the redhead girl

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Sabrina, Bill, Eddie, Richie, and Stan rode their bikes through the woods back into town, with Ben riding on the back of Bill's bike

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Sabrina, Bill, Eddie, Richie, and Stan rode their bikes through the woods back into town, with Ben riding on the back of Bill's bike. Eddie said as they come out of the woods and into town, "I think it's great that we're helping the new kid, but we also need to think of our own safety. I mean, he's bleeding all over and you guys do know that there's an AIDS epidemic happening right now as we speak, right? My mom's friend in New York City got it by touching a dirty pole on the subway. And a drop of AIDS blood got into his system through a hangnail. A hangnail!"

Eddie continued as they rode their bikes into an alley, "And you can amputate legs and arms. But how do you amputate a wa-- How do you amputate a waist?" as Sabrina and Bill got Ben seated on a wooden box and Richie set his bike down, Eddie continued, "You guys do know that alleys are known for dirty needles that have AIDS, right? You guys do know that? Hey..."

Bill said, "Ah, we're screwed. Richie, wait here. Come on." Sabrina, Bill, Eddie, and Stan ran off to get some medical supplies, leaving Richie to keep Ben company. Richie said, "Glad I got to meet you before you died." Ben looked at Richie blankly causing Richie to shut up.

In the pharmacy, Eddie grabbed several items from the shelf for Ben's wounds. Bill said, "C-can we afford all that?" Stanley was holding a few dollar bills saying, "That's all we got." Eddie said, "You kidding me?"

Bill said, "Wait, you have an account here, don't you?" Eddie said to Bill, "If my mom finds out I bought all this stuff for myself... I'm spending the whole rest of the weekend in the emergency room getting X-rayed."

In another aisle, a red-haired girl, Beverly Marsh was buying some Tampax. She then walked out of the aisle and is about to go to the counter to pay for it, when she sees Greta coming her way. "See you later, Dad." Greta said.

Mr. Keene said, "See you, Greta." Beverly quickly went to the next aisle to avoid another round of harassment from Greta, where she runs into Sabrina and the others. She hid the Tampax behind her back as Sabrina, Bill and Eddie glanced at her.

"You okay?" Sabrina asked. Beverly said as Greta walked out of the pharmacy behind her, "I'm fine. What's wrong with you?" Stan said, "None of your business." Eddie said, "There's a kid outside. Looked like someone killed him." Sabrina said, "We need some supplies, but we don't have enough money."

Beverly looked at them for a second, then glanced at the counter, looking as though she just came up with an idea. Beverly said, "I like your glasses, Mr. Keene. You look just like Clark Kent." Mr. Keene said as he chuckled, "Oh. I don't know about that." Beverly said, "Can I try them?"

Mr. Keene said, "Mmm. Sure." He took his glasses off and gave them to Beverly. She chuckled and puts them on. Beverly said, "What do you think?" Mr. Keene said, even without his glasses, he clearly still has very good eyesight, "Well, how about that? You look just like Lois Lane."

Beverly laughed and said, "Really?" Mr. Keene nodded and said, "Mmmm." Beverly, taking the glasses off, said, "Well, here you go." She pushed several packs of Carolina menthol off the counter on purpose saying, "Shoot. I'm so sorry."

Mr. Keene said, "It's okay." He puts his glasses back on and bent down to pick them up; Beverly then glanced over her shoulder at Sabrina, Bill, Eddie, and Stan, who immediately ran out while Mr. Keene isn't looking. Beverly then paid for her stuff after she snuck some cigarettes into her pocket.

Back in the alley, Eddie was using the things they just stole to attend to Ben's injuries. Richie said, "Just suck the wound." Eddie said, "I need to focus right now." Richie said, "You need to focus?" Eddie told him as he tried to put the bandage over the "H" on Ben's stomach, "Yeah, can you go get me something."

Stanley said, "Jesus! What do you need?" Eddie said, "Go get my bifocals. I hid 'em in my second fanny pack." Sabrina stood at the alley entrance as she watched them. Stanley said, "Why do you have two fanny packs?"

Eddie said as Sabrina stood at the alley entrance and walked out to the street, "I need to focus right now and it's a long story. I don't want to get into it." As Sabrina stepped out onto the street and looked to her right, she saw Beverly walking towards her. As she walked right up to her.

Sabrina smiled for a second, then reached into her pocket and pulled out a dollar bill. "Um, thanks." Sabrina said and Beverly said as she held up a pack of cigarettes, most likely for repelling unwanted guests, "Even-steven."

Stan from the alley said, "Oh, God, he's bleeding. Oh, my God!" Beverly looked to her left upon hearing his voice and saw Ben sitting there. "Ben from soc?" she said and she walked into the alley. Richie said as Eddie tried to put the band-aid on Ben, "You have to suck the wound before you apply the band-aids. This is 101."

Eddie said, "You don't know what you're talking about." Beverly was walking up to them, followed by Sabrina, she noticed Ben's injuries. "Are you okay? That looks like it hurts." Beverly said. Ben said, "Oh. No, I'm good. I just... fell." Richie said, "Yeah. Right into Henry Bowers."

Bill said, "Shut it, Richie." Richie said, "Why? It's the truth." Ben just shrugged. Beverly said, "You sure they got the right stuff to fix you up?" she smiled at Ben, who smiled back at her. "You know, we'll take care of him. Uh, thanks again, Beverly." Sabrina said.

Beverly said, "Sure. Maybe I'll see you around." Sabrina said, "Yeah, we were thinking about going to the quarry tomorrow, if you wanna come." Beverly said, "Good to know. Thanks." She smiled and waved at Ben as she walked away.

Stan looked at Richie as Beverly left and he said, "Nice going bringing up Bowers in front of her." Eddie was standing up and he said, "Yeah, dude, you heard what she did." Ben was confused. He asked, "What'd she do?" Richie said, "More like, "Who'd she do?" From what I hear, the list is longer than my wang." Richie ran his hand along his groin.

Stan said, "That's not saying much." Bill said, "They're just rumors." Richie said, "Anyways, Now, pip-pip and tally-ho, my good fellows, I do believe this chap requires our utmost attention." Richie was pushing Eddie forward and Richie continued, "Get in there, Dr. K. Come on, fix him up."

Eddie said as he bent down to once again work on Ben's injuries, "Why don't you shut the fuck up, Einstein, because I know what I'm doing, and I don't want you doing the British guy with me right now." Richie said in his British accent, "Suck the wound. Get in there."

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