Chapter 8 : Shimmer and new life

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Walking up the tree Powder stormed away. Ekko sighed watching her stomp up the tree. Powder walked along a rope bridge, her feet touching each plank of wood. Once she reached the middle she turned to the left facing outwards towards the sanctuary with most of it in view. As she looked over her arms released from being crossed laying her forearms along the small wooden rail that was connected to the rope.

As she looked over she spotted Ekko who was sitting alone. A frown formed on Powder's face before a tear slid down her face, her entire face turning red as tears formed in the corner of her eyes. A hiccuping sigh was released from her mouth as she turned walking off of the bridge continuing walking along the floors of the tree.

The tree was huge, first a set of stairs at the base with benches stretching along the backside of the roots. Piping was seen from the front of the tree with the mural on the other side, there were around one hundred rooms with lots of more room along branches, connecting all of these were small walkways with balconies overlooking the sanctuary. On almost every walkway which was around six feet wide contained a bench or some sort of way for people to sit down.

As you climbed the tree's multiple ladders and stairs the levels of the tree represented your level in the Firelight hierarchy. Soldiers or people who flew in and went on missions got the upper floors while children were in the lower floors removing the multiple stories they'd have to walk. As Well as the soldiers were able to fly away easier with the added height. Ekko's room laid at the very top of the tree on the most extended branch, there was a circular room along with a balcony that stretched around the structure with a five feet long walkway from the tree's base to the building. Powder walked along the walkway, her head low with her arms barely moving while laying at her sides. This was very different to her galloping usual, still acting like Jinx.

Powder walked onto the porch around Ekko's room and sat on a bench which was attached to the roof of the balcony. This was a swinging bench with chinese connecting to the base of the chair. Powder sat down as she kicked the floor sending her into a swinging motion. Her head laid back staring at the ceiling while her hand was on her stomach which was a little bloated at this point, for it had only been a couple of months.

"I-I'm so sorry." Powder said, holding back tears as she rubbed her stomach looking down at it. During her time as Jinx Powder was under minor but still present use of Shimmer. This created a possibility that she may have a mis carriage killing the baby. Though it was a chance and had no proof behind it Powder still was filled with worry. About killing a baby as well as what she would say to Ekko.

As Powder moved her head she was able to look over the railing of the porch seeing the walls of the sanctuary, not able to see the ground but only hear the children playing. Powder's eyes began tearing up again until she was interrupted by A person sitting next to her on the bench. Looking over a familiar face was brought into view. "Look who it is." Powder said with a chuckle. "Coming to visit me in my despair?"

A smirk was formed as Vi looked over. "What else would I come here for?" Vi's hand reached over, placing it onto Powder's hand, gripping it. Powder looked down in confusion and backed up. "Soooo, how's...It going?" Vi glanced down at Powder's stomach. Her face turned from joyful to worried as Powder looked away from her. Vi reached over with her other arm grabbing Powder's left hand. "Pow, what's wrong?" She said in a concerning manner.

Powder looked away, tears forming in her eyes. Vi releases the grip on her hands and softy puts her hand on Powder's cheek moving her face to face to look at her's. Once Powder looks up at Vi and holds back her tears, Vi speaks up. "Pow-Pow, what happened." Powder looks around trying to find an escape being extremely uncomfortable with the conversation. Powder looks over, seeing her and Ekko's boards laying next to each other next to the Walkway.

Once Vi sees Powder looking at the boards she pulls her in for a hug not letting her go as much as she tries to pull away, after many failed attempts of getting out of her sister's grasp and tiring herself out Vi lets go still holding Powder by her shoulders. "I won't tell anyone, what happened?" Vi says looking Powder directly in the eyes. "I-I think the..." Powder begins to cry while getting it out. "I think the baby might not survive."

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