[001] game

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____________________________________It had almost been a year since Billy's death and in all honesty I hadn't really felt true happiness since it happened

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____________________________________It had almost been a year since Billy's death and in all honesty I hadn't really felt true happiness since it happened. Loosing a sibling means you have to grieve the loss of a close relative and a best friend at the same time. I feel as if I'll never get over his death no matter how many pills I take or how hard I try to put on an act as if I was happy, that feeling is never going to disappear.

My hands began shaking as I stared down at the two pills that sat in my hand, tears began flooding my eyes. I lifted my hand to my face and swallowed the pills and just as I did the tears began to stream down my face. Yeah I was completely saddened by the traumatising event I witnessed on July 4th but I was also sad about the person I had become. The person that would shut her feelings off, the person that was cold toward everyone. I still managed to show at least a small smile for those closest including Steve, but even he knew it was all an act.


"So..we all know what this is about, okay? I'm not buying that bullshit. This is about Kassidy", "it is absolutely not" robin protested glaring at the boy beside her.

"You know what else I think? I think you gotta stop pretending to be someone else when you're around her. Okay? You just gotta be yourself".

She chuckles, shocked by his words and she uses hand gestures to be clear on her words, "you're literally quoting me to me. You do realise that". "Well maybe you need to listen to yourself, ever think about that?".

Robin crossed her arms "it's not the same okay, you grt rejected by a girl and nothing happens, maybe your ego is a little bruised. but i ask out the wrong girl and bam! i'm in town prahiah" robin pointed out. "except, Kassidy isn't the wrong girl" steve added as my face scrunched up in confusion. "where is this going steve?" I questioned, moving my hand through my hair. "she returned fast times again fifty three minutes and five seconds" steve pointed out, "do you know who pauses fast times at fifty three minutes and five seconds? people who like boobies!" steve yelled turning to a new street as robin made choking noises.

"boobies!" steve carried on his point. "ew gross, don't say boobies" robin scolded him, sharing a disturbed glance with me through the review mirror. "not a big deal, okay? i like boobies, especially steph's they are-" Steve began trying to cheer me up seeing as though I was being extremely quiet in the back however I interrupted him not wanting to here the end of his sentence, "shut the fuck up!" I shouted glaring at the boy. "-you like boobies! Kassidy loves boobies! definitely" steve declared. A silence merged around the car as me and robin stared at eachother utterly confused on why steve acted like a complete child all the time.

I climbed out of Steve's car almost tripping over my own feet, Steve caught me and stared into my eyes concerned, "woah are you okay?". "Yeah, yeah I'm fine" I stuttered pushing on his arms to stand straight. My eyes searched around the crowded parking lot for my sister but she was no where in sight, guessing she already made her way in. What I did see, is the woman I had been avoiding for an extremely long time. She was the school's therapist however after the event she heard from max she continuously offered visits at her house during my own time.

"Hi, Stephanie, have you considered taking on my offer I think-". I sighed, I had declined it many times and yet she still didn't get the hint, "look Ms.Kelley in the nicest way possible, I do not want a therapist. I've had shit that's happened, yes, but that does not mean I can't handle it by myself. You seem like a really nice woman but no thank you I do not want a therapist, if you want updates on me ask max".

After I finished I felt kind of bad however she needs to understand that I didn't want to explain my feelings and open up to her, I doubt I could even do that to Steve.


"this better be good!" I said following after the crowd entering the gym, some bolted inside the gymnasium. As soon as I entered the gym, I was shocked at all the noise that was going on inside of the room, it was nice being back. Steve led the way up the bleachers as a girl turned around smiling at steve, I instantly glared at her and grabbing steve's hand. "hey steve" the girl smiled "oh, hey britney"

"how have you been? i haven't seen you in like forever!" britney continued trying to start conversation, . "Uh, I've, I've been good urm" he looked at me noticing the jealously plastered on my face as the principal's voice spoke on the microphone. "everyone, please rise for our national anthem. singing for us tonight, we have a very special guest form nashville: tammy thompson!". 

The crowd broke out into applause, and a girl with a pink poofy dress and wild strawberry-blonde hair walked into the room, stepping up the mic with a wave. The moment she began to sing I instantly lifted my jumper over her mouth so nobody could hear the giggles escaping my mouth. Britney glanced back at us, mouth widened in awe. "wow. she sounds amazing, doesn't she?"

As I was about to respond a giggle escaped my lips causing steve to poke me in the stomach with a grin, a bit shocked that I giggled for the first time in a while.  "stop!" he laughed as the crowd around them went wild, while we shared an horrific look with robin as the game began. It started off pretty slow, the opposing team scored a few shots, and it was obvious the tigers were losing their hope. During half game, someone from hawkins was took off for injury. I stood up in my seat and watched as the coach told lucas to get in the game.

"Yes lucas!" I cheered clapping my hands loudly as he turned to me with a grateful smile. "he's not warming the bench up anymore!" I turned to steve "yeah, i have eyes". I watched the rest of the game at the edge of my seat as the tigers immediately found more hope in the game, occasionally cheering lucas on. When their team scored, the crowd roared louder and out of the blue, my head began hurting - aching almost. I'd been getting them a lot recently. I rubbed my temple slightly to try and make it go away but it just didn't. It was only when Steve put his hand on my shoulder that I snapped back into reality. 

"Steph?" He chuckled, but then saw how I was rubbing her temple. "What's wrong?"  "Just a headache. I'm fine." I told him with a forced smile.  "Are you sure? What if it's a migraine?" Steve questioned. "It's probably just from the loud noise. I'm okay, Steve." I brushed off. I couldn't help but question what was going on with myself lately. The nightmares, the headaches. What was next? I felt Steve place his hand on my thigh to stop it from bouncing. "If you bounce your leg any faster it's gonna fly off." Steve said. "How's your head now?"  "It's better." I quickly spoke not wanting him to worry.

When there was a few seconds Lucas stole the ball that the captain missed and flicked it in the air. The ball glided along the ring of the hoop and slowly fell in. I jumped on top of my seat and cheered alongside Steve and the rest of the crowd.

After the game had ended and everybody left, me and steve walked out and met Lucas who was hanging out with his team celebrating. I walked toward him and rubbed his head while he turned to me, he seemed happy but almost a little upset. I understand why, max wasn't here. "Hey, well done, you were really good out there". He faintly smiles and I brought him into a hug. We said our goodbyes and I held Steve's hand as we walked away toward the car.

We decided it would be a good idea to go out for dinner with the max, to hopefully cheer her up slightly. We stopped off by my house and waited for her to make her entrance. "you ready?" I smiled staring at the girl, "yeah, I'm er I'm really hungry" max jumped on the back of the car before placing a seatbelt around herself.

"what would you three like tonight?" the diner questioned walking to the table with a pen and paper. "cheese pizza and coke please" max smiled brightly, for the first time it was actually a genuine one. "waffles and a chocolate milkshake" I muttered, causing the woman to tilt her head forward, "sorry honey I didn't quite catch that". I looked down and repeated myself, a little louder and breathed out knowing she heard.

"and you?". "burger.. and coke" steve said before turning to max.  "so how are you and lucas?" steve smiled placing his hand on my inner thigh. "We're er, we're not" max struggled to get her words out and looked to me for help. I noticed her expression and continued her sentence, "they're not together". 

"Oh, well it kind of makes sense now, noticed he's hanging out with assholes" Steve pointed out before slurping on his coke "yeah.." max sighed. She looked up at the lady once she delivered our food, softly smiling slightly.

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