the last day of school

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It was a year later, Georgie still wasn't found

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It was a year later, Georgie still wasn't found... people thought he was dead but Bill didn't believe that. Sabrina was sad. Georgie was like her little brother but she hated seeing how upset her crush/best friend was...

This summer, Bill planned to have her and their other friends help look for him and she agreed on that. The others didn't know yet. She was the only one who knew. He told her everything. He always trusted her and he had a crush on her too...

It's the last day of school, Sabrina was happy about it but was a bit nervous on what they would have to do. She was sleeping in her room. Her mom, Kathleen Danielson, came up into her room and said, "Sabrina... Pumpkin? Time to get up, it's the last day of school!"

Sabrina stretched and opened her eyes. "Okay be right there!" Kathleen left to get her other kids and Sabrina got out of bed and made her bed. She went down stairs in her pajamas seeing her dad reading the newspaper with breakfast and coffee in front of him, which was on the table.

Kathleen came down and got a plate for Sabrina as Sabrina went and got orange juice from the fridge. She poured it in a cup and Kathleen gave Sabrina her breakfast and on it was two over-easy eggs, toast and bacon. She also put a fork and knife on there. Sabrina went and sat down.

Quinn and Ryan came down in their pajamas and began to eat along with their little sister, Sabrina. They talked about their last day, about what it would be like and they finished eating. "Kids, go get dressed and then come back down" her dad, Harold said. The three kids said, "Okay"

They went up and Sabrina went into her room and got dressed. She brushed her hair and put a necklace on which Bill gave her. She put on her shoes and grabbed her backpack and went towards the stairs hearing "Mrs. Da-da- Danielson? Is Bri re-re-ready?"
It was Bill.

"She should be, Bill. Sabrina! Bill's here!" Kathleen said. Sabrina walked down and said "Hey Bill" "H-Hey Bri." Bill said. "I love you, stay safe." Kathleen said. "Love you too." Sabrina said and she walked out with Bill.

Sabrina said, "Let me just get my bike." Sabrina walked over to the garage and in front of the garage door was her bike. She got on it as Bill got on his. They soon left Sabrina's house to head to school. They always went to school together due to living close to each other.

: later :

School ended... At school, Sabrina, Bill and their friends, Eddie Kaspbrak and Richie Tozier, walked out of a classroom. They were happy that school is done with today. As they walked with each other, Sabrina was on Bill's right side and Eddie was on her left side.

"So, there's this church full of Jews, right? And Stan has to take this super Jewy test." Eddie said as they walked the hall heading towards the stairs. "But how's it work?" Bill asked. "They slice the tip of his dick off." Eddie said. "Gross Eddie! Hello! Girl here!" Sabrina said. Richie interrupted Eddie before he could reply to Sabrina, "But then Stan will have nothing left!"

"So he'll be like you?" Sabrina asked. Bill and Eddie laughed. "Very funny, Brina." Richie said annoyed. Behind them, Stanley Uris walked out of a classroom and ran up to them. Stan was running up to them as he said, "Wait up, you guys!" Stan got in the middle of Sabrina and Eddie.

Bill said, "Hey, Stan, what happens at the Bar Mitzvah, anyways? Ed says they slice the tip of your d-dick off." Richie said, "Yeah, and I think the rabbi's gonna pull down your pants, turn to the crowd and say "Where's the beef?" " the five of them laughed.

Stan said, "At the Bar Mitzvah, I read from the Torah, and then I make a speech and suddenly, I become a man." Eddie said, "I could think of funner ways to become a man." Stan said " "More fun" you mean."

Richie said, "Oh, shit." The five went past Henry Bowers and his minions: Reginald "Belch" Huggins, Vic Criss, and Patrick Hockstetter. Henry stood there with his arms folded, Belch and Patrick smiled malevolently at them, and Vic merely gives them a threatening stare.

