Chapter 10 : Separated

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"So, the councilor with a huge hammer killed a big wolf with a beam." Powder rolled her eyes, "Well, that's a simpler explanation of it." Ekko, still confused, laid back on his bed which they were sitting on. "Is that the thing that attacked the Last Drop?" Powder nodded. "Yeah, and the thing is working for Silco." Ekko placed his hand on his forehead. "Well at least the thing is dead." Powder chuckled, "Yeah, there was also this green ooze pouring out of its stomach like blood."

"Green stuff." Ekko looked over at powder with confusion rattling in his eyes. "Yeah, the Enforcers took a lot of it. There was also a Shimmer so I'd assume it's some sort of Shimmer hybrid, but I couldn't know until proper testing was done." Laying back scooting herself up to be at the same level as Ekko. "Well I'm glad you didn't get hurt." Ekko looked over at Powder who was staring at the ceiling.

"I'm afraid, Ekko. These things Silco is doing, it's a constant act to try and get to me. He genuinely thinks you're tricking me." Powder looks over at Ekko, both locking eyes. Ekko leans over kissing Powder on the forehead. "So, are you sure you want to go with the surgery?" Powder takes a deep breath looking back at the ceiling. "Well, it won't survive either way. It'd just be doing it a favor, right?"

Ekko looked up at the ceiling. "I'd think so, but it's your decision." Powder sighs, placing both her hands on her face. "I just wish this could work." Ekko looks over. "Me to Pow, but no matter how many times we're beaten down we have to get back up." Powder sits up looking down at Ekko, "I'm going to do it. I can't let her suffer." Ekko raises an eyebrow, "Her? How do you know?" Powder looks down at her stomach, "Doctors threw all the Shimmer mutations could tell the gender, how I have no idea."

"Huh, well like you said the Shimmer mutation. It wouldn't live past an hour outside of you." Powder stands up walking towards the door turning around. "Well, I'm gonna go do it." She said in a dreary and sad manner looking down at the floor. "Good luck, stay strong." Ekko said, sitting up on the bed. "I'll see you after?" Powder looked up nodding as she left the door. Leaving Ekko alone sitting on his bed staring at the door.

As Powder walks down the walkway connecting the room to the tree's walkway she turns looking at the building before turning to continue walking. Ekko sat there saddened watching his love walk away out the door. Now surprisingly the two have never actually come out saying they were dating though it was obvious they were.

Ekko would have nightmares, the ones of his friends that had all been murdered. Murdered by his lover, parts of it made him sick but the other side accepted Powder for who she is, a tortured and manipulated little girl who just tried to help. Even if the help was on the wrong side. Despite everything the two have been through together he still saw Jinx every time she laughed, it got so bad at times where if Powder laughed anywhere near Ekko he couldn't stand in the same room as his without balling his eyes out.

Though he tried to see past the devil that was Jinx, Powder was not that girl that he was friends with all those years ago. She was a shadow that Ekko still clung onto, a shadow of a once good friend who had been traumatized and ridiculed beyond return. As Ekko got up from his bed walking over to his desk he lifted up a book and pulled the picture from underneath. The picture contained Powder one she was just around 12, the day before everything went wrong. Though the picture was old and faded Ekko still clung onto it ever since she disappeared from him.

Ekko sighed sitting down in his chair, setting the picture down looking over his desk. As he looked over his desk he found a piece of paper folded up neatly. As he reached over grabbing the note he slowly opened it up revealing it was a letter to him from Powder.

Dear Little man

I'm sorry. With what happened the other day I can't stay here anymore, I've become a threat to all the people here including you and I can't just sit here while Silco could attack or even kill any of you. I've only becomes a burden, this is goodbye


As Ekko looked up from the letter his face filled with fear. "Powder." He said to himself looking over the letter, as he rose from his seat looking at the door. As he walked to open the door he stopped mid way gripping the door handle. As he looked down at his hand he let go, his hand fell to his side as he turned walking to his bed sitting down.

A week has passed since Jayce had fought Warwick; since then a team has cleaned up Warwicks remains, storing them in Piltover. Jayce prepares to show his new Gemstone to Viktor, Viktor sits in the workshop working on the Hex Core. "Viktor." Jayce says entering the workshop walking over to Viktor. Viktor takes off his eyewear, turning around in his chair.

"What is it?" Viktor looks up at Jayce. "So, I've done some experimenting." He says while placing the new Gemstone onto the Anvil. "I present to you, a new form of Hextech. Now I haven't come up with an official name but it's Hextech but the runes activate other abilities." Viktor rolls his chair next to the anvil looking at the Crystal. "So this is Hextech but Yellow?" Jayce shrugs.

