the clown

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Bill, Sabrina, Beverly, Ben, Richie, Eddie, and Stan rode their bikes to Ben's house

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Bill, Sabrina, Beverly, Ben, Richie, Eddie, and Stan rode their bikes to Ben's house. Ben, Beverly, Eddie, Sabrina, Bill, and Richie let their bikes fall to the ground and they all went inside, while Stan, as usual, put the kickstand down. As they enter the house, a woman was stapling a missing poster of Patrick Hockstetter to a post.

Entering Ben's room, Ben grabbed a magazine, a shirt, and his underwear then threw them in his closet, and he then closed it. Eddie told him, "Don't freak out, just tell us." Sabrina, Beverly, Bill, Stan, Eddie, and Richie entered the bedroom.

Richie said, "Yeah. I heard he has a rollercoaster and a pet chimp and an old guy's fucking bones. Yeah." Stan immediately looked at the stuff on Ben's desk; Richie's attention is drawn to the articles and pictures on the wall. Richie said, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wow!"

Ben said to Richie, "Cool, huh?" Richie told him, "No. No, nothing cool. There's nothing cool." Bill looked at one of the cards on the table opposite Ben's bed and Sabrina looked at an article and began to read it. "Oh, this is cool, right here. Wait, no. No, it's not cool." Richie said and Sabrina elbowed him in the stomach.

"Ow! Really Sabrina!?" Richie said. The others laughed and she smirked. Beverly glanced at some more articles on the walls. Stanley was pointing at a piece of paper and he asked Ben, "What's that?" Ben: told Stan asStan, Eddie, and Richie looked at him, "Oh, that? That's the charter for Derry Township."

Richie said, "Nerd alert." "Look who's talking Richie." Sabrina said defending Ben. The others laughed. Bill loved that about her. She'd protect her friends and be very caring to them. Ben said, "No, actually, it's really interesting. Derry started out as a beaver trapping camp."

Richie said, "Still is, am I right?" he held up his hand for a high-five. Sabrina sighed while Stan shakes his head and while Eddie merely looks at him. Ben said as Beverly and Sabrina looked at the articles next to the door, "Ninety-one people signed the charter that made Derry. But later that winter, they all disappeared without a trace."

Eddie asked, "The entire camp?" Ben said as Bill looked puzzled, "There were rumors of Indians, but no sign of an attack. Everybody just thought it was a plague or something." There was a picture of the camp displayed and on the far left is a figure resembling a clown... "But it's like one day everybody just woke up and left." Ben said. Beverly was looking at the other side of the bedroom door as Ben continued, "The only clue was a trail of bloody clothes leading to the Well House."

Richie said as Beverly closed the door to reveal what's on the other side, "Jesus. We can get Derry on Unsolved Mysteries." Eddie said as Ben turned around to the sound of the door creaking, "Let's do that. You're brilliant." Richie said, "I might be." Beverly revealed that Ben has a New Kids on the Block poster on the back of his bedroom door. Ben mouthed at Beverly as she smiled at him and opened the door while the boys and Sabrina talked amongst themselves.

Bill continued examining the stuff on the table with Sabrina by his side as he said, "Wh-h-here was the Well H-h-ouse?" Ben said, "I don't know. Somewhere in town, I guess. Why?" Sabrina looked at him with curiosity and Bill looked at her and soon was glancing at the articles on the wall. "Nothing." Bill said.


After going to Ben's house and looking at the research he has done, Sabrina and Bill rode together to their homes. They arrived to her house first. "So see y-y-you tomorrow?" Bill asked. "Yep! See you later!" Sabrina told him and she rode up her driveway and put her bike away.

As she went to open her front door she waved Bill goodbye and he waved back. She walked in and set her backpack down and took off her shoes. "Hey Honey. How was the Quarry?" Kathleen said. "Good where's Dad and the others?" Sabrina asked sitting down at the kitchen table.

Kathleen set down a fruit salad and water in front of Sabrina and Sabrina began to eat lunch. "Dad is at work, Quinn is upstairs in her room and Ryan is at a friend's." Sabrina said, "Oh, well I'm gonna take a shower after I eat this." "That's a good idea." Kathleen said.

Sabrina ate and went to her room to pick out a pair of sweat pants and a shirt. She grabbed underwear and began her shower. She soon finished then went to her room. She read a book and drew. Soon her dad and brother were home and her mom began cooking dinner.

She went to the bathroom take the towel she had in her hair off so she could brush it. She brushed it and soon heard the shower. It sounded like water was leaving the tub but it wasn't. It was coming back up. Soon white was coming out and she backed up.

A head popped out of the drain. It was a person and soon the whole body came out and Sabrina began backing up. It was a clown and it was fully out of the drain. Sabrina's eyes widen. "Hiya Sabrina." It said. Sabrina soon fell over her wet towel.

"W-w-who are you?" Sabrina muttered. "Well Sabrina, I'm Pennywise the Dancing Clown!" It said. "You know my name?" Sabrina said scared to death. "Why yes... Do you want to go swimming with me Sabrina?" Pennywise said. "Get the hell away from me..." Sabrina told him.

"Please? Let's ask Georgie to come!" Pennywise said and Sabrina widened her eyes. Sabrina tried to get up to open the door but he grabbed her leg. He opened his mouth showing sharp teeth and Sabrina screamed her lungs out. She kept kicking. He dug his sharp nails in her leg.

The door opened and it was her dad. She looked at him and she looked back at Pennywise but he was gone. Sabrina widened her eyes and soon started crying. Her dad grabbed her and her mom got a first aid kit. Harold held her. "Shh, it's okay. What happened to your leg?" Harold said.

She made up an excuse by saying, "I fell... but also cut it somehow." Kathleen came back and began to take care of her leg. "It's okay, sorry if this stings." Kathleen said and Harold carried her to her room and set her on her bed.

"Do you want to eat dinner up here?" Kathleen asked. "No!" Sabrina asked. "Are you okay princess?" Harold asked. "Umm, yeah..." Sabrina said and Harold and Kathleen looked at each other and Kathleen said, "Okay, we love you" "Love you too." Sabrina said.

Harold and Kathleen walked to Quinn and Ryan's room. They always cheered her up. They asked them to find out what happened. The two siblings of Sabrina went into her room so Kathleen could continue making dinner.

"Hey lil' sis. You okay?" Quinn asked opening her door. "Umm, yeah." Sabrina said. "Are you sure Brina? Did you get in a fight with Bill? Your never like this." Ryan asked. "No. I just don't want to talk about it..." Sabrina said.

"Okay, we are right here though..." Quinn said they did a group hugged and Sabrina saw a red balloon float past her window and she realized the balloon she saw yesterday... was meant for Pennywise. She gulped and her siblings and herself soon ate dinner with their parents. She went to her room and read a book soon falling asleep...

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