the quarry

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The next morning, Sabrina woke up and got out of her bed to go eat

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The next morning, Sabrina woke up and got out of her bed to go eat. She went downstairs seeing her mom cleaning a bit. "Hi Sweetie" Kathleen said and Sabrina said as she got the cereal, "Hi mom." Sabrina made herself some cereal and poured herself a glass of milk.

"So are you heading to the quarry after you eat?" Kathleen asked. "Yeah, Bill is going to stop here so we can ride our bikes there together." Sabrina said. Sabrina are as she talked to her mom. She finished and Kathleen said, "Go get ready. I'll take care of that." Sabrina replied with an "Okay"

Sabrina went upstairs and brushed her hair and teeth. She got her white bikini top and white underwear on and put her dress she planned wearing over it. She got her backpack on after she got her shoes on.

Sabrina went downstairs as she heard her mom say, "Sweetheart! Come down! Bill is here!" Sabrina soon came and said, "I'm ready." Her mom said, "Be safe you guys" "W-we will Mrs. Danielson" Bill said and the two left after Sabrina said "Bye! I love you"

Sabrina got on her bike as Bill got on his. Together, they rode to the quarry and they met up with their friends. They all got undressed and Sabrina pulled her dress over her and Bill couldn't help but stare at her.

He looked away once she started to turn his way. At the quarry, Sabrina, Richie, Stan, Bill, Ben, and Eddie were talking. "Let me go first babies." Sabrina said. Eddie said, "No! Lay it out." Ad they stood at the edge of a cliff overlooking the river, Richie spit down into the water and chuckled.

Stan copied and Sabrina spit even though she offered to go first. Richie said, "Oh, my God." Bill let out a more direct spit as Richie continued, "So easy." Eddie said, "Poor tree." Ben spits and Richie said, "So easy!"

Eddie's spit merely landed right at his feet. "Oh, my God, that was terrible. I win." Richie said. Eddie said, "You won?" Sabrina, Ben, Bill, and Stan looked at Richie as Richie said, "Yeah." Eddie said, "Did you see my loogie?" Richie said, "That went the farthest!"

Ben said, "It's by distance." Eddie said, "Mass. It's always been mass." Richie said, "What the-What is mass?" Eddie told him, "Who cares how far it goes? It matters how cool it looks, like it's green or it's white, or juicy and fat." "Ew, Eddie." Sabrina said.

Bill said, "Al-all right." Eddie said, "Thanks for that." Bill said, "Wh-who's first?" Sabrina said, "I am!" The boys looked down at the water between five to ten feet below... they thought Sabrina was insane. "I'll go with you Sabrina." A voice said. The six people who where near the cliff turned around at the sound of the voice. It was Beverly.

Beverly let her bike fall on to its side and as she undresses, revealing a white bikini and light blue underwear she said, "Sissies." She ran right for the edge of the cliff, past the boys, she grabbed Sabrina's hand and the two gracefully jumped off together.

Richie said, "What the fuck?!" Beverly and Sabrina descended towards the water, arms flailing, and the hit the water with a perfect entry as the boys watched them from the cliff. Bill kept wondering if Sabrina was okay. "Aw, holy shit! We just got showed up by two girls!" Richie said.

Stan said, "Do we have to do that now?" Eddie said, "Yes." Sabrina yelled "Come on!" Stan said, "Oh, shit." Bill smiled at Sabrina and Ben waved at Beverly. Bill yelled, Whoo! as he jumped into the water after Sabrina and Beverly.

Seconds later, the seven of them are having fun splashing each other and just talking. Then Ben, rise from the water, holding Beverly on his shoulders, while Bill held Sabrina on his shoulders. Sabrina and Beverly then 'fought' to see who can push the other off.

Off to the side, Eddie dunked Richie and Stan in the water. Sabrina and Beverly grappled with each other, with Beverly pushing Sabrina backwards. She fell off of Bill's back, into the water, with a yelp. Beverly raised her arms victoriously.

Bill and Sabrina watched Beverly, Ben, Eddie, Richie, and Stan splashing each other for the fun of it. Sabrina smiled at Bill, who glanced at her Richie said, "Ah, fuck! What was that?" Bill and Sabrina, glanced at the others.

Stan said, "Something just touched my foot right here." Eddie, Stan, and Richie looked underwater, trying to see what's swimming in their vicinity.
Eddie said as he, Beverly, Ben, Richie, and Stan formed a circle, Where are we looking?

Richie was pointing down at the center of the circle and he said, "Right here, right here, right here!" Bill and Sabrina was surfacing after taking a closer look Bill said, "It's a turtle." Ben went underwater so he could see it for himself.

Moments later, Stanley, Richie, Ben, Bill, and Eddie were looking at Sabrina and Beverly as they both sunbathed while Young MC's "Bust a Move" played on Beverly's cassette player. Beverly and Sabrina, seemingly knew they are looking at them... So they turned toward them. The boys promptly looked away and acted natural.

Eddie, who was standing next to Ben and Bill went to sit next to Stanley, while Beverly and Sabrina went into a sitting position and Richie looked in Ben's bag. Richie said, "News flash, Ben. School's out for summer!" Ben said as Richie reaches into the backpack and pulls out the postcard Ben wrote, "Oh, that? That's not school stuff."

Richie said as he was glancing at the postcard and turning it around, "Who sent you this?" Ben told him, "No one. Give it..." Ben grabbed the postcard from Richie and once again said, "No one." Richie was reaching into the backpack and pulling out a book, opening it, and seeing what looks like a newspaper article, covering the Ironworks explosion from the past.

"What's with the history project?" Richie asked. Ben said as Stan leaned forward to take a closer look as well before Richie handed the book to Bill, "Oh... Well, when I first moved here, I didn't really have anyone to hang out with, so I just started spending time in the library."

Richie said as Bill looks at the article, "You went to the library? On purpose?" Sabrina scotched into Bill to look closer. "Oh, I wanna see." Sabrina said and Beverly moved next to Sabrina. Stanley said "What's the Black Spot?"

Eddie said as they look at a picture of the Black Spot from 1962, "The Black Spot was a nightclub that was burned down years ago by that racist cult." Stanley said, "The what?" Eddie said as Bill looked at Sabrina and Ben looked at Beverly and saw Beverly's recently cut hair, "Don't you watch Geraldo?"

Bill said to Sabrina, "Bri, you-you-you like beautiful to-today" Sabrina blushed and pushed a piece of her silky blonde hair behind her ear then said, "Thanks." Ben said to Beverly, "Your hair's beautiful, Beverly." Beverly ran her hand through her hair and smiling at Ben. "Thanks."

Richie said, "Here, pass it." Richie was extending his hand to Bill, who handed the book back to him. Stan leaned closer to take a look. Richie said, "Why is it all murders and missing kids?" Ben said as Eddie turns to face him, "Derry's not like any town I've ever been in before. They did a study once, and it turns out people die or disappear six times the national average."

Richie looked at Stan, finding that to be very alarming. Beverly said, "You read that?" Ben says as Bill and Sabrina look at him, "And that's just grown-ups. Kids are worse. Way, way worse." Stan finds that to be very disturbing. Ben continued by saying, "I've got more stuff if you wanna see it."

Eddie was shaking his head and whispering, "No, no."

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