If Sabrina's brother, Ryan and his friends were there, they wouldn't touch them. They were scared of them. Richie said, "Think they'll sign my yearbook? "Dear Richie, sorry for taking a hot, steaming dump in your backpack last March. Have a good summer."

As they went down the stairs, a teenage girl, Greta Keene, walked past them, bumped Sabrina, and stomped into the girl's bathroom. Greta was afraid of Quinn. So Greta would leave them alone. Ryan and Quinn protected them because they were Sabrina's older siblings.

Outside, Sabrina, Bill, Eddie, Richie, and Stan dumped their notebooks and school things in the trash. Stan said, "Best feeling ever." Richie said, "Yeah? Try tickling your pickle for the first time." Sabrina said, "You are so gross."

Eddie asked, "Hey, what do you guys wanna do tomorrow?" Richie said, "I start my training." Eddie asked, "Wait, what training?" Richie told him, "Street Fighter." Sabrina said, "Is that how you wanna spend your summer? Inside of an arcade?"

Richie said, "Beats spending it inside of Eddie's mother." Richie did a thumbs-down. Stan said as he was lowering Richie's arm, "What if we go to the quarry?" "Guys, we have the Barrens." Bill said. Stan said, "Right."

"Betty Ripsom's mom." Sabrina said. They turn to look at Mrs. Ripsom, standing next to a police officer, with Sheriff Bowers, Henry's dad, a few feet away. Stan said, "Is she really expecting to see her come out of that school?"

Sabrina said, "I don't know. As if Betty Ripsom's been hiding at Home Ec. for the last few weeks.
Stanley said, "You think they'll actually find her?" Richie said, "Sure. In a ditch. All decomposed, covered in worms and maggots. Smelling like Eddie's mom's underwear." Sabrina whacked the back of his head for Bill

Eddie said, "Shut up! That's freaking disgusting." Bill said, "She's not dead. She's missing." Richie said, "Sorry, Bill. She's missing. You know the Barrens aren't that bad. Who doesn't love splashing around in shitty water?" Patrick walked out behind them and without warning, Henry grabbed Richie and pushes him into Stan, knocking them both to the ground. Stan's hat falls off and Patrick picked it up.

Patrick said, "Nice Frisbee, flamer." Stan said, "Give it back!" Patrick laughed evilly and threw it through the window of a passing school bus. Patrick said, "Fucking losers!" Belch burps at Eddie. Henry said as he pushed Sabrina onto the ground, "Loser" Bill was angry he did that to her.

Bill said, stuttering angrily as he was helping Sabrina up, "You suck, Bowers!" Sabrina said, not wanting Bill to get hurt, "Don't, Bill!" Henry, Belch, and Patrick turned around. Henry mockingly said, "You s-s-s-say something, Bi-Bi-Bi-Billy? Just because I push your little girlfriend to the ground you become the big man? You got a free ride this year 'cause of your little brother." He approached Bill and continued, "Ride's over, Denbrough."

Henry looked to his father, who took off his glasses and looked at his son with a stern facial expression that says "Leave him alone, son." "This summer's gonna be a hurt train for you and your faggot friends."

Ryan and his friends came up behind him. "You sure about that Bowers? Now let's get something straight. If I see you do anything like that or if one of them tells me about that... You and your faggot friends are gonna know how it feels to be in their shoes. Got it?" Ryan said holding him close.

Henry nodded scared as Ryan's friends held Patrick and Belch in place so they could listen to what Ryan was saying. "Good, now leave!" Ryan said and Henry, Patrick and Belch headed towards Belch's car in a hurry.

"Thanks Ry" Sabrina said. "Yeah, Thanks Ryan" The four others said. "No problem, just tell me if it happens again. Okay?" Ryan said. They nodded. "See you at home Brina." Ryan said hugging her and he left after she said, "Okay."

"I'm glad you brother helps you Brina." Stan said. "Yeah, I just wish he'd go missing." Richie said meaning Henry. "He's probably the one doing it." Eddie said about Henry.

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