the red balloon

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After they helped Ben, the others went home while Bill and Sabrina took Ben home

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After they helped Ben, the others went home while Bill and Sabrina took Ben home. Bill and Sabrina dropped him off and invited him to the quarry that was happening tomorrow. He said that he is going to come, just meet him at his house even though he knew where the quarry was.

Bill and Sabrina went to her house and hung out a little bit there. Her mom was grocery shopping while her dad was at work. Ryan was at lacrosse practice and Quinn was at a friends house. Sabrina and Bill kept talking about Betty Ripsom's shoe.

Why was it there? Why was their one? Was she there? They were trying to figure out why. They also were using a map to figure out where Georgie could of gone if he was in the sewer. Sabrina was always on Bill's side. Georgie was like her little brother so it broke her heart when she heard that he disappeared.

Soon enough they heard a door close as Bill was getting his stuff so he can get ready to leave. They walked downstairs seeing her mom bringing in groceries. "Hey honey, hey Bill, what are you guys doing?" Kathleen said.

"We were hanging out. Bill has to go home now though." Sabrina said. "Oh, are you sure? You can have dinner with us and spend the night." Kathleen said. "It's fi-fine Mrs Danielson." Bill said. "Okay see you again soon." Kathleen said.

"See you at the Quarry tomorrow?" Sabrina said. "Yeah, b-b-bye" Bill said. "Bye!" Sabrina said. She closed the door after he walked out and her mom said, "Your going to the Quarry tomorrow with Bill and the rest of your friends?" "Yes, is that okay?" Sabrina said. "Yes, just be careful." Kathleen said and Sabrina nodded as she said, "What's for dinner?"

"We are having Italian Chicken." Kathleen said. "Okay, will the rest be home soon?" Sabrina asked. "Yes, don't worry." Kathleen said. "Okay. I'll be up in my room!" Sabrina said as she walked up the stairs. "Okay!" Kathleen said.

Sabrina went into her room and began to read. She read until she got bored a bit more. She went over and grabbed her skateboard and got her shoes on. She walked downstairs and told her mom, "Be back in a few! I'm going skating!" "Be safe!"

Sabrina walked out and once she was on her driveway she got on and began to skate on her skateboard. She did tricks as she was on the road. She went past the sewer... the sewer where Georgie was. She stopped and went over.

"Georgie? It's me Brina. Please come home..." Sabrina said on her knees looking in to it. She heard nothing. She got up and said, "Please be okay..." She soon began to skate back home but she heard her name like she did the day he disappeared.


"Hello? Who's there? Georgie?" Sabrina said and nobody answered. She began to go faster. She soon fell due to a big rock. "Ow!" Sabrina said. She was okay. No blood. But she did see a red balloon pass by. She got back up and grabbed her skateboard and ran to her house.

She kept hearing her name as she did and she soon arrived back at her house. Sabrina slammed the front door shut and her dad was home now along with her siblings. Her father, Harold came and said, "Are you okay Honey?"

Sabrina nodded as she set down her skateboard and took her shoes off. "I-I-I'm gonna go to my room." Sabrina said. She went up after her dad said, "Okay..." Sabrina went in and shut her bedroom door. She was on her bed and she kept breathing hard.

She soon calmed herself down and went to grab her book so she can read. She opened the book and in it was a note saying, "You'll Float Too!" She was confused and a red balloon went past her window. She went to her window and looked to see if the balloon was there or if anything was there but there was nothing.

"What the hell?" Sabrina whispered and soon she heard a knock on her door. She stayed at her window and she heard a knock again and Sabrina was scared. "Sabrina! Dinner's ready!" It was Quinn. Sabrina wasn't scared anymore seeing that it was just her sister who was knocking.

"Okay!" Sabrina said and Quinn went downstairs as Sabrina went to go out of her room. Sabrina went downstairs and she ate with her family. They all talked together. Sabrina kept thinking of the voice that said her name and also the red balloon.

Kathleen told Harold that Sabrina was going to the Quarry tomorrow and he was fine with it. "Sabrina, once again for tomorrow, be home before 7 and be careful." Harold said. "I know." Sabrina said. "Where are you going tomorrow?" Ryan asked.

"The Quarry." Sabrina said. "Sounds like fun" Quinn said. They began to talk and after Sabrina went and took a shower. She got into pajamas and brushed her teeth and washed her face. She went to her bedroom and got in her bed.

She was reading and soon her mom and dad came in to say goodnight. "Be safe tomorrow." Harold said. "I know, I love you." "Love you too, night" Kathleen and Harold said giving her a goodnight kiss. "Night" Sabrina said and put her book down and soon fell asleep.

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