the awakening of sabrina

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They soon got to the house

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They soon got to the house. Eddie had enough of the fanny pack. He took it off and threw it. Mike had a bolt gun as Bill had a bag of some weapons... "Guys, spikes." Bill said and they grabbed some of the spike looking fence panels. Richie saw a beer bottle and broke it on the stair railing, trying to make a weapon out of it. The guys stared at him and soon Richie threw it.

From afar, Henry Bowers was watching the Losers Club. He had gone practically insane due to IT, giving him a pocket knife in a package he got. He ended up killing his father and two friends with it... Now he was planing to kill the Losers Club...

They all walked in but Stan stayed outside. "Stan?" Ben asked and Bill told him, "Stan, we all have to go, Beverly was right. If we split up like last time, that clown will kill us, one by one, but if we stick together, all of us... we'll win. I promise." Then Stan came in.

They followed Bill to the well that was in the basement. "Eddie, you got a quarter?" Richie asked and then said, "I wouldn't want to make a wish in that fucking thing." "Beverly!" Ben yelled down it as Bill yelled out, "Sabrina!" "How are we supposed to get down there?" Mike asked and Bill saw a rope.

They put the rope on the hook and made knots so they could put their feet and hold the knot when they went down. They threw it down after making sure that it was on tight enough. Bill went first and soon Eddie went.

The girls were on the floor, knocked out. But blood was dripping on their face. Beverly woke up first. She sat up and then saw that they were in a dark place and saw Sabrina next to here. "Sabrina! Brina, wake up!" Beverly said shaking her. "Bev? What happened?" Sabrina asked sitting up.

She looked around asking, "Where the hell are we!?" "I don't know..." Beverly told her. Sabrina looked around seeing holes around the walls. "We're in the sewer system... IT brought us here..." Sabrina realized. The girls got up and saw the pyramid of random things... surrounding it were floating dead bodies of children...

As they walked around looking, they were weak. They tripped a couple of times, Sabrina even went into water. Beverly helped her up and they soon saw a sign that said, "Pennywise the Dancing Clown." They looked at each other and soon saw a door. They ran to it and tried to open it. But it was not opening...

As they pulled and pulled, they heard a voice. "Sabrina! Beverly! Step right up! Step right up! Come change, come cold, You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll cheer, you'll die..." As the words were said, a jack-in-the-box was playing. Sabrina look down and saw a lead pipe. She bent down and grabbed it.

"Introducing Pennywise the Dancing Clown!" The jack-in-the-box opened showing a clown. The sign feel and Pennywise was inside it. There were lights and he began to do a dance. Sabrina looked seeing a way to leave. She nudged Beverly and showed her. As Pennywise danced, Sabrina mouthed, "One, two, three!"

Beverly ran in front of Sabrina. As Pennywise did a big jump he tried to grab Beverly but Sabrina hit his head with the lead pipe. "Beverly go!" Sabrina screamed and Pennywise grabbed Sabrina by the throat, holding her up in the air. "Sabrina!" Beverly yelled and Sabrina struggled as Pennywise choked her, "G-g-go! Go g-g-get the guys!"

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