the skateboarding day

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There was blonde thirteen year old girl, was skateboarding

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There was blonde thirteen year old girl, was skateboarding. No helmet. No safety pads. Just her and her skateboard. It was raining out and she was wearing a grey hoodie, black leggings and some converse. She had blue eyes and medium length blonde hair, that you couldn't see due to her hoodie. She had pale skin and she had an athletic figure and was slightly short for her age.

The girl was gorgeous, she was kind, she was caring and was a funny girl. She's also very intelligent, athletic and a talented girl too. She is a protective girl and stands up for her friends. She can be rude, feisty and mean when she protects her family and friends.

She has many favorite things, one of her favorite things to do was swimming...

But she has a fear of drowning due to her almost drowning when she was five.

She was doing tricks and soon a little boy came and said, "Hey Sabrina!"

"Hey Georgie!" She said replying to him

Her name was Sabrina Danielson and the little boy's name was Georgie Denbrough.

"What are you doing?" Sabrina asked. "Playing with the paper boat that Billy made for me!" Georgie said. "Cool, is he feeling better?" Sabrina asked due to her best friend and crush, Bill Denbrough being sick. "Not really" Georgie said. "Oh, well I'm heading home, you have fun!" Sabrina said. "Thanks!" Georgie said and soon he put his boat in a puddle and chased after it and Sabrina left.

Sabrina was on a different street. She heard something... "Sabrina... Sabrina..." It came from the sewer. She looked at it and soon continued to skate and she looked back at it and nothing was there... But when she left the street... something was watching her...


She got home and her parents were at work. Her mother was a teacher while her dad was a doctor. Her siblings were home though. Quinn was the eldest and Ryan was the middle child while Sabrina was the youngest.

"Hey Sis, remember to change into something new and put your wet converse at the front door and your skateboard and then you can take them to your room when they're dry." "Okay, Quinny." Sabrina said to her older sister.

Sabrina went up and changed into jeans and a t-shirt. She had some socks on now. She grabbed a book from her book self and began to read in her reading chair as she was in her room. She read for a bit and soon put away.

Sabrina went down stairs and went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple and a water. She began eating the apple as she went to ask her sister a question. "Quinn?" "Yeah?" Quinn said. "Where's Ry?" "He's in his room" she told her little sister.

"When is mom and dad coming home?" Sabrina said. "Tomorrow, remember? They're on their trip that like to go each year... by themselves..." Quinn said. "Oh yeah. Sorry." Sabrina said. "It's fine and tonight, we're having pizza." Quinn said. "Okay, I'm gonna head back upstairs." Sabrina said. Quinn nodded and Sabrina went back up and soon her phone that she had in her room rang.

"Hello?" Sabrina said onto the phone. "H-h-hey Bri?" It was Bill. "Yeah?" Sabrina said. "Do y-you know w-w-where Georgie is? I s-s-saw you t-t-talking to h-h-him when you w-where skateboarding." Bill said.

"No, Sorry. I left after that. I'll keep an eye out though." Sabrina said. "T-t-thanks Bri. Bye." "Bye" Sabrina hung up and she was confused. She looked out her window. Sabrina went down and told Quinn, "I'll be right back I promise!" "Okay..." Sabrina ran out, holding a flashlight.

Sabrina went to the place where she last saw Georgie. She saw the puddle and decided to follow it. It led to a sewer. She got on her knees and she looked and soon used a flashlight. "Georgie?" Sabrina thinking what if he could be in there... somehow...

She soon decided to walk to the Denbrough house. She knocked. Mrs. Denbrough came and opened and said "Sabrina! What are you doing here?" "Bill called me asking where Georgie was..." Sabrina said. "Oh! Have you seen him?!" "No, Sorry... Could I talk to Bill?" Sabrina said. "It's okay and Sure."

Sabrina came in and took off her shoes and soon went up to Bill's room. "Hey Bill." Sabrina said. "B-B-Bri! Have you s-s-seen him?" Bill said hugging her. "No but I'll keep looking." Sabrina said. "T-t-thanks. What a-are you d-d-doing here?" Bill said.

"I'd decided to help look for him and come see how are you. Are you feeling better?" "Not r-r-right now..." Bill said. "I'm sorry Bill..." "I-I-it's okay Bri." They hung out for a bit and soon said, "I better head home..." "O-o-okay. See you s-s-soon or talk t-to you soon." Bill said. She left and she got her shoes one and Mrs. Denbrough drove her home.

"Thanks Mrs. Denbrough!" Sabrina said. "No problem, Sabrina. See you soon!" She waved and went back into her house. "I'm home!" Sabrina said, taking off her shoes. "The pizza is gonna arrive soon, where'd you go?" Ryan asked. "Over to Bill's. They can't find Georgie so I helped a bit and then Bill and I hung out a little." "Oh, that's a bit weird. Georgie wouldn't do that..." Ryan said. "Yeah, but she also hung out with her crush!" Quinn said. "Shut up!" Sabrina said and the doorbell rang.

"It's the pizza." Ryan said and grabbed money. After they got it, they ate and soon watched a movie. Sabrina went to bed after and thought of Georgie, Bill and the voice she heard. She shrugged and went to sleep...

A few days later...

Georgie Denbrough was pronounced lost...

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