[004] family issues

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Opening my eyes I raised my hand to wipe my sweating forehead.  I was confused. Not much of last night was a blur but I couldn't remember walking home.  I threw on my dressing gown and knocked on Billy's door "Get up" I told him knowing dad and Susan left for work early.

"I'm tired, go away" Angrily sighing I twisted the door handle forcing myself through the door. Billy never had any respect when it came to coming into my room so why should I. "Had fun last night?" I questioned hoping he had a better time than I did.

"Meh, it was okay, Tina throws shit party's, but I had fun, you?". I looked down seeing at through he was to drunk to remember, "it was okay, Steve is just a dick". "Don't talk to him, he thinks he's the king of Hawkins well he isn't any longer".

The corners of my mouth form a faint smile seeing as though he does care. It was confusing with Billy. One minute he would be acting like I'm the worst person in the world, like he couldn't give two shits about me the next he acts like the best brother in the world.


"Bye" I shouted to max as she rode of on her skate board, I got a wave in response. "I'll catch up with you later" Billy says walking past me and out the door. He walked over to his car and I followed leaning on the window that was down, Billy began to start the car "Where are you going" he looked up at me, "a date".

My tired eyes widened a bit at his response, "a date? Already jeez we've only been here for two days". He shrugs his shoulders before saying his cocky reply, "well, it's the advantages of being good looking".

I chuckled, "don't get yourself hyped up Billy, not every girl in Hawkins is obsessed with you". We carried on talking before he reminded me that he actually need to get to the date and I backed away from the car allowing him to leave.


Me and Billy were both supposed to be in class right now but seeing as though dad was out and wouldn't know, we decided to skip. Max though, I loved the thought of having her here but I knew she had to get her education in.

I was painting my nail a beautiful pink colour before hearing the door, I got up placing the nail polish lid back on and walking out. "Hey, you okay?" I asked concerned when max was rubbing her back.

"Yeah I'm fine, the school is so boring, I've met this group of boys, they're okay I guess". I laugh a little before replying with an 'oooo'

"Noo, not like that". The two of us sat in front of the tv waiting for Billy, Susan and dad to get home and when they did max opened the door.

"Hi sweetie, how was school?" Susan asked max bringing her into a hug before handing her some groceries she'd just picked up to take the weight of her hands. They both talked about her day and the incident with her skateboard and my dad came and sat down beside me.

"Where's your brother?" He asks me noticing Billy's absence, "on a date, I don't know where he went, failed to fill me in on that". He put a not surprised expression on his face before joining max in helping Susan.

I walked to my room to complete one of my drawings and I heard footsteps walking up towards my door. "Can I come in?" Susan asks, I was confused. Me and Susan rarely spoke, I mean I liked her but I just feel like she was trying to replace mom.

"Yeah sure" I turned away looking back at my drawing. She sits beside me on my bed, "I just wanted to say thank you. I think I need to say this now as we don't usually speak. You're so good to max, and she loves you so much, so thank you".

I smile before turning my view to her, "it's okay, max is my sister, may not be by blood but she still is". We stay silent for a few minutes and she stares at my drawing.

"You're really talented", I thank her for the complement, "Susan can I ask you something". "Sure anything honey".

"Are you happy? I mean like with dad. He put my mom through so much shit to the point where she couldn't take it anymore and she left. I don't want the same thing happening to you, I don't want to loose max. However I do value your happiness so if you don't want to be with him, you don't have too. You don't-"  before I could finish she interrupts, in a none rude way.

"Steph, I'm very happy with your father. He may loose him temper every now and again but I do love him and I'm happy we're all a big family now, and by that I don't mean I'm trying to replace your mom, I'm just happy we're are how we are".

I process her words and happiness rushed through me. She understands how I feel towards the whole replacing mom situation and knows that I need that reassurance. She pulls me into a tight hug and I wrap my arms around her.

Not long after we both pull away and she exists the room. I continue my drawing until I hear my dad yelling at Billy. I shoot up from my room and head towards the kitchen.

I try to get between Billy and dad to try and stop them, even know I know from past events he will just do the same to me so getting between them is not stopping anything. He grabs me by my arm and moves me out the way, "do not get in my way Stephanie, go to your room". 

"Dad please, max is asleep and so is Susan, I don't want them waking up to you two fighting please just let him go and I'll speak to him". He pushed Billy towards me as if to say 'have him' and I stumble back as he bumps into me.

Once he turned his back I gave him the worst look ever, I can't believe my mom and Susan choose him. I brought Billy into my room and hugged him. He wasn't crying but on the verge of tears. Billy was strong, stronger than most people I know, so it was rare you saw him in this state. And only one person could put him in it, dad.

"You okay?" I say pulling away and looking at him, "you shouldn't have done that, he could've hurt you Steph, please stop".

I know Billy cared about me so I understood why he didn't want me getting involved but he would've done the exact same thing, "yeah but flip this the other way and he was about to hurt me you're telling me you wouldn't get involved?".

He looks down defeated that I was right, "look just go sleep, get some rest and act like nothing happened okay? I know you probably want to go beat him up right now but max and Susan are asleep so don't".

He chuckles, "Billy I know you don't want to do it for them, so don't. I don't want you to fight so don't".

He nods and walks away disappearing into his room. I take a deep breath and breath out before climbing into my bed and staring at the ceiling.

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