"Well yes, but it activates differently." Viktor reaches over, picking up the crystal with his index finger and thumb raising it up to his eye. "How did you make this?" Jayce pulls over a chair sitting next to Viktor. "Well, that wolf that I killed in the undercity, it had this green liquid pour out of it like blood so I added some to a Gemstone." Viktor looks over at Jayce. "So this crystal has like a mutation from this liquid?" Jayce nods.

Viktor looks back over, "The council won't approve of this. Well not yet, it needs to be proven that it is safe and useful." Jayce places a case of five of the Gemstones. "Then that's what we're going to do." Viktor stands up grabbing his cane, "Well then, let's get to work.

The Lanes, the undercity to the undercity. Separated by a large drop this part of Piltover is under the ground only accessible by Elevators. In the center of these streets lys the Last Drop, formally owned by Vander now under Topside patrol after the incident with Warwick. The entire bar has been destroyed along with tables and most of the upper stories. Only the basement survived though not without its scratches.

Vi and her company of Enforcers watch the area almost 24/7. Despite her actions of keeping anyone and everything out a curtain blue hair girl managed to slip through the cracks. Sitting on her old dusty bed she wipes it off, lighting a lantern. As she sits on her bed flooded by old memories of when she was little. As she hears people above her all Enforcers. Her sisters faint voice can be heard as Powder sits slumped over rubbing her stomach.

"I'm so sorry." She whispers to herself while looking at her stomach which was no longer pushed out. Tears began building up in her eyes as she tried holding them back. Just then she heard her sister's voice more clearly. As an Enforcer looked down seeing a small light through the cracks where the bar would be he alerted the captain. As Vi walked back over with the Enforcer she looked down seeing a faint light coming from the basement. "Stay here." She said to her lieutenant as she slowly walked into the stair's hallway.

As Vi walked down the stairs she stepped on a step sending a loud creak throughout the basement. As Powder heard this she immediately blew out the light and jumped up to her old hiding place when she and Vi were hiding from Enforcers. As Vi walked down into the room flashlight in hand, she looked around. As she walked around her old room she looked over at Powder's bed. Noticing there was no dust like everything.

"Powder, come out. I know you're here." Just as she said that she looked up towards their old hiding spot seeing the top half of Powder's face before it vanished. Vi's face turned to worry as she climbed up the same as Powder, lifting the flashlight to see Powder in a corner curled up into a ball hiding her face. Turning off the flashlight she moved herself over to Powder. Vi sat right next to her, "What's wrong Pow-Pow?" She said, rubbing her hand on Powder's head.

Powder's head rose from her knees. As she did this Vi's hand moved to her cheek pushing her hair behind her ear. "I-I'm a danger to them." Powder managed to say through her tears. "You aren't a danger Powder." Vi said a sad look showed on her face. "I only ruin things, and Silco. He knows where the Firelights are." Vi's eyebrows raised. "Silco knows?" Powder started looking around trying to find an escape route to no use. "He might kill them if I'm there, you saw what he did with that wolf thing." Vi reaches over hugging Powder. "No one will get you or Ekko, I promise." Powder placed her head on Vi's shoulder uncurling out of a ball hugging Vi back. "I didn't know where to go." Powder said letting go of Vi. "You can stay here as long as you want." Vi said, pulling back from Powder.

"I just left him, I didn't even say goodbye." Vi placed her hand on Powder's shoulder. "I'll clear things up with Ekko, you just get some rest." Powder nodded as Vi backed up hopping down from the hiding spot walking up the stairs. Once she reached the Lieutenant. "Listen, don't go down there. No one does." The Enforcer nodded as Vi left the Last Drop.

Ekko sat on his bed wiping away tears, it was clear he had been crying for a good while. Vi slowly opens the door. "Oh Ekko." She walks over sitting next to him.. "She left." Ekko said as Vi reached over wrapping her arms around him. "She-, I don't understand." Ekko said, wrapping his arms around Vi wiping his tears away on his shoulder. As he pulls back from Vi she places her hand on his shoulder.

"She's doing this to protect you." Ekko looks over with a face full of anger. "We can protect ourselves, we can protect her." Ekko swats Vi's hand off his shoulder. "She abandoned us." As Vi tried to speak up Ekko looked away. "Just leave." Vi looked at him with a confused look before standing up. Walking to the door as she opened it. "I hope you know, she was protecting you. If Silco sent more beasts like that your way you'd all be dead." Before slamming the door shut.

Ekko looked up regretting what he had just said. Ekko stood up running to the door, opening it. "Wait," He said looking at Vi as she walked back to the tree. "You talked to her?" Vi turned around looking at Ekko, "Yeah, she was in the Last Drop crying. We were patrolling when I found her. But why do you care?" Ekko stood in the doorway. "What did she say?"

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