I got out of being under me, I ran to the bathroom. I locked it. I hid in the bathtub and put the shower cover in front of it. My dad still got in."

"I had the toilet tank lid... I hit his head with it... I killed my own father Sabrina... I'm a monster." Beverly told her. "Bev, your not a monster. Your dad was, you did what you did to protect yourself." Sabrina said causing Beverly to said, "But-" "No buts! He tortured you. He was the monster and a horrible man. Beverly, what you did... You did it to be safe, it was the right thing to do..." Sabrina said and the two best-friends hugged.

"Stay here for now on. We can tell my parents that he was found in the apartment. Maybe a burglar got in and killed him. But if we did tell my parents the truth, they would let you stay here no matter what." Sabrina told her. Beverly smiled at her, "Thanks, Sabrina. We can tell your parents about it if we have to. Maybe I could also
tell one of my aunts about it. I could live with one of them and get out of this shitty town." "That might be a better idea." Sabrina said and Beverly nodded.

Soon the two girls heard voices from her bathroom. The two girls looked at each other as the voices said, "Sabrina... Beverly" They got off of the bed and began walking towards the bathroom. The two girls have had enough, they didn't want to be afraid anymore.

The two girls walked in and saw nobody in here. The girls looked at each other and turned around to leave the bathroom... But IT was there, grabbing them by the necks and taking them...

Bill was on his way to Sabrina's house. He rode his bike to her house, seeing that Beverly was there due to her bike being in the drive way. Bill looked at his watch, Sabrina was usually on her front porch waiting for him. Sometimes she was inside, getting ready.

But it took awhile, he wondered if something was wrong. Bill went to the front door and when he knocked, the door slowly opened. "Sabrina? Beverly?" He looked around the house and saw the Sabrina's bathroom. It was all messed up, things were on the bathroom floor.

He then looked in Sabrina's bedroom, seeing bloody words on her wall/ceiling. "YOU DIE IF YOU TRY" Bill's breathing got harder and his eyes widened and mouth dropped at the words. "Sabrina!? Beverly!?" Bill yelled, looking in the other rooms but the two girls were gone. Bill knew the two girls were taken...

Bill immediately rode off to go find the others. He ran into the movie theater, knowing Richie would be there playing the arcade games. "Richie!" Bill yelled. "What do you want? You see that guy I'm hitting, I'm pretending it's you." Richie told him as Bill stood behind him. "IT got Sabrina and Beverly." Bill told him.

"What are you talking about?" Richie asked, still playing the game. "IT, Richie. IT got Sabrina and Beverly." Bill told him, causing Richie to stare at him. Eddie was at home. Greta wrote LOSER on his cast, causing him to use a red sharpie to write a V over the S. The phone soon rang, causing him to answer it.

"Hello? Okay I'll be there." Eddie said to his friends on the phone. As he went towards the door, his mom stood in front of him. "And just where do you thing you're off to?" "Out with my friends." Eddie told her causing Mrs. K to say, "Sweetie, you can't go, you're getting over your sickness, remember?" "My sickness? Ok, what, what sickness, Mom? Do you know what these are? They're "gazebos". They're bullshit!" Eddie yelled at her, throwing his pills to the ground.

"They help you, Eddie. I had to protect you." "Protect me? By lying to me and keeping me locked inside of this hell-hole? I'm sorry but the only people trying to protect me are my friends. And you made me turn my back when I really needed them. So I'm going." Eddie told her and left the house. "Eddie. No. You get right back here!" His mom said as she watched him get on his bike.

"I'm going to see my friends." "Eddie. Don't do this to me, Eddie!" She yelled at him. All of the guys met up and started heading to the Neibolt house. Mike had a bolt gun as Bill had a bag of some weapons... They needed to save Sabrina and Beverly but also to stop IT...

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